INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY with the 14 anarchists kidnapped by the Chilean 'democracy'. Chile 14-A support - 18.11.2010 05:51
Solidarity for the 14 Arrested Anarchists in Chile  14 anarchists arrested accused of "terrorism" by the Chilean state, around the mediatic "Bombs case", 10 are still in the Maximun Security Prisons. INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY with the 14 kidnapped by the Chilean 'democracy'. This past Saturday the 14th of August, in the cities of Santiago and Valparaíso, an action coordinated by police of all types (special task forces) violently raided three squatted social centers and many private homes in fives communes. The police intimidated people with weapons of war, broke windows and doors, and took many personal items with them from all of the houses. 14 people were detained being informed of the reason for their detention for three hours. Later? Six people were released on probation for lack of evidence against them. As for the people that remained imprisoned, they were put in isolation cells in maximum security jails where they were awaiting a 180 day long investigation process and potentially a 20 year sentence for alleged illegal terrorist association. They have alleged that these people were involved in making and blowing up the bombs that have erupted lately in the capital. According to the prosecutor, this association was a hierarchical organization directed by key ringleaders. This supposition is in absolute contradiction with anarchist ideology - most of the kidnapped people have been labeled as anarchists- which is opposed to the concepts of “leaders” and “hierarchies”… Furthermore, this charade, a perfect outcome for the puppeteers and jailers who desire to keep their power. Above all, this has been the result of those citizens, who like their peace so much and through their deafness and silence, are helping to erase the oppressed, the masquerades, jails, and resignations..... "The bombs case" is the title that keeps appearing in the headlines of the like a bad novel, in which the main characters, the Minister/Secretary of the Interior, the prosecutor and his police henchmen are trying to catch the 'undesirable' anarchists. The beginning of the 'bombs case' is a police persecutions saga that dates back to the 10th of September, the eve of a historic date in Chile, on which people mourn their dead and disappeared ones from the dictatorship, while others display their discontent with the falseness of a democracy that has not changed much from a dictatorship. In this context, a molotov bomb was thrown at the house of the government. The images went around the world; the symbol of the concord of democratic parties was blown into pieces; the fraternal unifying factor of the left has been altered. Two weeks later, a vast police contingent raided the squat "la mansión siniestra" and arrested 6 people, who, to their own surprise had become, thanks to the distorting role of the press, an illegal association of "molotov bombs makers", "violent criminals", "vandals". This scenario is the one that the 14 accused comrades were facing. Back then, the police never thought that evidence was necessary, because the they seized alleged bomb making materials were no more than common domestic utensils. These molotovs existed. During the judiciary process, the 6 antagonists of this story were allegedly the worst moral aberrations; public opinion has given legitimacy to the sentence of up to five years in jail … But OOPS...'mistake'! The accusations were fake, the police’s masquerade had been revealed. Finally, these 6 people did not serve the time they were sentenced. But that’s only after spending 11days in a high security prison. Just as expected, no institution was held accountable for the irreversible physical and psychological punishments and damages inflicted on the detainees, nor for the personal belongings that were seized from their them and their comrades. Four years have gone by since this incident, and with its passing, the travesty of justice, the inequalities and the repressions remain the order of the day. Only to talk about JUST A FEW concrete examples: According to the survey of "national socio-economic characterization" (CASEN) the economic gap has increased from 13% to 15% since 2006. Meanwhile the administration of the government wants to spend 135 thousand millions of pesos to build, starting this year, 10 new prisons, which would add to the total of more than 16,500 new vacancies in the prison system. It is important to note, according to the sources of the mideplan, that 64% of the prison population are illiterate or have not finished their basic studies and are the poorest and the most marginalized people in Chilean society. This illustrates that the interest of the system is to imprison the most marginal instead of educating them and providing them with the tools for a better life. These prisons need jailers… The alliance of 'democratic' parties was in charge of the government for a decade after the dictatorship, killing 42 people, and helping, instead of changing, the development of the 'political constitution of Chile' that was created by the dictatorship, strengthening it with reforms and continuing with its tradition of criminalizing social movements and perfecting the Anti-terrorism Law. One of the modifications to the Anti-Terrorism Law was to give policemen a status of 'witnesses of faith', whereby they frequently do not have to present concrete evidence against the accused, which gives the legal support to the masquerade/ setups for those who represent a threat to the system. Among other barbarities, now in 2010, the turn of the 'coalition for change' with Sebastian Piñera in power. This regime is pro-dictatorship and a huge collaborator with the establishment of the neoliberal model. Let’s not forget that he was also the one that gave the Chileans the opportunity of having credit cards to live working in order to pay their debts. But above all, nowadays M. Piñera is famous for his campaign 'the Battle against Delinquency', in which he shows us his support for a policy of more 'security', in other words, and to be less moderate with the term, jailers that secure the power of their friends the businessmen and capitalists. To make sure that things proceed smoothly, the president will reinforce the repression against historically repressed populations, increasing police personnel to 15000 carabineros and increasing the salaries of civilian police, who have had in the last few months their salaries increased by 18%. This is how, the 'Battle against Delinquency', is an exemplary example that shows how the inefficacy of the alliance of political parties has erupted tragically in our lives. Today we become its scapegoats, displayed like pariahs in an outlandish play, in order to legitimize their ventures and win 'moral sympathies' among the spectators and the right. In this hunt to cover up facts, which have been intentionally invisible in the media, the hunger strike of 32 Mapuche political prisoners, who fight the adversity of Chilean justice and demand their natural rights, is being hidden. Or another omission, the use of cheap, insufficient equipment to attempt the 'rescue' of 33 miners trapped only a few days earlier this week. Today, these 14 comrades, among them, anarchists, communicators and social fighters, show solidarity to unjust causes, are involved in open squatted social centers where they sustain libraries, video libraries, gardens, and people who exchange and question ideas and actions in forums and activities conducted in a horizontal manner. These people are automatically criminalized; prosecutors have enough ambiguous evidence to take their freedom away from them. For example, a tapped telephone call where a mother demanded that one of the accused people be taken care of; this was used as evidence against her. The open squatted spaces and the people who are committed to denouncing and transforming on a daily basis their own lives and their society have become more vulnerable to the apprehensions of the state and its prosecutions, which illustrates that this prosecution is also ideological. Now...Who are the terrorists? . We make a call to build an international support network for the people imprisoned on the 14th of August. Today more than ever! Internationalists of the world to solidarity and action, to face the kidnappings and lies of the Chilean state!. Furiously, in support of the 14-A in Chile. ********* Solidarity for the Arrested Anarchists in Chile Today we confront a pack of hounds--the police, the judiciary, the media--that seeks to annihilate us. They have created a great frame-up that they are trying to elaborate with a charge of illicit terrorist association based on our personal friendships and relations--a large vertical structure in which there are leaders, executives, and assistants. Any libertarian or anarchist knows in their heart that this is a lie. Solidarity for the Arrested Anarchists in Chile Stop the media circus against the 14 arrested on the 14th of August! We put out a call to overcome the isolation and destroy this siege of disinformation. The circus has filled the gallery--Mr. Roundup, the diminutive Peña, and the other clowns have as of today exchanged their big red noses for microphones and television cameras. The wild beasts are caged while the obedient spectator-citizens applaud with viciousness and await the next spectacle. Today we confront a pack of hounds--the police, the judiciary, the media--that seeks to annihilate us. They have created a great frame-up that they are trying to elaborate with a charge of illicit terrorist association based on our personal friendships and relations--a large vertical structure in which there are leaders, executives, and assistants. Any libertarian or anarchist knows in their heart that this is a lie. We are making a call-out to all individuals in or outside of this territory for international solidarity--to inform yourselves, to act, to broadcast that in this part of the world they are trying to annihilate our ideas and silence our voices. We need strength and support from any and everyone who has taken up permanent conflict against the State and capital. Now more than ever we need to demonstrate that we are not alone, that we are thousands spread across the world. We must make our rage contagious and turn solidarity into a practice and a weapon against those who would have our heads. Release for the compañeros of 14/8 is rejected, and two are sent back to pretrial detention translation of an article published Friday, August 27 2010 on On Thursday the Appellate Court of San Miguel ratified the pretrial detention of those accused in the investigation of the “bombing case,” considering them a danger to public safety. The Fourth Court of the tribunal rejected the appeal presented by the defense for the accused, who have been held since August 18 after being formally charged with illegal association and the placing of explosive and/or incendiary devices. Said appeal consisted of rejecting preventive detention in favor of cautionary measures such as travel restrictions, weekly sign-ins, etc. The court also revoked the release of Carlos Riveros and Camilo Perez, who had been let out after their court appearance on Tuesday the 17th. The attorney in charge of the “bombing case” and the plaintiff from the Parochial Church Inmaculada Concepción in Vitacura requested the re-imprisonment of these two compañeros. Currently the only ones who have been released with cautionary measures are Candelaria Cortes, Diego Morales, Ivan Goldenberg and Cristian Cancino. Their restrictions consist of: prohibition on international travel, non-association with their co-accused, weekly sign-ins, and prohibition from visiting some of the compañeros in preventive detention. There are currently 10 compañeros in preventive detention. Pablo Morales. Rodolfo Retamales. Omar Hermosilla. Vinicio Aguilera. Francisco Solar. Felipe Guerra. Camilo Pérez. Carlos Riveros. Mónica Caballero. Andrea Urzúa. All of the compañeros are being held in the Maximum Security wing of the High Security Jail in Santiago. The compañeras are being held in the Special Section of High Security in the Women's Penitentiary Center. From the underground, insurrectionalist groups on the frame-up of August 14 translation of a communique published August 26, 2010 on for informational and cautionary purposes of those travelling to South America We write from the underground of all of South America. Delegates from the undersigned collectives took the time to convene and send this message of truth to all of the population conscious of their oppression by the Chilean state. 1: We condemn the terrorist actions of the Chilean state, systematic during these 200 years of repression and social inequality maintained with blood and fire by each of its rotten institutions. 2: With all the strength in our insurgent blood WE REPUDIATE the spectacle of raids and detentions brought down on the popular youth on Saturday, August 14. 3: With full and complete responsibility WE DECLARE that NONE of the imprisoned belong to or have ever participated in collectives that have decided to respond with bombs to the history of state violence. This is known to us, as it is known to the government of that clown Piñera and state's attorney Peña. 4: WE ACCUSE the State, servile businesses and the press, all those who cover up the social violence that they impose and point instead to the detonation of occasional bombs that are no more than the result of inequalities and oppressions inherent to capitalism, as being directly responsible for this televised show. THE SOCIAL WAR IS IMPOSED BY THE STATE, we its victims don't invent it, on the contrary, we stop being victims and we rise up as free humans. 5: NEVER have we been present in the squatted houses. Any mildly intelligent person knows that these are cultural spaces where the youth meet to converse, debate, and to experience horizontal, communal living. If the State CRIMINALIZES these spaces it is only out of myopia and the tactical defeat of wanting to annihilate those it cannot understand. The systemic repression of everything youthful is the zenith of orthodox fascism. 6: NEVER have we been in nor made alliances with political parties or movements connected to the right, center, or left. WE NEITHER HAVE NOR RECOGNIZE AUTHORITY, not with anyone, not in the case of bureaucrats nor Marxist ex-combatants nor people with mental problems who claim actions they never carried out (like this unknown who stabbed his girlfriend and still survives in prison). WE ARE LIBERTARIANS. WE DON'T HAVE MILITARY HIERARCHIES NOR PARTY DIRECTIVES. WE ARE WARRIORS FOR FREEDOM. WE ARE EVERYONE. 7. We the undersigned collectives HAVE PLACED BOMBS. Our targets have been banks, financiers, transnational companies, embassies, police stations, barracks, churches, political parties, gyms of the owners of this country, everything that belongs to the historical oppressors of the working people. WE DO NOT REPENT, on the contrary, WE ARE PROUD that so far the police haven't even come close to us. WE ARE THEIR DEFEAT. 8. WE RECOGNIZE that the earthquake this summer affected a large part of the installations of each collective, and we admit that this has limited our actions and so far it has not been possible to reconstruct what was lost. 9: In over 20 years we have made use of different types of weapons. If we had wanted, there would have been deaths, but this is not what we wanted. The famous TNT has formed a part of the popular arsenal for years. The attack on the office of Chilectra was not the first time it was used, as all the compañeros responsible for this attack affirm here in this letter. If you want to know where we obtain it, the answer is simple: on the market, the same one they deify and the same one protected by the new state's attorney. 10. State's attorney Peña. What can we say about him. Only what everyone already knows: a cokehead since his college days, called “jalandro” by his buddies for being a jailer, possessing an inferiority complex much greater than his stature, desirous of power and of the Attorney General's chair, friend of the big drug traffickers to the detriment of the little ones he locked up, liar, coward, and potential murderer. This is state's attorney Peña. Journalists: DON'T BE AFRAID to publish the truth about this sinister bureaucrat. 11. WE DECLARE OUR COLLECTIVE REPUDIATION of the frame-up against the 14 youths. It is the State and capital that share the guilt for the libertarian bombings. FREEDOM FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS ANTI-STATE RESISTANCE signed: Autonomous and Destructive Forces Leon Czolgosz Anti-Patriotic Gang Severino di Giovanni Federation of the Revolt of February 14 – Gaetano Bresci Brigade Dynamiters' Gang Efrain Plaza Olmedo Miguel Arcangel Roscigna Tamayo Gavilan Antonio Roman Roman Durruti Column Iconoclastic Caravans for Free Will Armed and Soulless Gangs Jean Marc Rouillan Coordinating Committee of Family Members and Friends for the Freedom of the Prisoners of August 14 After experiencing the police ambush on our own bodies and realizing, as family members and friends, that our children, siblings, and compañeras are being judged prejudicially by the media, we took the initiative to organize ourselves in order to denounce the political persecution they are subject to through a dirty media and judicial frame-up. And even though it is being presented as a foregone conclusion that they are guilty of participating in a non-existent illegal association, which we are certain not only does not exist, but is not even judicially sustainable, we are ready to begin a battle for their freedom until the final consequences and for this reason we declare the following: 1. The legal device of illegal association, in and of itself, is incommensurate with the ideas, practices, and horizontal associative logics, free of hierarchy, with which the compañeros have proceeded during their political life. The structure that Alejandro Peña presents in his accusation, with special roles and functions, financing and infrastructure, totally contradicts the reflections sustained by prosecutors, spokespersons, and ministers for years, which we can recall in the words of ex-Minister Rossende, affirmations such as “they are groups that lack structure and act in a very precarious manner, thus it is more difficult to dismantle them, identify, detain, and punish them” (radio cooperativa, May 2009) yet in the end, thanks to the magical actions of an unscrupulous state's attorney, there exists an organizational diagram, divulged through the press and already known to everyone. 2. We take it upon ourselves to reveal, through various media, each of their lies and political interests surrounding this case. We are convinced that the media circus of the "bombing case" is just the tip of a repressive iceberg, in which our brothers and sisters are mere scapegoats, used as an example for the rest of the population of the consequences that can befall those who desire liberty and express uncomformity; in this sense, we hold that their imprisonment is a political persecution, an act of annihilation in response to the context of generalized repression and upheaval that becomes more unbearable every day. 3. The proofs they have against our brothers and sisters lack any juridical legitimacy; they are unsustainable on their own and can only make sense if they are meticulously joined with a discursive and cinematographic spectacle prepared to tie them all together, granting them a judicial meaning, apparently credible. The state's attorney's rhetoric, in complicity with the press, has created a trial whose outcome is settled even though it has not yet come to pass, and in which no one seems to remember the presumption of innocence. Historically the manipulation of information has allowed the population to be bombarded with dribble lacking in any critical questions, so that after a week of news headlines and full programs, whose journalistic mediocrity is obvious, they impose a news blackout which we are seeking to transgress in order to shout out in every way possible that this is a media frame-up and that we demand freedom for our compañeras and compañeros. 4. The violence used by the police against everyone who dares oppose the current state of things cannot be questioned in public opinion, and this we declare the real terrorism. We point to the excessive violence, the less lethal ammunition, the beatings, guns, helicopters, and the whole warlike arsenal deployed in the operations to capture people who live at a known residence and lead a public life--none of them were fugitives, nor were any of them armed when they were detained, so the military apparatus used against them can't be justified in any way. The operational excess corresponds to the spectacle that was created, and the fantasies of the state's attorney, for which we denounce the abuse of power against the 14 detainees, against the people living in the houses raided, and in particular against one person, a minor, who despite their young age was given a full dose of police violence without remorse. In these oppressive times, we know the cost incurred by publicly demonstrating our staunch support for our brothers and sisters in prison, however, it is our responsibility to struggle for their freedom and well-being, so we are calling out for solidarity, for people to inform themselves and break through the isolation. For an end to political persecution, and freedom for our compañeros. For the demystification of a non-existent illegal association, for the multiplication of support. Solidarity with the Mapuche brothers and sisters on hunger strike. DOWN WITH THE ANTITERRORIST LAW Coordinating Committee of Family Members and Friends for the Freedom of the Prisoners of August 14 Santiago de $hile, 30 August 2010 Notes from the translator: 14 people were arrested and two anarchist social centers closed down in a series of raids in Santiago and Valparaiso on Saturday, August 14. Sebastian Piñera, of the National Renewal party, is the current president of Chile. His party supported Pinochet at the end of the dictatorship. On September 18, Chile was celebrating its bicentennial, which is fixing to be a huge, orchestrated show designed to create an illusion of a unified nation, blacking out a context of terrible working conditions, major struggles by the Mapuche against the anti-terrorist law and continuing colonization, by anarchists, people in the slums, and students, against neoliberalism and the state, etc. ***** Represive strike in Chile: 17 house raided and 14 companions kidnnaped by the power x Translate of Liberacion Total Translator’s Note: The translation may have errors in spelling or wording. Agents of the BIPE (Police of Investigation) and the ERTA (equivalent to the SWAT) on the other side agents of the GOPE (Especial forces of the Normal Police), LABOCAR (CSI) and the deparment of inteligence of the police and a series of helicopters and police cars whas the armory who used the police for the 17 raids, in Santiago and Valparaiso, during the dawn on the Saturday 14 of August. Between the 17 houses 3 are Squats and Socials Center being the squats La Crota Bike Punk and the Squat Social Center and Library Sacco and Vanzetti in Santiago downtown and the Autonomous Social Center Jhonny Cariqueo in the Pudahuel municipality. Two houses were raided in Valparaiso. The excuse for this police operation falls in the “Bomb Case”, and 23 of the attacks with explosive registred in Santiago, according with the police version would have direct links with those arrested. The first raid was in the squat La Crota Bike Punk by the GOPE where the result was 6 companions arrested. Of the six detainees were kidnapped three, a female comrade with arrest warrant and for the other two the police inveted traces of TNT in his hands. Then was the turn of the SSC and Library Sacco and Vanzetti, by the ERTA and the BIPE where they take out the metalic grid of the window with a police car. The agents also realized shootings whit rubber bullets, hiting the body of two companions. From this space were arrested 5 companions and one remain kidnnaped. At the same time was raided the ASC and Libertary Library Jhonny Cariqueo in the Pudahuel municipality, in this space the police breaking in smashing access doors and no one was arrested. Also the police raided 14 particular houses, 12 in Santiago and 2 in Valparaiso. With a total of 17 raids realized by the defenders of the order and 14 companions kidnapped. Formalization of the hostages. This Saturday around 16:00 pm the companions where brought before the 11º Santiago Court Guarantee where the southern prosecution recuest extend the detention until next Tuesday, 17 August, where they would be concluded by "installation of explosive or incendiary devices and terrorist conspiracy" (law made by Pinochet), question which the Ministry of Interior would also make part risking 20 years. During the hearing, demonstrated once again the circus nature of the Chilean courts. Judge Lidia Bruna agreed to each and every one of the requests of the Prosecutor and the Ministry of Interior (press presence, extending the period of detention for three days, insolition of the companions amog themselves and the outside, and also the order to bring the police collaborator Gustavo Fuentes "El Grillo" to the audience next tuesday, to formalize with the rest of the alleged members of this "terrorist conspiracy." The vultures of the bourgeois press were all in the courtroom and fired their flashes once the judge gave the signal for the guards to enter the companions. The arguments of the defensory were heard and denied one after another. The judge had everything ready for each resolution automatically read it with her voice of old bitch of a paper above his deck. When they ask to a companion if they had reclaims to do in relation to detention, he said he had been repeatedly threatened with death, and she responds “that’s all?”. Neither seemed to attract much attention the story about the destruction of particular houses of the companions. The Prosecution justify the injuries cause by the police to a companion of the Sacco and Vanzetti (a rubber bullet in his head and a kick on the nouse) in the fact it would have looked out a window of the building throwing things and destroying evidence, thing that the companion denied this version inmeditly calling of “Imaginative”, was reprimanded for showing disrespect to prosecutors. So beating and threatening people with death and rupture unnecessarily houses is part of normal that judges uphold, but any questioning of the repressive apparatus can not take place in this circus. This lady continued with the same attitude when defense counsel had talked about an "orchestration" between the different media to blame ours comrades. When it became clear that the show was already ceasing to continue on Tuesday at 9:00pm, began to feel the cheering of support, very welcomed by the spirits of our companions. Canvases spread outside the courtroom, were sung songs of support ("Free the prisoners to fight"), the expression of the old fascist lady was of disgust and horror, some bodyguards immediately surround the prosecutor Alejandro Peña. After wrangling between those who went to support our comrades with two types of police dogs (police and press), the fascist judge made another signal that the 14 comrades were taked inside and then, from the cells area, came a contingent furious policemen armed with sticks and shields, which flew over the banks of defendants and lawyers with the clear intention of beating up friends and relatives of the detainees. Of course, the bourgeois press has noted that all the comrades who came to support, as bad as the accused, attacked the press and other guardians of the capitalist order, but the truth is that the aggression came from the guards, while police and journalists beat many people savagely, and outside the enclosure were joined by riot police launching a manhunt that was not intended to arrest any one but to punish directly. The companion Luisa Vergara was closed with a traumatic brain injury, the mother of one of the detainees had minor injuries caused by a fucking journalist, and luckily most of the windows of this shit temple (courts) were destroyed to be used against the officers. Also, several journalists were beaten and their cameras damaged. No companion was arrested but many were beaten by the agents. Once outside of the courts the companions found out that the SSC and Library Sacco and Vanzetti was being closed for a joint operation by the two police deparments. During the afternoon, the building had been guarded by a truck from the PDI (Police Of Investigation), whose occupants at first denied the entry of a group of companion, but later agreed to let in and take some things, warning that there was an order not to leave the building were reoccupied. Hours later, at about 18:30, police had entered the squat and were carrying out work to close all access. The Library and all the other things that were not seized (this time took little in the raid) remained sequestered there. The police did not exhibit any eviction order or anything, and said it was orders of the prosecutor. They also said the squat would be recovered by their legitimate owners, the ISP (Internal Revenue Service). A quick operation that took them by surprise yielded a number of books that were put to safe, sparking a short police chase in the area without any one arrested. The Kidnapped Companions are: - Pablo Morales: Ex-Lautarista (A military political organization that operates in Chile at the end of the dictatorship and the beginning of democracy). Arrested at his house in Santiago. - Rodolfo Retamales: Ex-Lautarista. Arrested at his house in Santiago. Also was raided thei parent’s house. - Omar Hermosilla: Ex-Lautarista. Arrested at his house in Santiago. - Andrea Urzùa: In 2008 the police say that she traied to enter nitrogliceryn inside one of the jails in Argentina where they were Freddy Fuentevilla y Marcelo Villarroel (companions in trail for a bank robbery). Arrested at his house in Santiago - Felipe Guerra: Arrested in SSC and Library Sacco and Vanzetti. Also was raided his mom’s house. The companion was injured by agents of the ERTA. - Cristian Cancino: He was arrested in the squat “La Idea” after the dead of Mauricio Morales (comrade killed by his own bomb on May 22, 2009), where the police charged him with almost 500 grams of black gunpowder. Cristian decided to assume his guilt in a short trail to go out of jail. - Carlos Riveros: Arrested at his house in Santiago. - Camilo Perez: Arrested at his house in Santiago. - Ivan Goldenberg: Arrested at his house in Valparaiso. Police say the gun he was carrying Mauricio Morales at the time of his death, was owned by the grandfather of Ivan. -Candelaria Cortès-Monroy: Arrested at his house in Santiago. Candelaria in 2008 was stabbed by Gustavo Fuentes aka "El Grillo" who was his partner and who is accused of installing bombs. - Francisco Solar: Arrested at his house in Valparaiso. - Monica Caballero: Arrested at the squat “La Crota”. - Diego Morales: Arrested at the squat “La Crota”. The police invented that Diego has in his hands traces of TNT. - Vinicio Aguilera: Arrested at the squat “La Crota”. The police inveted that Vinicio also has in his hands traces of TNT. All male companions are in the high security prison and feamle comrades in Women’s Counseling Center in Santiago de Chile. Immediate Solidarity with our companions kidnapped by the Power! The “terrorist conspiracy” exists only in the head of the prosecutor Peña! Last minute: In the formalization of charges, show that lasted 16 hours, six companions were released under survillance, the rest remain in prison during the investigation. (the prosecutor recuest 6 months) More info, pictures and video: (In Spanish) ******************************* +info: E-Mail: Website: http:// |