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Hotel Atlantis in Zureich gekraakt atlantis - 22.10.2010 20:03
Vandaag werd het al sinds 8 jaar leegstaande hotel Atlantis aan de rand van Zwisterlands economische hoofdstad Zureich bezet. De stad groeit, maar betaalbare woningen en vrije ruimte voor experimenten verdwijnen.   Today the Hotel Atlantis on the outskirts of the Swiss economic capital Zureich (too rich) has been squatted. The city is growing but affordable housing and autonomous spaces for experimenting souls are disappearing. Space is needed to live and unfold all the possibilities of human beings . The action went smooth and the cops didn’t even bothered to show up. As long as the owner doesn’t file a complaint they will not take action. The Company which owns the place is a multinational operating hotel exploitant: Rosebud heritage SA which owns also at least one hotel in Bruxelles. Hotel Atlantis has been empty for 8 years and will give home to various groups which are fighting the overpriced, through and through commercialized and ever increasing repression in one of the richest cities in the world. If you have any experience or information over the Rosebud heritage SA, please shared it with us, so we can make complete picture of their activities. We suspect them for quite some nasty things. In the Hotel Atlantis free space come into existence for various events as exhibitions and presentations. This new place offers possibilities for visionaries and productions in theater, film, dance, literature, discussions and new media. We create open workspaces and laboratories to invent an create. In workshops we would like to share and pass on knowledge and experiences. Visitors are invited and will find companionship, nature, sports, lots of fun for kids and even wellness as the place offers all of this. For now please visit:
http://hotelatlantis.wordpress.com Website: http://hotelatlantis.wordpress.com |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | correction | nn - 23.10.2010 03:54
good squat job. but small correction. Articles linked at from the posted blog mention a recent use as housing for asyl-seeking/awaiting people from january 2009 till august 2010. | |
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