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NO TO WAR, NO TO NATO, Lissabon 17-21 November Platform against war and NATO Portugal, PAGAN - 28.10.2010 09:19
19 and 20 November 2010 NATO will hold a summit in Lissabon, Portugal, to agree on their New Strategic Concept, which includes the possibility of invading any country in the world that does not comply to western political standards as well as the possibility of using the military to stop social unrest anywhere in the world (namely, within the NATO countries). This is a real threat to freedom loving people all over the world and a big step forward in what we might call the militarization of society. Come to Portugal during the week of actions against NATO or organise your own solidarity and anti NATO actions in the Netherlands!  No to war no to nato  NATO = murder The absence of openness and transparency in the new NATO strategy document is a big threat for all of us not in power. We need to open our own and others people's eyes on NATO's past and future actions and the content of the New Strategic Concept as it will include the continuation of the war in Afghanistan, interventions against other countries, expansion into the East and the North, and the continuing implementation of nuclear weapons. The use and modernization of nuclear weapons will continue to be a central part of the new strategy. We will protest against these war-mongering policies and call for the abolition of NATO. We will demand a ceasefire in Afghanistan and the urgent withdrawal of all foreign military forces from that beleaguered nation. Come to Lisbon in november to join us and set up your own decentralised actions to spread general awareness about NATO's devastating role in the world and disrupt the summit in Lisbon! There are people working on setting up a selforganized activist camp, with place to sleep and vegan kitchen. If you're willing to help and stay there, please contact us! Any further information on camp:
lisbonactioncamp@riseup.net General info about actions, counter-summit, info- and convergence center: http://antinatoportugal.wordpress.com/international http://www.no-to-nato.org Video-Livestream Anti-NATO Summit 2010 in Portugal (broadcasts of the counter conference and actions will start on 19. November 2010 at 11:00 am):
http://www.no-to-nato.org/en/video-livestream-anti-nato-summit-2010-in-portugal/ GET ORGANISED, COME TO LISBON AND KICK NATO E-Mail: antinatoportugal@gmail.com Website: http://www.no-to-nato.org |
Lees meer over: antimilitarisme europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |