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Geheime militaire uitbreidng NAVO (Eagle Guardian) nn - 07.12.2010 13:55
De NAVO heeft vorig jaar in het geheim plannen gemaakt om naast Polen nu ook de Baltische staten Estland, Letland en Litouwen te beschermen tegen Russische dreigingen ook wel Eagle Guardian genoemd. De V.S. verwelkomt de uitbreiding maar wil dat hier geen publiek debat over wordt gevoerd uit angst voor spanningen met Rusland en geeft instructies hoe om te gaan met de pers. De V.S. ziet de uitbreiding als eerste stap naar het maken van militaire plannen tegen alle mogelijke ingebeelde bedreigingen inclusief regionale. The U.S. welcomes the decision to expand EAGLE GUARDIAN to include the defense of the Baltic states, and sees it as a logical military extension of the existing contingency plan that fits well within the existing scenario. We see the expansion of EAGLE GUARDIAN as a step toward the possible expansion of NATO’s other existing country-specific contingency plans into regional plans. This is the first step in a multi-stage process to develop a complete set of appropriate contingency plans for the full range of possible threats - both regional and functional - as soon as possible. A public discussion of contingency planning would also likely lead to an unnecessary increase in NATO-Russia tensions, something we should try to avoid as we work to improve practical cooperation in areas of common NATO-Russia interest. -- We hope that we can count on your support in keeping discussions on NATO *contingency planning out of the public domain. *definition of contingency - An event that may or may not occur. The Alliance has many public diplomacy tools at its disposal. Contingency planning is not one of them. What we should do is explore other public steps for demonstrating the vitality of Article 5, such as exercises, defense investment, and partnerships. -- Public discussion of contingency plans undermines their military value, giving insight into NATO’s planning processes. This weakens the security of all Allies. PUBLIC/PRESS INQUIRIES -- IF ASKED: -- NATO does not discuss specific plans. -- As a matter of course, however, NATO engages in planning in order to be as prepared as possible for whatever situations might arise, particularly as relates to its ability to carrying out its Article 5 commitments. -- Plans are not static. NATO is constantly reviewing and revising its plans. -- NATO planning is an internal process designed to make the Alliance as prepared as possible for future contingencies. It is not “aimed” at any other country. -- President Obama acknowledged this when he said at Prague that “We must work together as NATO members so that we have contingency plans in place to deal with new threats, wherever they may come from.” CLINTON
http://www.wikileaks.ch/cable/2010/01/10STATE7810. Website: http://www.wikileaks.ch/cable/2010/01/10STATE7810.html |
Lees meer over: antimilitarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | Militaire NAVO dictatuur | nn - 07.12.2010 15:19
De V.S. zit er niet op te wachten dat de politiek(democratie) zich met de NAVO uitbreiding gaat bemoeien.Hiermee wordt toch wel duidelijk dat we in een schijndemocratie leven. Washington shares USNATO's goal of a non-politicized process for moving forward. Washington believes that increased public attention on the issue could complicate our efforts to achieve that goal Public discussion of the plan would also make it politically much more difficult for some Allies to support the EAGLE GUARDIAN revision, creating divisions within the Alliance and throwing the whole project into doubt. We hope that we can count on your support in these efforts, including on keeping discussions on NATO contingency planning out of the public domain.
http://www.wikileaks.ch/cable/2009/12/09STATE127892.html Website: http://www.wikileaks.ch/cable/2009/12/09STATE127892.html | |
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