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Amsterdam Kitchen Punx benefit VOKU 11.11.2010 @ Joes Garage Amsterdam Kitchen Punx - 08.11.2010 14:40
Coming Thursday, the Amsterdam Kitchen Punx serve another delicious vegan meal in Joes Garage at 19:30. On the menu: Pumpkin-karrot-orange-ginger Soup Drunken Chicken in in spicy onion sauce, almond&herbs rice, baked veggies of the season, salade Cherry-schoko cake All profit of the Voku will be donated to the exposition "Invisible Boarders", which got burnt down by Nazis in Zossen in Januar 2010. On 21 june the exposition was reopened at the Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte in Berlin. The expo is currently show in Cottbus. Check out their website for more infos: http://www.invisibleborders.de/main_en.html Address: Joe's Garage Pretoriusstraat 43HS Amsterdam 1) About the Expo Refugees, while they are either in the asylum process or live in Germany with a so-called 'Duldung', are facing invisible borders in their everyday life. For example they are only allowed to move within a certain area due to the 'Residenzpflicht' ('duty of residence'). At the same time they are forced to live in refugee homes or camps, that are often at the edge or outside of regular settlement areas. Voucher systems instead of cash benefits, but also police controls in train stations and trains targeting people who look 'foreign', stigmatise refugees and intensify their social isolation. Utilising models, plans, texts, photographs and a short film the exhibition ›Residenzpflicht — Invisible Borders‹ documents the resulting geography of multiple inclusion and exclusion, its impact on the perception of space, but also strategies of resistance. 2) About the Nazi attack and callout for reconstruction (Jan 2010) At night of 22 january 2010 the „Haus der Demokratie“, run by the citizens’ initiative “Zossen zeigt Gesicht”, in Zossen burnt down. Meanwhile the exposition “Residenzpflicht – Invisible Borders”, started-up shortly before in order to be shown there, got totally destroyed. A rightist extremist has confessed his cooperation in the attack. > Link to article on Spiegel Online (German): http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,674772,00.html We are planning to reconstruct the exhibition as soon as possible, if the necessary funds can be organized. After the first meetings with a stable working group we are looking for more interested persons who want to participate in reconstructing and/or organizing the touring exhibition. For the reconstruction of the exposition we also need donations. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme kunst, cultuur en muziek | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | "original" kitchen punx | margherita kitchen punx utrecht - 09.11.2010 15:24
hy guys, i'm margherita. six years ago we started a vegan kitchen in the acu, in utrecht, under the name by now quite known in our surroundings of kitchen punx. who are you? can you please find a bit of a name of your own? i don't mind so much, but it would be pretty stupid to have this kind of appropiations..the same like starting a band with the same name playing the same kind of music. moreover, i like that people that eat our food can judge what we can or cannot do without confusions... thanx margherita | |
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