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Waarheid over Monsanto. Video from action Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 04.11.2010 08:05
link to video, press release and info  Spirit Of Squatters Collective here You can watch the video
http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2010/11/waarheid-over-monsanto-video-from.html More parts would come... Public Inspection of a Monsanto Facility Press Release (en) Public Inspection to Reveal Monsanto's Hidden Agenda. On November 2nd 2010 the action group ' Exterminate Monsanto' will be organising a 'public inspection to reveal Monsanto's hidden agenda': Concerned citizens will check the premises for clues about the intense cooperation between policy makers and the agro-industry. Today's focus will be on the lobby efforts of mega-corporation Monsanto at their location in Enkhuizen, Holland. The action group will look for evidence of Monsanto's plans to get an even tighter grip on farmers and to increase their power over the global market. The public inspection coincides with the official international summit on agriculture, food security and climate change in The Hague. This conference "It's Down 2 Earth" was organised by former State Secretary for Agriculture Verburg in preparation of the global climate summit COP 16 in Cancun, Mexico in December. The action group warns for the lobby by powerful companies that push technological fake solutions to climate change. 'Exterminate Monsanto' expects very little attention for a sustainable and social future for agriculture from the Dutch government. The recent abolition of the ministry of Agriculture led the food activists to conclude that only the economic aspects of agriculture seem to matter to the new government. The people that inspect the premises are concerned about the increasing privatisation and monopolisation of the food chain by companies like Monsanto, which will further diminish food sovereignty and aggravate climate change. "A few large corporations control the worlds land, seeds and water, driving millions of people from the land, causing food insecurity and forced migration." says Anna William, participating in the inspection. Monsanto is a massive biotech company that grew big from selling pesticides. It now also controls 23 per cent of the world's seed market. The conference in The Hague offers companies like Monsanto the opportunity to convince politicians that monoculture plantations with genetically manipulated crops like soy, mais and trees help combat climate change. If they succeed in this, it would enable them to make large profits in trading carbon emission rights. "We don't believe the lie!" says Anna William. "Feeding 9 billion people in 2050 does not require industrial-scale agriculture which exhausts the soil, but smallholder farming which restores and sustains fertile soil." Local small scale farming is the key to food sovereignty, it improves the earth's carbon balance and provides food and employment to 2,8 billion people on the planet. It is the only sustainable solution to hunger and the food crisis. In the highly industrialised Netherlands one in three family farms faces closure, as the Dutch population increasingly depends on energy-intensive import food. The world famous Dutch horticultural seeds sector has been taken over by large agrochemical multinationals like Monsanto. But the global market does not offer food security. On the contrary.With their action on the 2nd of November the group Exterminate Monsanto exposes the lobby lies of the agro-industry. Everyone committed to social and climate justice is invited to take part in the inspection and help bring the hidden agenda of Monsanto out in the open. Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action (like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!! Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us ! ... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!! http://www.youtube.com/user/spiritofsquatters Spirit Of Squatters Collective is always trying to report and support good things what are happening around us. We trying at least one time a week show You some news. Our goal is to do it daily but 1st we can not be everywhere and 2nd We don't have enough time mainly to edit ( there are many projects waiting for their time...) That's why we waiting for You to help us support good things with our video channel and with creating independent media. and that's few words from our pages: With our activities we want to make this world a better place.Reclaim the media with us.Feel free to use our videos.Now all up to you !!!Real life is beginning when you turn off the tv, computer. See you on the streets in actions !!! WATCH! READ! THINK! REALIZE! TALK! COMMUNICATE! LISTEN! DEFEND! DESTROY! CREATE! CHANGE! GET INSPIRED! RECLAIM MEDIA WITH US! JOIN US! FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS! LOVE !!! SQUAT! E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
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