Solidarity with Zapatistas in Amsterdam Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 17.11.2010 19:34
Some photos from international solidarity with Zapatistas day today in Amsterdam  Squat Joes Garage  Squat Positivenest  KSU Oost with coffee Libertad Even we have nothing to do with the communism we know that there is a lot of freedom and anarchy in Chiapas that's why we supporting them! A thousand rages, one heart: long live the autonomous Zapatista communities! The building of autonomy by the Zapatista peoples and communities in Chiapas has demonstrated that another way of organizing and governing ourselves is possible. This idea signifies defiance and has been seen as a threat by the state and by the capitalists. With the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, the Other Campaign and the Zezta International, the Zapatistas propose to organise together with other peoples groups and individuals in Mexico and the world. This has been seen by the Mexican government as one more threat that the example set by Zapatista autonomy would be followed by others. The response to these challenges has been the escalation of counter-attacks in Mexico, especially since 2006, starting with those against Atenco and generalising into attacks against all the organisations and social movements in the Other Campaign, especially through the rise of paramilitary attacks against Zapatista support bases and even in other places like Copala, Oaxaca and Ostula, Michoacán. The counterinsurgency strategy accompanies these attacks with misinformation to present the paramilitary actions as "clashes" or even attacks by the Zapatistas. Therefore, the campaign "A thousand rages, one heart, the Zapatista communities live!" aims to counter misinformation, denounce paramilitary and governmental attacks, and raise awareness of the significance of Zapatista autonomy for all the anti-capitalist struggles in the world. Among the recent attacks that have been denounced by the Good Government Juntas are: In the highlands, caracol of Oventik, in the community of El Pozo, on June 21, a group of approximately 240 offenders (PRI and PRD) cut off the water and electricity supply. Armed with machetes, hoes, and sticks, they fractured the skulls of Miguel and Manuel Hernández Pérez, injured 5 Zapatista support bases and disappeared one. Three health promoters were detained by police when they tried to rescue the wounded: Francisco Velasco Mendez, Sebastian Hernandez and Francisco Gómez Santiz Mendez. In Choles de Tumbalá, near Palenque, in the first days of June, 79 members of Xinich official, supporting the aggressors of the area, seized the land of the Zapatista support bases, caused a fire, fabricated crimes, invaded lands and threatened the victims with death , as well as threatening to invade more land with the support of the security forces. In La Garrucha, in Ocosingo, in May 2010, aggressors originating from Peña Limonar arrested five Zapatista support bases: Evelio Montejo Hernández, Manuel Gutierrez Lopez, Luis Gutierrez Vazquez, Pedro Hernandez and Narciso Gutiérrez Gutiérrez Jiménez. There are also 9 people missing. In La Realidad, in April 2010, there were threats of new evictions of communities in Montes Azules, under the ecological pretext of the defence of the biosphere reserve, but the Zapatista communities have stated that "We love the land, take care of it, work it and defend it. We are ready to defend it at all costs". Throughout Mexico, the detentions, extrajudicial executions and disappearances of social activists, along with widespread repression, have gone hand in hand with militarization and the creation of paramilitary groups, particularly aimed against indigenous autonomy in Chiapas, Guerrero, Michoacan and Oaxaca. For these reasons, we will continue to denounce this counterinsurgency strategy and to support the autonomous Zapatista indigenous communities. The Zapatistas say the army has resumed its patrols in La Garrucha: 170 Zapatista supporters expelled from their lands and homes in retaliation for building an autonomous school: Displaced Zapatistas Return Home: E-Mail: mgriks(at) Website: |