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e.d.l(english defence league)info night freeman John - 30.09.2010 03:08
this is a night of information on the e.d.l who are coming to Holland on the 30th october to show support for geert wilders.they are english soccer hooligans who have turned to racism for their violence. The e.d.l(english defence league) are coming across to amsterdam on the 30th of october,in support os geert wilders.they are football hooligans who are now using racism to get their fix of violence,and this will be a night to find out who they are and what type of behaviour we can expect from them while they are here.i would also like to get ideas on how we can show our non acceptance of their behaviour.i will do a small talk then a documentry and hopefully if there is time a question and answer session and hopefully some suggestion on counter demos or actions.the night will be on the 5th october at 20.00 at the blivertje. love and peace freeman John E-Mail: baobab200380@yahoo.com |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | |