RUDE AWAKENING IN AMSTERDAM-THE DAM SLEEPING ACTION Dam Sleeping Action Collectieve - 25.09.2010 06:59
Awakening at the Dam;)  RUDE AWAKENING IN AMSTERDAM - THE DAM SLEEPING ACTION - 25TH SEPTEMBER 2010 RUDE AWAKENING IN AMSTERDAM THE DAM SLEEPING ACTION 25TH SEPTEMBER 2010 Everyone knows that this action is not about "sleeping". 'Catching forty winks' is a collective deed to demonstrate our noncompliance with the rules. To do something that will soon become forbidden. To break the Law and initiate a rude awakening of our movement, hence the rest of society. Awakening to the fact that the right wing capitalist government has already begun a crusade to try to break anything that is in their opposition. The forbidden fruit will provoke our movement, there will be increased resistance, increased Activity as a result of the new situation. This Rude Awakening is not limited to the days of Action but will linger for months and years ahead.The arousel of a sleeping society is the essence and a standpoint of the squatting movement. The government does not want a conscious society having a preference for an ignorant, impassive and unmindful society. Squatting shelters from homelessness. The squatting movement is just one efficient way to expose the iniquity and inequity of speculation. We will continue to fight for affordable houses not just for us but for everyone. We will give shelter to all activities that are non-commercial/ free/and critical in character. An absolute total ban on squatting affects us all. The seeds planted now have roots that are embedded in the movement. These roots are squatters, ex squatters, sympathizers, people that are using or have used squats in the past and were inspired by them, collectives, individuals, squatting info hour, squatters bars, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, concert places, LGBT movement, artist's, musicians, dancers, performers, film makers, photographers, painters, concert and festival organizers, voluntary organisations, give away shops, radicals, anti racists, freedom fighters, human and animal rights defenders, all the people that are struggling for affordable houses. WE STAND AS ONE UNITED FORCE IN SOLIDARITY!! |