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Anonops IRC down! nn - 10.12.2010 20:02
After successfully running the anonops irc server again for quite some time, massive ban's where followed by a server shut down. What the reasons are and for how long this will continue is speculation. More information will soon be available thru social networks and alternative media! The anonops irc server's IP: After successfully running the anonops irc server again for quite some time, massive ban's where followed by a server shut down. What the reasons are and for how long this will continue is speculation. More information will soon be available thru social networks and alternative media! The anonops irc server's IP: |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | nn | nn - 10.12.2010 20:20
The server is back online now, the server message says: WE WERE TAKEN OVER. | http://pastebin.com/DJcDRECc <-- Read. We were taken over by a mad oper. Search through the paste for "pancakes", for info. IRC ISNT THE SAFEST GUYS, JUST REMEBER ITS OPEN TO A LOT OF THINGS, EVERYTHING IS OK NOW. However we don't know who made that message and is really in control of the server atm, might as well be some agency logging ip's and data. | HIJACKED | nn - 10.12.2010 20:35
Again/still the server has been hijacked! While admins where setting it all up again the admin got kicked. The assaulter appeared to be a dutch person or tried to atleast spread his message in dutch for some time. Updates will follow! | relinking servers | nn - 10.12.2010 23:05
Apparently servers have to be relinked. Below is a log with a statement from localhost (who are running/maintaining these servers): [22:00] @localhost, can you confirm GOV has taken down the domain through VeriSign? 03[22:00] * laz0r1337 ( guest@rox-26E3DBB6.torservers.net) has joined #OperationPayback [22:00] OK, i'll be patient and quiet, just don't kick me. [22:00] Ap3X it has. Again the government shows not to tolerate any kind of activism wheter its demonstration in real life or in the world wide web! | Huh? | Jan P. - 11.12.2010 06:19
Waar gaat dit over? | Cyberactivisme | Cybertje - 11.12.2010 22:35
Jan P.: Dit gaat over de IRC chat server waarvandaan website blokkades gecoordineerd worden. Als je het nieuws hebt gevolgd heb je vast wel gehoord dat websites van grote multinationals zijn platgelegd, alsmede de site van de Nederlandse politie. Er een online strijd 'Cyberwar' gaande tussen tegenstanders en symphatisanten van Wikileaks. Website: http://twitter.com/search/anonops%20irc | |
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