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Camps for Dissidents ready for use in U.S. Tijdsgeest - 07.12.2010 22:50
Recently the show of Jesse Ventura conspiracy theory, former governor of Minesota, looks into concentrationcamps who have been build all over the U.S. in the last decade. These so called (by railwaytrack accessible) FEMA camps, can be used at will via executive orders made by former presidents. In the interview Jesse Ventura talks with different senators about the bill from senate that allowed more camps to be build in the U.S. The show during the showing was put out of the air.
http://www.prlog.org/11121241-police-state-episode-of-hit-ventura-show-covering-concentration-camps-pulled-from-air.html One of reasons given for the camps is: emergency camps in case of a biological warfare or disease. Included in the interview there were found thousands of empty body coffins at different locations all around the U.S. The concentrationcamp story is similar to; R. de Ruiter. His latest book: The transition: The end of our selfdetermination, describes transport and camps within Europe today: "everything lays ready to be used". R. de Ruiter, winner of the frontieraward 2005 in which "the myth of al quida" is described. The camps much like the refugeecentres we see today, in Holland and all over Europe. The show:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFk1-eDSz9U&feature=player_embedded |
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