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50.000 Britse studenten protesteren tegen bezuinigingen Kritische Studenten Utrecht - 11.11.2010 02:05
Studenten demonstreren tegen de de enorme verhoging van het collegegeld, tot drie keer zo hoog als het huidige bedrag, plus bezuinigingen op de universiteiten. De woede van studenten daarover blijk al uit de aantallen demonstranten vandaag: meerdere tienduizenden, meer dan 50.000. De woede van studenten blijk ook uit de grote felheid van de actie. Een flinke groep studenten drong het hoofdkwartier van de regerende Conservatieve Partij binnen.  Een Student: “We stand against the cuts, in solidarity with all the poor, elderly, disabled and working people affected. We are against all cuts and the marketisation of education. We are occupying the roof of Tory HQ to show we are against the Tory system of attacking the poor and helping the rich. This is only the beginning.” Nog een citaat van een Engelse student die kantoor van de Conservatieve Partij bezette: “Wij verwoesten het gebouw, precies zoals zij onze kansen op hoger onderwijs verwoesten.” Van the Guardian newspaper: Today’s protests – the largest and most dramatic yet in response to the government’s austerity measures – are largely over, and I’m going to wrap up our live blog here. But as the protest ends, tonight both ministers and protesters are acknowledging the events at Millbank Tower today are likely to be “just the beginning” of public demonstrations of anger over cuts. Here’s a recap on the key events of the day: • Around 52,000 students marched through London in protest at plans to increase tuition fees while cutting state funding for university teaching. • Around 200 people from the march occupied 30 Millbank – the building that houses the Conservative party’s campaign headquarters – and a stand-off with police ensued. • Police in riot gear clashed with protesters, who had smashed windows and mounted the roof of the building. Fourteen people – police and activists – were injured and police arrested 35 demonstrators. Zie hier het volledige bericht op de guardian.co.uk: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/blog/2010/nov/10/demo-2010-student-protests-live Hieronder een bericht van de studentenbeweging in de VK over de bezetting: We need unity to break the Con Dems’ attacks Stand with protesters against victimisation Wednesday’s national NUS/UCU 50,000 strong national demonstration was a magnificent show of strength against the Con Dems’ savage attacks on education. The Tories want to make swingeing cuts, introduce £9,000 tuition fees and cut EMA. These attacks will close the doors to higher education and further education for a generation of young people. During the demonstration over 5,000 students showed their determination to defend the future of education by occupying the Tory party HQ and its courtyards for several hours. The mood was good-spirited, with chants, singing and flares. Yet at least 32 people have now been arrested, and the police and media appear to be launching a witch-hunt condemning peaceful protesters as “criminals” and violent. A great deal is being made of a few windows smashed during the protest, but the real vandals are those waging a war on our education system. We reject any attempt to characterise the Millbank protest as small, “extremist” or unrepresentative of our movement. We celebrate the fact that thousands of students were willing to send a message to the Tories that we will fight to win. Occupations are a long established tradition in the student movement that should be defended. It is this kind of action in France and Greece that has been an inspiration many workers and students in Britain faced with such a huge assault on jobs, housing and the public sector. We stand with the protesters, and anyone who is victimised as a result of the protest. De studenten hebben een “Free University” gestart op parliament square. lees hier onder meer: Parliament Square Occupied – Free University open Education Camp occupies Parliament Square and opens free university. If you’re tired of shouting slogans and want to be part of the alternatives, come to Parliament Square. As the dust settles on the chaos across central London, a new university has emerged: a free university in Parliament Square. The space was peacefully occupied by an autonomous group of students called Education Camp. Their intention is to hold the space for a period of time to facilitate free public lectures and open discussion about proactive alternatives for higher education. New students and professors are welcome. Currently there is free movement of students on and off the campus. Already some professors are planning lectures for tomorrow. Help is needed tonight to hold the space through peaceful means. The university has asked people donate warm blankets and hot food to keep the resistance going, and for more students to participate in peacefully holding this space. Decisions are being made by consensus and the group is non-hierarchical. The group is respectful of the space, intends to maintain it but also use it for a socially valuable activity – free higher education. Hier wat meer info in het Nederlands:
http://www.joop.nl/wereld/detail/artikel/studentenprotest_in_londen_loopt_uit_de_hand/ Van de Internationale Studenten Beweging:
http://emancipating-education-for-all.org/london_nov10 E-Mail: kritischestudentenutrecht@gmail.com Website: http://www.kritischestudenten.nl |
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