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[Barcelona] Bank of Spain squatted in plaça Catalunya nn - 26.09.2010 23:21
Yesterday at 20 h the old building of the Spanish Credit Bank was liberated as a way of spreading the call for the 29th of September general strike.  Yesterday at 20 h the old building of the Spanish Credit Bank was liberated as a way of spreading the call for the 29th of September general strike. The 150 m2 banner in the facade of the building makes it very clear "banks choke us, employers exploit us, politicians lie to us, the main unions sell us out: go fuck off!". Another one says "This is an invitation to fight together, Social and Wild Strike!" The idea is to create a meeting space for all the people who feel alone in front of a systemic crisis that is attacking all the levels of our life: mortgaged by housing speculation, evicted, helpless, silenced and isolated. This is a symbolic squatting action that wants to make people think and activate all those ones who don't wanna keep being accomplices of the political, corporative and syndicalist authorities. From the politics of the agreement and social peace we gotta move to the politics of struggle and social conflict. We can't remain quiet in front of a State that stomps over our rights. Social cuts, the new labor reform and the submission of popular classes can be stopped: if we stop Barcelona the 29th of September and stand our ground facing the imposition of a legislation that takes us even more away from a happy and equal life, we can recover trust in ourselfs and create solidarity and cooperation networks. Every day there's activities, concerts, meetings and information about the general strike organisation and neighborhood comittees. pics:
http://www.naciodigital.cat/galeria/602/pagina1/ocupacio/antic/banesto/barcelona/promoure/vaga links:
http://nosaltresoells.org Website: http://movimentdel25.org |
Lees meer over: europa wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | statement | floris - 27.09.2010 00:23
De volgende tekst is de engelse vertaling van het statement van de activisten ( http://movimentdel25.org) *A bank office to the service of the strike* We love the idea of a general strike. It seems an excellent opportunity to exhibit the unrest that we have been accumulating over the last years. In this context, our strike is a call for an action, a collective strategy to generate new forms of struggles and possible ways to reclaim our lives. This is the reason we decided to occupy this place, the Banco Español de Crédito, a space which has been abandoned for more than five years and which is supposed to become one of the many luxurious hotels which neither me, nor you can enjoy. Today, in the Spanish state, the workers who do not have the right to strike for not having a job, are between 4 and 5 millions. Millions have a position which is so precarious in the labour market that if we strike we are systematically fired. We are millions who work without a contract or with a temporary contract, who legally do not exist and cannot even dream of striking. All of us love the idea of a "general strike-fun". We have to create a new movement which proposes new forms of strike: which paralyses the economy of the powerful, and which provides forms of mutual aid for those who suffer. Which takes care of the ones who have been left out of the popular labour unions, and which give us strength when we struggle with our daily labour and social problems. We squat this space in order to come together and plan the new paths, beyond what we already know and what does not satisfy us. Together we can do it all! Hier nog een link naar een filmpje van de actie:
http://blip.tv/file/4166889 En voor wie wil nog een facebook en twitter pagina:
| meer uitleg | moviment 25 S - 27.09.2010 10:59
Nog een tekstje naar aanleiding van de actie op indymedia Barcelona: The idea is to create a convergence of all those who feel alone in the system crisis which spreads in all life spheres: the mortgage and property speculation; the homeless and evicted, the isolated and silenced; the labour reform which makes it harder to maintain the rights achieved by our grandparents; the women exploited by the patriarchal capitalist logic; the immigrants who have to obey the immigration law; the transsexuals who are deprived of the right to defend their own bodies; the workers sold by the unions, and many others. We are alone and helpless in this Absent State which only turns us into fodder for the cannons of employers and banks. The squatting action is a symbolic act which aims at making us reflect and activating all those who do not want to remain accomplices to public policy officials, business and unions. From the policy of social peace we move to the political struggle and social conflict. We can not stay silent in front of a State that systematically overruns our rights. The cuts in social spending, the labour reform and the suppression of the people can be reversed: if we block Barcelona on the 29th of September and we renounce the legislation which deprives us of happy and socially just life, we can reclaim our confidence and create networks for solidarity and mutual support. Here the continuation of the fight is key ... This night we presented the Assembly of Barcelona and the different neighbourhood committees. Off to the general strike of 29 and beyond!
| en weer ontruimd | Floris - 30.09.2010 14:33
Helaas is de bank ook weer ontruimd. Op 29 September was er een algemene staking in Barcelona (en in de rest van Spanje en andere Europese steden als Brussel en Athene). Het was flink onrustig in de stad. De politie had de gelegenheid aangegrepen om de gekraakte bank ook weer te ontruimen. Probeer maar verder te lezen in het catelaans: http://movimentdel25.org Op indymedia Barcelona is ook nog wel wat in het spaans te vinden: http://barcelona.indymedia.org | eviction of the bank and big riots in bcn | bcn rosa de foc - 30.09.2010 15:26
here you can see a police car burning... nice answer to the police brutaliti against the workers suporting the general strike
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT-VZKnsZN4 | |
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