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The guns carried by the riotpigs | Rootless Cosmopolitan - 04.11.2010 02:39
I think it's a worrisome development that riot cops are now carrying submachine-guns (the ME-meneer in the picture can be seen carrying the Heckler & Koch MP5 with shoulder stock, well known for their use by anti-terrorist forces across the world) alongside or god forbid, instead of pistol they carry most of the time. It would be a nightmare scenario of jumpy, stressed riot police opening fire on people they only slightly suspect to be holding a firearm! (like a bullhorn or drill used for barricades, I've heard about the case where the Amsterdam pigs called in snipers because a squatter was using a drill to attach a flag or barricade on the roof of his house) In my native Britain, it would be unheard of to have riot police carry any other firearm apart from the pistol, which they aren't always issued anyway. Mind you, I left Britain for Amsterdam before the renewed BNP and later EDL street presence... The police (biting off more than they can chew with the next ontruimingsronde) and intelligence services in the Netherlands seem to be cracking down on squatters and organisations like AFA (like in the libelously inaccurate AIVD report). This all thanks to the VVD and PVV political cheerleading squad and their PvdA-henchman Van der Laan. Darker days lie ahead... | not an sub-machine gun | nn - 04.11.2010 12:01
riot police are not allowed to carry sub-machine guns, only the militairy police and the SWAT team of the cops can. its propably an new style 40 mm teargas launcher. like this one
http://world.guns.ru/grenade/hk69-1.jpg | |
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