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Call Out2squatters,activists,workers,everyone4demo23.10.10 xxx - 21.10.2010 16:12
Call Out to squatters, activists, workers, everyone for demonstration "Rekening Retour" 23.10.10 Den Haag  poster for the demo There are many squatters involved with the 'Students Block" or "Greece Is Everywhere Block" as well as others. Squatters are supporting the social struggle. It is time to mobilize more people to join the struggle. Creating a 'Squatters Block' at the demo giving us the possibility to show that we are also busy supporting many other struggles in society. Let's Focus on what unites us rather than what divides us. As a squatters movement, one could say that we are on the front line of the Anti- Capitalism struggle and as a result of this it may be wise to give examples of unity towards a victory. We are living in times of an economic and ecologic crisis and yes you have heard this before. The mass in the Netherlands are blinded by right wing capitalist propaganda. First refugees and migrants without papers, now squatters. Which minority will be next ? (You alone ? Or We together ?) Let us show that we are with them and we are fighting not just for a roof above our heads but for a better life for all, in any possible way. That's why we should also join the demo "Rekening Retour" on the 23rd of October. ... We will gather at 12.30h opposite the central station in The Hague for the march towards the manifestation. The manifestation of Rekening Retour starts at 13.00. Website: http://indymedia.nl |
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