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13nov.(LIVE/VIDEO/FILM} 20:30u. Best of the oXcars 20:30u. De Balie Amsterdam +live video online - 13.11.2010 20:06
{LIVE STREAM ONLINE} From Spain, the “first international culture Awards in the digital age.” Conservas and EXGAE organise the OXCARS free culture event to reclaim our cultural works. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Een bruisend avondprogramma rond (auteursrecht-) vrije cultuurproductie met een ‘best of’ selectie van de oXcars uit Barcelona, Europa’s grootste evenement voor vrije cultuur. Deze ‘anti-competitie’ bestaat geheel uit werken die bewust voor vrije verspreiding in het publieke domein zijn geproduceerd.  FREE CULTURE - PUBLIC DOMAIN - COPYLEFT - OPEN CONTENT - CREATIVE COMMONS Times have changed. The Internet allows information and culture to be exchanged horizontally among all citizens, and now our means of cultural production have to adapt to this new democracy – not the other way around. Because free and collaborative culture is the Culture of our time, because it’s a fact, because there’s no turning back…. EXGAE & Conservas present: The awards that will sweep the Grammys, the Goyas, the Max…The 1st non-competitive awards in the history of Culture…The 1st international Culture awards in the digital society… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO In oktober 2010 werden de oXcars voor de derde keer georganiseerd en wij laten een ‘best of’ in Nederland zien, aangevuld met genodigde kunstenaars, mediamakers en anderen. Een festijn om te laten zien hoe een vitaal digitaal publiek domein in de praktijk eruit ziet. Part of the Economies of The Commons 2 Conference - "Paying the costs of keeping things free" Website: http://www.debalie.nl/artikel.jsp?articleid=363013 |
Lees meer over: Agenda globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | "Because their business is not our culture" | oxcars 2010 - 13.11.2010 20:25
 Free Culture Award Ceremony Barcelona as World Capital of Shared Culture. Artists and performers from all areas of culture Spanish and international has take part in an awards ceremony with all kind of surprises, pooling their efforts to demand a stop to culture being treated as merchandise by royalty management organisations and cultural industry lobbies. Artists say “Not in my name” to the commercialisation of culture, “Not in my name” to Spain’s ‘canon digital’ (digital levy), “Not in my name” to limiting the potential of digital media. Civil society demands the ‘lost profits’ of all the knowledge that is being withheld and stolen from public use in the name of private profits. We don’t want to nurture generations of cultural parasites; we want culture to be alive and productive. Website: http://oxcars10.exgae.net/en | |
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