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Posters en flyers | KSU Den Haag - 22.10.2010 10:27
Als mensen willen helpen met posters en flyers verspreiden stuur dan even een mailtje naar onder staande email adres. Vermeld hier in hoe vel posters en flyers je wilt en natuurlijk je adres. Kraken gaat door! E-Mail: kraakgroephaaglanden (at) riseup.net Website: http://ksudenhaag.wordpress.com | Engelstalige oproep | nn - 27.10.2010 19:10
On November the 7th 2010 a demonstration against the law on squatting will be held in The Hague. This law, enacted on the first of October 2010, effectively makes all the squatters in the Netherlands a criminal. Millions of square meters of empty- and run-down buildings caused by speculation, solely in the name of profit. Massive cuts in social housing without anything to show for. There is a rising number of homeless people and homeless youth. Government- and local policies are degrading living conditions for all of us . Squatting is a fought-for right to counter unjust housing policies and unnecessary vacancies. It is the squatting of these unnecessary empty buildings that gave us the opportunity to create many innovative projects and initiatives like give-away shops, food banks, rehearsal spaces, projects for refugee aid, and a platform for culture and art. We have never squatted because they allowed us but always out of necessity! We are all entitled to a home and social- and cultural centers, not just those with substantial funding! Join the demonstration and raise your voice against the squatting ban and the housing shortage. Necessity over laws! Squatting will stay! | kraken gaat wel door! | een - 29.10.2010 21:50
hoi allemaal, ik ga straaks jullie text [en poster] naar het grieks vertallen en juist doorspreiden naar veel gekraakte panden/fabrieken/faculteiten enz overal in 't land, ook via internet dmv blogs/email.. kraken gaat wel door.D | |
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