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Truth about Monsanto. Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 05.11.2010 09:07
link to video and info  Spirit Of Squatters Collective here You can watch third, english part of the video report from action:
http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2010/11/truth-about-monsanto-video-form-action.html and also those what where already published if You didn't see them yet. here You can watch the video in dutch longer,more rough version http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2010/11/waarheid-over-monsanto-video-from.html Very funny commercial of the newest product from Monsanto. you can see here(Is not the same one that in "Truth about Monsanto"): http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2010/11/monsanto-commercial.html Enjoy and spread around :) Public Inspection of a Monsanto Facility Enkhuizen, Tuesday morning 2 November 2010 Food security in times of climate change? 1-5 Nov agro industry lobbies, powerful governments, the UN, and Worldbank are getting together in the conference It’s down 2 Earth in The Hague preparing for the climate summit COP16 this November in Cancun, Mexico. They come up with technological solutions when what we need is a system change. 1. Get you hands off our lands and food! Multinationals are monopolizing our food supply. They are chemical companies selling pesticides and artificial fertilizers. These multinationals develop patented GM crops, buy up seed companies, and tell greenwash stories to sell more chemicals and make more money. Large agribusiness, such as Monsanto and Syngenta, have other agendas and priorities than food security or fighting climate change. Their practices threaten small-scale farming and peoples’ food sovereignty around the world. 2. Our climate is not for sale! One of the main drivers of deforestation and CO2 pollution is industrial agribusiness, mainly with soy crops and palm oil monocultures. Monsanto is lobbying hard for carbon credits for their GM Roundup Ready soybeans because these would contribute to the reduction of CO2. But in reality the soy is transported all over the globe and nearby communities get poisoned with Roundup pesticide, loose their own food production, end up in the slums. 3. Food sovereignty – no food monopolies! The only way to enable people around the world to feed themselves is to establish food sovereignty: local community control over lands, seeds, water and sustainable agricultural processes. This can only be achieved by getting rid of monopolising, profit-seeking corporations and speculators like Monsanto and Syngenta. Small-scale agriculture not only contributes positively to the carbon balance of the planet, it also gives employment to 2.8 billion people. It remains the best way to combat hunger, malnutrition and the current food crisis. It uses less fossil fuels, takes local ecosystems into account and does not poison the environment with pesticides. To get real ‘climate smart agriculture’ we need to start with getting the truth out and reveal the corporate lies about the current agriculture system. Let’s bring out Monsanto’s Hidden Agenda with a Public Inspection! Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action (like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!! Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us ! ... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!! http://www.youtube.com/user/spiritofsquatters Spirit Of Squatters Collective is always trying to report and support good things what are happening around us. We trying at least one time a week show You some news. Our goal is to do it daily but 1st we can not be everywhere and 2nd We don't have enough time mainly to edit ( there are many projects waiting for their time...) That's why we waiting for You to help us support good things with our video channel and with creating independent media. and that's few words from our pages: With our activities we want to make this world a better place.Reclaim the media with us.Feel free to use our videos.Now all up to you !!!Real life is beginning when you turn off the tv, computer. See you on the streets in actions !!! WATCH! READ! THINK! REALIZE! TALK! COMMUNICATE! LISTEN! DEFEND! DESTROY! CREATE! CHANGE! GET INSPIRED! RECLAIM MEDIA WITH US! JOIN US! FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS! LOVE !!! SQUAT! E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
Lees meer over: gentechnologie natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | food comerce | perma - 05.11.2010 11:07
Food should be taken out of teh profet marked. There are many organasations for better food like promoting biological foods or against gen tek ect. i write to most of them that i was suprised not to find anything in there programs about the food comerce. From most i never here anything and a few just wrote that that is impossible wich it is if you think like that. And non knows or is intrested in permaculture. For me there the only solution is non profit food and permaculture to change the tide. | |
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