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Greece: Murderer of Alexandros found guilty acab - 11.10.2010 12:41
BBC: Officer guilty of boy's murder that sparked Greek riots. Witnesses said Alexandros Grigoropoulos was shot deliberately.  Undated photo of Alex  Cops, pigs, murderers! "A police officer in Greece has been found guilty of murdering a schoolboy during protests in 2008, in a case that sparked weeks of rioting. A court in the town of Amfissa convicted Epaminondas Korkoneas, 38, of the culpable homicide of 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos. He was shot dead during anti-government protests on 6 December 2008 in the Athens neighbourhood of Exarchia. Korkoneas is expected to be sentenced later on Monday. Korkoneas's patrol partner, Vassilios Saraliotis, 32, was convicted of complicity. The BBC's Malcolm Brabant in Athens says this was the verdict expected by Alexandros Grigoropoulos's family, who had dubbed Korkoneas the Rambo of Exarchia. The verdict from a panel of judges and jurors was 4-3 in favour of convicting Korkoneas of intentionally shooting Alexandros. Two judges and one juror had backed a lesser verdict of manslaughter with possible intent. Saraliotis and Korkoneas denied the charges. Korkoneas now faces a possible life sentence. His lawyers had argued the shooting was accidental but witnesses said Korkoneas had taken aim and fired. The trial was moved from Athens to Amfissa - a small town 200km (120 miles) west of the capital - to deter attacks by anarchist groups that had vowed to kill the two defendants. Exarchia is a rebellious district, popular with self-styled anarchists. Our correspondent, Malcolm Brabant, says the chairman of the residents' association there told him he welcomed the verdict but that the district still had concerns, saying that Korkoneas's special unit still exists, has no proper training and that violence related to it continues." Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11513309 |
aanvullingen | good news but... | NN - 11.10.2010 13:00
Since when was Alexandros Grigoropoulos shot dead during an anti-government protest? Is the BBC rewriting history, like the dutch media is doing it when necessary? Posting BBC crap on Indymedia is of little interest. | nu.nl ook fabeltjeskrant | globalinfo - 11.10.2010 14:08
De misser van de BBC is nog klein vergeleken bij de berichtgeving op nu.nl: "Enkele tientallen jongeren gooiden op 6 december 2008 stenen en andere voorwerpen naar een politieauto." schrijven ze terwijl alle ooggetuigen (behalve de betrokken politie-agenten) juist verklaard hebben dat de jochies alleen rondhingen en niets gooiden. Er is uiteindelijk een leeg plastic flisdrankflesje naar de politie-auto gegooid, toen deze provocerend langsreed, dat was het. | BBC | NN - 11.10.2010 15:27
T lijkt erop dat de BBC de onzin over het doodschieten van de jongen tijdens anti-regerings protesten heeft weggehaald. Blijkbaar moeten ze daar pas achter komen na het plaatsen van dat artikel... | gerectificeerd | ja - 11.10.2010 16:57
dat heet rectificeren, goeie media doen dat als ze op fouten gewezen worden (anp/nu kennelijk niet) verder best een goed artikel (van de BBC) | En de rest van de flikken treft geen schuld? | Enno - 11.10.2010 21:06
Lijkt me dat de strijd in Griekenland niet is gestredent totdat alle pigs achter tralies zitten. Want zijn zij soms niet medeschuldig?\
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