[Am*dam] Demonstration against the kraakverbod 1st Oct A.C.A.B. - 25.09.2010 02:53
On the 1st of October there will be a demonstration against the kraakverbod. This is an opportunity for us all to stand together, united.  Even though the lawmakers and the police try everything in their power to repress us, we will always fight back. When something like a law goes against everything we believe in we will say NO, loud and clear. It is also important to remember that our fight for squatting is not just a fight for our own houses and our autonomous spaces. When fighting for squatting we also fight for affordable housing for everyone, against the breakdown of social housing and against gentrification of cities. We don't need any more shopping centers, banks and hotels. The cities and the streets should belong to the people! Houses should be lived in, not speculated with! Squatting being legal was never the reason we squatted. We did not take houses cause it was allowed by law, because it was something the people in power kindly let us do. And that is why a ban on squatting will not stop us. So come to Amsterdam, to the Spui on the 1st of October. Let's show everyone that law or no law, squatting will go on! |