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Invite organistations to the Dam Sleeping Action Dam Sleeping Action Collectieve - 23.09.2010 00:37
Below You can read letter, invitation to all different organisations to participate in the Dam Sleeping Action this Saturday. So use it well and send it(translate or do Your own version) to all of them...  We would like to invite your organisation to The Dam Sleeping Action that will take place on the 25th September. As we know many organisations have their roots in the squatting movement/are supported by the squatting movement. Our movement is in a critical situation and we ask for solidarity. With the help of your organisation we hope to show to society that squatting is not just about the struggle for affordable houses but is about something much more. The very essence of the squatting movement is a struggle for tolerance, freedom, equality, peace, human and animal rights, environment. The Dam Sleeping Action is really an awakening. It is not only a squatters manifestation, but also anti-racist, anti-capitalists, human rights, against repression and wars, ecologic, animal rights, supporting oppressed nations, refugees and political prisoners.Diversity is the power of a society, a power of our movement. Solidarity is our strength ! Please bring lot's of information about your organisation so that information can be spread wide and far. The Dam Sleeping Action starts at 19:00hr on Dam Square Amsterdam on the 25th September 2010. E-Mail: damsleepingaction@gmail.com Website: http://indymedia.nl |
aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | Another version | mgriks(at)gmail.com - 23.09.2010 01:50
So many of us, squatters are supporting so many organisations, actions, demonstrations etc. So many organisations, NGO's, activities begone in squatted places So many are still there. So many cultural centres, social houses thankfully squatting movement was toked away from "free" market. So many festivals, events, traditions etc. have their roots, their moments in squatting movement. So many i would like to see showing/ presenting themselves (on the stands, performances, shows, movies etc. ) and their connections and solidarity with the our movement in those critical situation. This is great opportunity for You to show to wider audience what are You busy with and to find volunteers along the squatters. Together We are stronger. Together we are power ! We hope with You to show to the whole society that squatting its not only struggle for affordable houses for all of us, but something more. Much more. That's fight for tolerance, freedom, equality, peace, human and animal rights, for clean environment and future of our children... etc. That's struggle for better world for all of us and not only for elites. So lets make together in this Saturday not only squatters manifestation, but also anti racist, Anti capitalists, for human rights, against repressions and wars, ecologic, animal rights, supporting oppressed nations, refugees and political prisoners all what squatters were ever \(and still would like to be) busy with. Diversity is power of the society like power of our movement. Lets stop making outcasts/criminals from the minorities ! Solidarity is our strength ! Manifestation at the Dam square in Amsterdam would start at 19.00 and will last till morning. This manifestation would be beginning of actions days for squatting which will follow. More info at www.indymedia.nl E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com | late | nn - 23.09.2010 01:55
a bit too late don't you think | Nog een andere flyer | NN - 23.09.2010 05:34
 nog een andere flyer van het damslapen | @mgriks | mx - 23.09.2010 13:19
@ mgriks Echt je moet eens wakker worden en om je heen kijken. We leven in 2010 en niet in 1980 zoveel mensen zijn er niet meer en dit constant overschatten van het aantal mensen in de beweging is gewoon droevig en zegt mij dat je meer naar je navel staart dan goed voor je is. begrijp me niet verkeert ik ben voor een breed gedragen beweging met grote aantallen mensen om ons ideaal veder te brengen. Maar dat begint met realisme en teruggaan waar het nu eigelijk over ging in de kraakbeweging. En dat is betaalbare en fatsoenlijke woonruimte voor iedereen en niet het behoud van de culturele en sociale samenhang van de kraakbeweging en "bedrijfsruimtes" voor een subcultuur. Dit is ook pressies wat de ondergang is geworden van de kraakbeweging en waarom de steun van het "gewone volk" is verdwenen. Ik ben voor een anderen maatschappij maar dan wel met de mensen in deze maatschappij en niet tegen of apart van de mensen in deze maatschappij. Misschien is het tijd eens wat meer aandacht te schenken aan de mensen in deze maatschappij ipv alleen te vechten voor het behoud van je subcultuurtje dat dualistisch genoeg gebaseerd is op het vechten voor sociale gerechtigheid voor mens dier en milieu. Want uiteindelijk is het vechten voor deze mensen de enigste reden dat je deze subcultuur werkelijk kunt verantwoorden en je werkelijk wat veder kunt komen met onze gedeelde idealen. Een goede eerste vraag om te stellen is volgens mij hoeveel dakloze en dakloze jongeren er komen slapen op de dam hoeveel woningzoekende niet krakende mensen er komen. hoeveel hulpverleners die elke dag te maken hebben met het tekort aan woningen komen er? Hoeveel mensen komen er die in slechte woningen wonen of die uitgebuit worden door hun huurbaas? Om het nogmaals te herhalen het einde van de kraakbeweging in zicht is zou de laatste strijd moeten gaan over het falende woning beleid in Nederland ipv het gedogen door de Nederlandse staat van een toch al rotte subcultuur die upperground underground wil zijn ...........
| @nn & @mx | krakengaatdoor - 23.09.2010 16:53
@nn and everyone, its always better late than never, and even if for the sleeping action its a bit/way too late to let organizations know, there's some more time for the 1st october and beyond. you can call up and inform on other organizations to let them know about the situation and to help in what they can, they can still make it to the demo, otherwise if they so desire, they can also spread the message and generally help for stopping current madness since together we are stronger... alone we're hopeless against the system's juggernaut. who will you call up when they come kicking on your door? @mx you are right, we're no longer in the 80's, and that's why now we face prosecution for fighting for some rights and for our life in a way that has many beneficial effects for everybody... even if they don't want to acknowledge, while most people is happy to get a cheap housing by paying the other part with their rights. That's why we stay in shock as we lose social rights every day, but that's not reason to wake up since its never too late even if they will imprint that thought in our minds in a million ways. its now 2010, and what where before grey areas are becoming black... the distopias of the past are now our present (check out or re-read 1984, momo, brave new world). the nihilistic approach to the present doesn't lead anywhere, and you're obviously welcome to develop your ideas and let them know in a more constructive way. the problem we face as squatters is that squatting is not a movement in itself, or even a subculture, squatting is a cross of roads, with people with different motivations and ideologies, and squatting is a tool to get us together. without this cross of roads we will be a little bit more isolated in a time where solidarity and hope is the only thing left in the face of the capitalist terror. and finally, dont put it on mgrix or any single individuals... is just another human trying to do as much as possible, trying to get others like you and me to also move around. nothing was ever lost because of great and motivated people... and is also explicitly asking for more views on the subject. anyways... thanks for the feedback and see you in the streets | |
aanvullingen | |