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United Against Racism, Video of Demo against EDL nn - 03.11.2010 17:45
http://uaf.org.uk/2010/10/video-martin-smith-at-amsterdam-demo-against-edl/ Sunday 31 October 2010 Video: Martin Smith at Amsterdam demo against EDL A delegation of UAF activists went to Amsterdam to join a 2,000-strong antiracist demonstration in the city yesterday. The antiracist demo was called by Platform Tegen Vreemdelingenhaat (Coalition Against Xenophobia) to oppose moves by the English Defence League to launch a Europe-wide group of “defence leagues”. The EDL is an organisation of racist thugs with links to the British National Party and other fascist groups. But its Euro Defence League launch was a miserable failure, with a few dozen participants. UAF national officer Martin Smith addressed the far larger antiracist rally. He warned that racist and fascist groups across Europe are growing and urged antifascists and antiracists to join together against this threat. |
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