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Clashes with patrol bomps in the center of Athens gr - 15.12.2010 15:04
Strong clashes of workers and police in the center of Athens now .. Strong clashes of workers and police in the center of Athens now .. The center of Athens is like battle zone.. now.. |
aanvullingen | Bleeding guy | NN - 15.12.2010 16:35
Does anyone know who the bleeding official is on the photos on indymedia greece? Looks like a mayor or minister? And, even though I love Greek anarchists...please learn some English! Patrol Bomps?? Petrol Bombs!!!!! If we want to be taken somewhat seriously we might want to learn our languages.. | A first report | Griekenland is Overal - 15.12.2010 17:25
Today, it is the day of a national strike in Athens. Yesterday, the parliament voted for the abolishment of practically all collective employment agreement and practically made legal any violation of workers' rights. The first info on the strike is that it was very successful, with hundreds of thousands of people not showing up for work today. In Athens a huge demo took place. The first estimates refer to more than 200.000 demonstrators in Athens and many thousands in other cities all around Greece. The main characteristic was that people were against the official union confederations and did not follow their demonstrations. Again, the communist party and it's unions (PAME) marched alone and very quickly. They didn't even pass next to the parliament house. The blocks of the work-floor trade unions and the student unions were massive. Riots broke out during the demo with demonstrators attacking the police and the police attacking as well and beating brutally demonstrators. It is clear that any sense of democratic principles have stopped to hold in this country. The question is not 'whether' but 'when' people are going to be killed by the police. The police in Athens attacked particularly fierce against he massive blocks of the work-floor trade unions and the student unions. No matter the fierce attacks and the injuries, the blocks did not dissolve and fought back the police. 2 video-links follow: BBC: You can see the police attack against the block of the work-floor trade unions and the resistance of the people
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12000605 Telegraph with riots close to the parliament and in the center
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/financialcrisis/8203636/Greek-chaos-amid-general-strike-and-austerity-protests.html The demonstrators did smth very smart. This time they did not initiate riots in front of the parliament house but they continued the demo with aim to occupy the building of the national union confederation GSEE that has made an agreement (betrayal) with the government and the employers. According to the greek indymedia, when the work-floor trade unions reached the building of GSEE the police attacked hastily with motorcycles attacking the crowd and policemen pulling out their guns. The occupation attempt did not succeed. However, the police was attacked from another side by another block (according to the greek indy: the anti-authoritarian movement). The result was a riot-police van and several police-motorcycles burnt. The police is gone mad because suddenly the parliament house was left naked of protection and some demonstrators went there again. The story is still ongoing. In the last 3 days the people of a suburb of Athens (Keratea) are fighting with the police against the creation of an illegal (but very profitable for some known companies) waste-dumping place. The riot police is using (for the first time since the '70s) armoured water canons. The resistance of the people there (just locals, not a single anarchist in the area...) is remarkable. They are fighting the water canon with a local water canon (used for fires), they bring trucks full of stones to throw to the police. 3 days ago, they trapped a unit of the riot police in a field and the beated them up. Some locals went to an overlooking hill and fired warning shots to the police with rifles used for hunting. A video from Keratea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBBfSPSi0qo Website: http://griekenlandisoveral.wordpress.com | |
aanvullingen | |