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[GIO] Oproep deelname studentenprotesten vrijdag 10 december Griekenland is overal! - 06.12.2010 00:46
STUDENTEN EN ARBEIDERS ZIJ AAN ZIJ: STEUN DE STUDENTENPROTESTEN Griekenland is overal roept op tot deelname aan de studentenprotesten op vrijdag 10 december  De rekening van de crisis wordt, hier en in het buitenland, neergelegd bij mensen die haar niet hebben veroorzaakt en die het minste kunnen opbrengen: studenten, arbeiders, werklozen en migranten. Tegelijkertijd krijgen de crisis-veroorzakende banken en investeerders nog altijd vrij baan, blijft de hypotheekrenteaftrek onaangetast, en vindt men wel geld voor het opschroeven van repressie, voor meer asfalt en miljarden voor nieuwe straaljagers. Daarnaast gaat het meest rechtse kabinet in de parlementaire geschiedenis van Nederland nog verder in het creëren van vijandsbeelden van moslims en migranten, en schroeft zij de repressie tegen ongedocumenteerden op. Dit is een poging ons te verblinden voor de echte vijand: de bazen en politici. Dit accepteren we niet! Wij hebben een radicaal ander idee bij een rechtvaardige samenleving dan die de neoliberale, xenofobische regering voor ogen heeft. Wij willen een wereld zien waar de behoeften van de mensen centraal staan en niet die van de markt. Een wereld waarin iedereen kan delen in de geproduceerde welvaart en waar iedereen inspraak heeft in de dingen die hen aangaan, in de wijken, scholen en op de werkvloer. Waar iedereen vrij is te gaan en staan waar hij of zij wilt en waar we tijd en energie in elkaar investeren. --- De strijd tegen een onderwijssysteem dat zich voegt naar het marktdenken, waar geld een alles bepalende rol speelt, is een belangrijk onderdeel van de strijd voor een rechtvaardige en sociale samenleving. Een samenleving met goed en gratis onderwijs voor allen. Wij, studenten, arbeiders en werklozen, staan daarom zij aan zij met de studenten in hun verzet tegen de aanval van de huidige regering. We moeten ook beseffen dat dit een internationale strijd is. De studenten in Engeland en Italië hebben ons het goede voorbeeld gegeven, maar ook in andere landen laait de strijd op. Daarbij staan we dan ook solidair met de studenten in Engeland die grootschalige repressie hebben moeten ondergaan. De beste solidariteit is de strijd hier naar een hoger niveau te tillen. Daarom hopen we deze vrijdag tevens veel activisten uit de libertaire beweging in Nederland te zien. Onze strijd is mét de samenleving, mét hen die in actie komen. Dit is onze plek, hier horen wij te staan. Zij aan zij, in solidariteit, als medestrijders. --- Om te werken aan een rechtvaardigere wereld willen wij helpen een open, progressieve beweging op te bouwen. Een beweging die geen concessies doet in de strijd tegen de bezuinigingen en die door gaat met de strijd tot we ons doel bereikt hebben. Wij zijn bovendien van mening dat dit alleen kans van slagen heeft wanneer de beweging gebaseerd is op een vrije, direct-democratische manier van organisatie en actie om er zo voor te zorgen dat het niet alleen een beweging voor zo veel mogelijk mensen wordt, maar vooral ook een beweging van en vormgegeven door die mensen. Wij roepen jullie op het heft in eigen handen te nemen! In de strijd om een echt rechtvaardige samenleving kunnen we niet rekenen op de partijpolitiek of op de vakbondsbesturen. Organiseer jezelf en je omgeving, je universiteit, wijk en werkplaats, zoek connecties met ander lokaal verzet en kom in actie! Leden van Griekenland is overal zullen vrijdag aanwezig zijn bij acties in Amsterdam, Utrecht en Nijmegen. Wij hopen jullie daar te zien.
http://griekenlandisoveral.wordpress.com Voor meer info over de grootste actie, in Amsterdam (verzamelen op de Dam, 13.00), zie: http://sosamsterdam.wordpress.com |
aanvullingen | Griekenland is overal! | Griekenland is overal! - 06.12.2010 00:55
 Solidarity from Greece  Solidarity from the UK  Pisa Protest Plaats hier meer beelden van internationale studentenprotesten, ter inspiratie van vrijdag (en wat nog komen gaat)... Please post pics and vids from various international student protests, to inspire us for Friday (and what's still to come)...
| Griekenland is overal! | Griekenland is overal - 06.12.2010 01:08
 Griekenland is overal! Extra info, algemene GIO-flyer. | Alexis is gone for two years | nn - 06.12.2010 03:43
Alexis is gone for two years: he’s gone to a university occupation in London, standing behind a barricade in Rome, protesting in the streets of Dublin… Words, for the largest part, fail us. Alexis has been gone for two long years. There is little to be said, much to watch in awe. Alexis lives. He stays over in university occupations in the UK. He street-fights the education cuts in Italy. He protests against austerity in the freezing cold streets of Dublin. Tomorrow, Alexis is back in the streets of Athens. We’ll all be back there. For those days, for the days that followed, for the days and the revolts yet to come. These days are Alexis’ days, these days are ours.
Website: http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/ | Examples from England | English - 06.12.2010 17:18
   England is radicalizing. | Police trying to keep the students at bay | Student - 06.12.2010 17:21
   Police trying to keep the students at bay...
| North America as well | Canada - 06.12.2010 17:34
   North America participating as well... | Italy | Italians - 06.12.2010 17:36
   Italian students in the forefront of the struggle... | Occupation example | NN - 06.12.2010 17:39
 When will the Dutch pictures come? | Statement from Greece | Griekenland is overal! - 07.12.2010 22:01
Declaration of the national coordination meeting of the student assemblies and occupied universities - Greece 03/12/2010 After the massive national demonstration of today in Athens, we – the Student Unions and the Occupied Universities – declare that we will continue our struggle. In this struggle, neither the silence of the government and the ministry of education towards our demands nor the brutal attack of the police against our demonstration will intimidate us. The unprovoked assaults of the police against our demonstration, the dozens of wounded students and the unjustified arrests of demonstrators will fail to terrorize us. The junta of the socialist PASOK showed once more the way they have chosen to deal with the youth and the working people that are fighting for their rights. For us, the true dialogue on education takes place in the university halls and in the streets and not in the closed chambers of the parliament. The thousands of students that participated in this true dialogue have declared their opposition to the new educational reform. This is refuted by the academic community as a whole and by the struggling parts of the youth. In the last period, the working people and the youth felt an unprecedented attack against every aspect of their lives. The agreement on the payment-extension of the state debt condemns the country to a long period of high unemployment, poverty and brutal exploitation. Now, we can understand very well what the government and the Troika (EU-ECB-IMF) meant when they said that until now we were “in the honey-moon of the memorandum”. The modern junta of government-EU-IMF does not hesitate to call and apply a ‘civil mobilization’ of the dock workers that were on strike and to apply the most brutal repression against any part of the society that is fighting for its rights. In this situation, we believe that the movement of the youth can spark the anger of the people and generate a massive victorious movement that will overthrow the status quo of social injustice that they are trying to establish. This is the fifth week that the student movement has been active with assemblies and occupations in universities. We are in the streets just as our colleagues in the UK, in France and in Italy. In the whole Europe, students are mobilizing against the Bologna-model, the introduction or increase of fees and the subjugation of universities to the interests of the free market. We express our wholehearted solidarity to their struggle. With the national student demonstration of today, we declare that the struggle against the educational reform of minister Diamantopoulou, the abolishment of the rights of the working people and the ‘memorandum’ of the PASOK-government, the EU and the IMF will continue. The PASOK-government - being fully aligned to the directions of the Troika (EU-ECB-IMF) - published the budget of 2011 that actually is a budget of social genocide. This budget signaled the coming of the second ‘memorandum’. The 2011 budget destroys the last remains of the welfare state and condemns the largest part of the population to poverty through price- and VAT-increases and a new financial ‘gift’ of 320 million euros to the capital. In 2011, the government will cut the budget in education, health care and culture, while it will reduce further the salaries, will abolish restrictions in layoffs and will privatize public enterprises. Despite these painful (for the working people) cuts, the state debt will continue to rise. This will lead to an agreement for the restructuring of the debt that will in turn bring new budget cuts. In the front of education, minister Diamantopoulou is preparing to bring to the parliament a new law on the educational reform after conducting a fake dialogue with her own party, PASOK, the conservatives, ND and the ultra-right party, LAOS. This educational reform is using all the well-known excuses for the need of ‘development’ and ‘exit from the crisis’ to apply all the unpopular measures that we have seen the last years and to apply the also-unpopular ‘memorandum’-policies in education. The aims of the reform are to force universities to operate under the free-market principles, to abolish university degrees in their current form, to abolish the rights associated to these degrees and to subjugate research to the needs of the free market. At the same time, this educational reform will reduce the number of students in public universities, will introduce fees and will privatize student houses and university restaurants. Moreover, this reforms aims at intensifying the tempo of studying through the imposition of compulsory presence at the lectures, the introduction of ‘courses in chains’ (you have to pass course 1 in order to start attending course 2) and the abolishment of extra exam periods. This reforms aims also at increasing repression on students through cancelling any potential of the student unions to fight for the rights of students. The university ‘asylum’ (this means that the police is not allowed to enter the university without permission unless a serious crime is being committed) will also be a victim of this reform. Most of these measures are incorporated in the National Framework of Skills that diversifies education in 8 levels and qualifies the candidate according to knowledge, abilities and skills. This happens in public universities where their temporary personnel will be laid off and education is deteriorated. Their way of overcoming the crisis is to build a ‘new’ university that will serve fully the interests of the free market. The gloomy future of precarious employment adds up to all this for the youth. The generation of ‘592 euros’ (the new national minimum salary) is now established by law. This will be also the generation with no collective wage agreements, no protection against layoffs, the generation of child labour. This will be the reality for the people that will enter the labour market from now on. The future they prepare for us has nothing else but flexible employment, temporary work, sky-high unemployment and a large informal-black sector in the labour market. The worker of the near future will work longer hours and for more years, will be paid less and will be forced to acquire new skills while facing constantly the fear of unemployment. The future of young people will be used as collateral for a state debt that the people have paid already again and again. In this situation, the youth will flood again the streets on the 6th of December. We are a generation that is being shot every day by the modern junta of PASOK-EU-IMF. We identify ourselves with Alexis .With the conviction of the murderers of Alexis our demand for justice was fulfilled. However, this is not enough to close the case of the first youth revolt worldwide after the financial crisis of 2007. The true conviction of those having the political responsibility can only be achieved by the movement. The aims of the movement of December 2008 still remain unfulfilled. This is clear as a whole generation sees its rights to be abolished, repression to increase, people fighting for their rights to be unjustifiably prosecuted (even high-school students are prosecuted as terrorists and demonstrators covering their faces are considered by default perpetrators). This becomes also clear when seeing the media to libel the movement and cover up the acts of the government. The light of December 2008 will be on again. The youth will give the sparkle and will stand alongside the working people to overthrow the unpopular policies and to erase the state debt that condemns the majority of the people in order to save the banks and their exploitation system. At this very moment, we are called to give the battle of our generation. We are called to make our own history. The continuation of the actions and the occupations, the social and nation-wide extension of our struggle is the only way out. The student unions declare their active participation to the movement. They call to a common struggle with the whole society. Let the national demonstration of today to become the launch of new struggles. We will not allow the government, the EU or the IMF to destroy our present and our future. We will overthrow the policies of the ‘memorandum’ with a long-lasting struggle. In this struggle, we will stand side by side with the working people, the high-school students and the rest of the youth. Students and workers will stand together in the nation-wide strike on the 15/12 to overthrow the junta of PASOK-EU-IMF. We will continue with assemblies, massive protests, occupations. We will continue by coordinating all these actions with each other and with the strikes organized by the workers. We will continue till the final victory! Our aims: • Withdrawal of the discussion-document of minister Diamantopoulou. Withdrawal of the unpopular educational reform. • No participation in the fake dialogue with the government. • Overthrown of the ‘memorandum’, the stability pact and all the associated policy measures. Down to the junta of government-EU-IMF! • Immediate disengagement of the country from the ‘support’-mechanism of EU-ECB-IMF. The working people will not pay for the crisis. • Disobedience to the EU and its directions. Let Greece become the broken link of the Bologna process. • Banning of layoffs. No abolishment of permanent contracts for civil servants. No privatizations • Block the Budget of layoffs and budget cuts. • Block the plan for the reform of employment relations. Full working and pension rights for the youth. Permanent jobs for everybody. Generous increases in salaries and pensions. Unemployment benefit equal to the minimum wage. • Unified public and free education for everybody without class or financial barriers or exams! • Overrule all unpopular education laws. • Free books, housing, public transport and university restaurants for all students. • One degree per knowledge-sector. All working rights to be associated to this degree which should be the only requirement for employment. • No restriction or abolishment of the university ‘asylum’. Establishment of asylum in schools and workplaces. • We declare our solidarity to the high-school students in Iraklio and elsewhere. All charges against students in Larissa 9/12 should be dropped. • Disarm the police, abolish the riot police. Defend the right in demonstrating, occupying and striking. Abolish the anti-terrorist law! • All charges against our fellow students should be dropped. Our struggle will not become illegal! We call: • To a new round of assemblies and occupations at all universities. • To massive demonstrations on Monday, 6/12 in all cities. • Several actions inside the universities and in the street to widen our movement. Just before the nation-wide strike of the 15/12, we mobilize at the Unemployment Office on the 14/12 against policies leading to unemployment. • We mobilize at the meeting of University-deans on the 11/12. WE CONTINUE ON THE WAY OF DECEMBER 2008 AND THE SOCIAL STRUGGLES. WE CONTINUE AND ESCALATE OUR ACTIONS TILL THE FINAL VICTORY! WE WILL BECOME THE GENERATION OF OVETHROWING!! NATIONAL COORDINATION MEETING OF ASSEMBLIES AND OCCUPATIONS
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