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Overzicht van internationaal studentenprotest Kritische Studenten Utrecht - 19.11.2010 11:53
Hier onder volgt een overzicht van het verzet van de internationale studentenbeweging tegen bezuinigingen en afbraak in het onderwijs, en voor vrij en toegankelijk onderwijs voor iedereen.  Latest news on developments related to the "Global Day of Action" around the world: http://emancipating-education-for-all.org/nov17_2010 * Video message from the Punjab Student Union (India) going out to all of you around the world fighting for free education. It is their contribution to the "Global Day of Action". Maybe some of you also want to record your own video message to the world. http://www.emancipating-education-for-all.org/your_video_message_gwa
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoiVUfSaC_E * Report sent in on the "Free Minds in place of Education Zombies" street theatre staged in Vienna (Austria):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN48J3hHIqk This action for the international students' day was combined with a protest against the parallely on going negotiations in the austrian parliament/government concerning the cuts in social services and education. Some actresses and actors were desguised with masks of politicians as education zombies and the others more colorful as students. The performance included from a fog out coming education zombies, who scared the motivated students. In all this trouble the students finally caught the zombies with the banner "17.11. International Students' Day - free and emancypatory education". Best wishes from vienna! your action group 17.11. * Report on protests against the Regents meeting at the University of California (San Francisco, U.S.A.): http://reclaimuc.blogspot.com * 400 students staged a sarcastic jubilation demonstration in Freiburg (Germany) under the device "Golden Times for Education: Leadership, Fees, Competition". To connect the action with the "Global Wave" a huge banner was hung at the city theatre saying "Emancipating Education". (more pictures:http:// go.asta.uni-freiburg.de) * About 400 pupils came together for a demonstration through the city centre of Osnabrück (Germany), junctions were blocked. (pictures: http://noz.de, http://de.indymedia.org) * An activist group at the Friedrich Alexander University (FAU) in Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) published a press release and arranged some artistic actions on campus. Slogans on huge pieces of paper were pasted everywhere, buildings were surrounded with warning tapes, votive candes placed outside in combination with "education corpses". (faubrennt.de) * A few hundred students joined a demonstration in Hildesheim (Germany) to protest for free education. ( http://de.indymedia.org) * Various groups in Stuttgart (Germany) protested for better education by having an open mic session ( http://emancipating-education-for-all.org) Videos and pictures of yesterdays protests at the Regents meeting (University of California) are coming in now: * "UC Cop pulls gun on protesters and pictures from 11/17/2010 action at UCSF Mission Bay campus UC protest: Protesters square off with cops; officer pulls out weapon - video - KTVU San Fancisco. UC students & workers confront UC Regents: http://indybay.org [updated 10:10pm GMT] * About 2,000 people joined protests in Sardinia (Italy): 800 in Sassari, 500 in Olbia and Cagliari each and 300 in Nuoro. Sit-ins were staged at high-schools and no trouble with the police reported. ( http://emancipating-education-for-all.org) Cagliari Sassari youtube= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ_g81-3Qcc * 3,000 students and pupils protested in Neapoli (Italy) today: [updated: 9:45pm GMT] * The following message was sent in by mail: "About 7000 students demonstrated today in Lisbon, Portugal, from the city center to the National Parliament, demanding the end of the austerity measures that are affecting students and their families. 3000 came from the city of Coimbra, but people from all over the country participated, making this the biggest demonstration of the last 6 years. The only picture I could get right now (I just came from the demonstration) was this one, taken by Paulete Matos: * pictures of todays demonstration against budget cuts in Regensburg (Germany), which was joined by about 10,000 people: [updated 9:30pm GMT] * California, U.S.A.: "police chief: 13 arrested: 11 students, 7 from UC Berkeley. 1 student charged with assault w/ deadly weapon. Approx 3 officers injured." (twitter) [updated 9:25pm GMT] * Zombie street theatre in Vienna (Austria): (further pictures on flickr; http://unibrennt.at) [updated 9:05pm GMT] * Cop pulls gun on protesting students on campus at UC (pictures of protest: http://sfgate.com) * California, U.S.A.: UC student protesters clash with riot police, who are guarding the entries to the building where the Regents' meeting is held. Protesters were attacked with pepperspray and batons, many were injured. Media reports confirm - at least 16 arrests. (nbcbayarea.com, huffingtonpost.com) [updated 8:45pm GMT] First pictures and videos are coming in. * Demonstration in Gießen (Germany) * Demonstration in Rome (Italy) * Todays demonstration in Padova (Italy) youtube= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icV2E5A36uc [updated 6:40GMT] * "A UC spokesperson has stated that at least 16 people who tried to cross a police barrier have been arrested." (twitter) [updated 6:20pm GMT] * at UC: "@callie_hoo: I'm covered in pepper spray and they hit my leg so hard i can hardly walk #occupyca #globalEdu" (twitter) [updated 5:50pm GMT] * News from the University of California (UC): "Cops are indiscriminately pepperspraying students outside. some students badly injured. 5 arrested. just to pass 8%" (twitter) [updated 5:25pm GMT] * three students have been arrested in connection with todays protests against the Regents' meetings at the University of California (ucregentlive.wordpress.com) [updated 5:10pm GMT] * Students and workers rip down barricades and storm building where the Regents' meeting is taking place at the University of California (U.S.A.). The Regents are expected to vote on an 8% increase in tuition fees. (twitter) [updated 4:45pm GMT] * about 200,000 people join demonstrations in 70 cities across Italy (repubblica.it, video of demo in Forli) * general assembly at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (Germany) with about 700 students is going on right now and will probably be followed by a protest action * 400 protesters each join demonstration in Gießen and Osnabrück (Germany) * 8,000 are protesting on the streets of Regensburg (Germany) right now * students began to occupy spaces at around 40 universities across Greece E-Mail: kritischestudentenutrecht@gmail.com Website: http://kritischestudentenutrecht.wordpress.com/2010/11/19/bezuinigingen-en-afbraak-en-verzet-studentenbewegingen-de-internationale-context/ |
aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | Nederlands protest | NN - 20.11.2010 14:58
 Even een foto van de protestactie hier in Nederland... zoek de verschillen... | dit werkt niet. | pietje precies - 20.11.2010 15:50
In plaats van demonstreren lijkt het mij beter jezelf te begeven onder jongeren, en hen uit te leggen hoe het systeem werkt... misschien doen ze dan ook wel mee. ga gewoon eens een gesprek aan, met die jongeren uit sociale achterstandswijken... met jongeren op vmbo, doe informatiemiddagen, gewoon in overleg, via netwerkjes. schrijf hyves sites aan van scholen, dit werkt niet. het moderne protest gaat via internet, en daarna pas op straat. Maar dan moet je wel weten hoe je internet moet gebruiken. Alleen publiceren op indymedia, bereik je een zééééééér kleine groep mensen mee. En over die mensen kun je ook een behoorlijke twijfel hebben wat betreft integriteit en bewegingsredenen. Schreeuwen werkt niet, uitleggen wel. | 23 nov. Actievergadering tegen bezuinigingen | Kritische Studenten Utrecht - 20.11.2010 16:13
 Kritische Studenten Utrecht organiseert op dinsdag 23 november om 19.30 in de Rooie Rat, Oudegracht 65 een open actievergadering om plannen te maken voor acties tegen de bezuinigingsplannen van kabinet Rutte. Dit kabinet wil: * bij meer dan 1 Jaar Studievertraging de OV Jaarkaart afschaffen; * bij meer dan 1 Jaar Studievertraging het collegegeld verhogen met € 3.000; * en wil je een Masterstudie volgen, dan krijg je GEEN studiefinanciering meer. Hier gaan we niet meer akkoord. Sterker nog hier gaan we wat tegen doen. In Londen zijn 50.000 studenten tegen de bezuinigingen de straat op gegaan. Wat gaan wij in Utrecht, en Nederland doen? Don’t panic, organize! Kom op 23 nov. om 19.30 naar de Open Actievergadering van KSU Boekhandel de Rooie Rat, Oudegracht 65 Meer info: http://kritischestudentenutrecht.wordpress.com/ E-Mail: kritischestudentenutrecht@gmail.com Website: http://kritischestudentenutrecht.wordpress.com/ | |
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