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Morgen: Open Vergadering GiO Enragé - 07.10.2010 17:17
Morgen, 8 oktober, zal er weer een open vergadering zijn van Griekenland Is Overal. Tomorrow, okotber 8, there will be another open assembly of Greece Is Everywhere De vergadering zal om 19.00u beginnen op wittevrouwensingel 76, in sociaal centrum 'Toekomstvisie' in Utrecht. The meeting will start at 19.00h at wittenvrouwensingel 76, in social centre 'Toekomstvisie' in Utrecht. Iedereen is welkom/All are welcome! |
aanvullingen | Griekenland is Overal must decide | nn - 08.10.2010 14:01
Rekening Retour in his last meeting discussed on the call of GIO for a radical demonstratie on the 23rd of oktober. Almost all participants of the meeting (including Doorbraak) found the initiative of GIO a bad idea that can provoke reactions from the police and also may give the wrong impression to people, as a participating organization distances itself from the manifestation of Rekening Retour. According to the decision of Rekening Retour, GIO is called to cancel it's call for a radical demonstration. If GIO refuses to cances the demonstration, then, according to the Rekening Retour decision, GIO has no place in the coordination group of Rekening Retour. Rekening Retour expects the decision of GIO after the GIO meeting on the 8/12. | |
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