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STOP the mining project in the desert of México. burn-e - 18.12.2010 04:39
Stop the mining project in the desert of Real de Catorce, México. In favor of the enviroment, the cultural heritage of the Wixarika people, and their own health, this petition is emitted by the Wixarika People of the three states of Jalisco, Nayarit and Durango, representing the Wixarika Union of these states.  peyote  the walk  real  natural fractal Recalling that the Wixarika People (also known as Huicholes) have, since immemorial time, participated in a pilgrimage to the sacred region of Wirikuta, recreating the long path that our ancestors walked during the fomation of the world to the place where the sun was born in the semi-desert region of Real de Catorce. Considering that the prayer in Wirikuta is for all living beings on this planet to see their lives protected, so that their ancient Wixarika culture be mantained and not disappear, and so that the keys to their wisdom and the candles of life that give sense to the Wixarika identity be renewed. Analizing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), particularly the accord between Mexico, the United States and Canada deriving in orders such as the Mining Law that have paved the way for their sacred sites in the Desert of Real de Catorce to become the object of 22 concesions granted to the transnational mining company First Majestic Silver, of Canadian origin, totaling 6,326 hectares that encompass their sacred sites. Considering that the damage would irreversibly affect the springs in which they collect sacred water (by the risk of pollution by cyanide and the drying of large quantities of water that would be used by the mining industry), and will affect 16 population centers in the region. And evaluating that the mining project of First Majestic Silver violates the rights that they have as a recognized group under Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO); violates the established Management Program for the Protected Ecological Area of Wirikuta that encompasses almost 70% of the mining concession and of which, they, the Wixarika People, are part of the Administrative Council; fails to comply with the accord established by the General Law for the Ecological Balance and Protection of the Enviroment; the Enviromental Law of the state of San Luis Potosi; as well as a sizable quantity of applicable Mexican laws: WE MANIFEST OUR PROFOUND REJECTION TO THE MINING PROJECT OF TRANSNATIONAL COMPANY FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER IN THE DESERT OF REAL DE CATORCE, being that their sacred sites are a form of patrimony that can not be monetarized and that hold an unquantificable value for them, their children, their grandchildren and all future generations of Wixarika People. IF YOU SUPPORT THIS SIGN HERE:
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/2/proclamation-in-defense-of-wirikuta/ THANK YOU. E-Mail: fingersssalad@hotmail.co.uk |
Lees meer over: globalisering natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | more pictures | burn-e - 18.12.2010 04:47
   more pictures | Beautifull, but what organizations? | MM - 18.12.2010 07:04
The link is about a petition, but can't find info about what organization(s) are involved? Maybe its a very individual action? But even then one could (& should in my opinion) connect to some recognized organizations. | 7 doden en 5 gewonden, ongerelateerd? | MM - 18.12.2010 11:41
Zie nieuws van 7 uur geleden, dat er 7 doden en 5 gewonden bij aanslagen in de regio zijn:
http://news.google.com/news/story?ncl=dxMNYi3zqdIGUoMgyO9SGSWiJ_S4M (gebruik http://translate.google.com/#es|en| om artikelen te vertalen) Vergelijk deze kaart van de genoemde (woestijn) van "Real de Catorce":
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Real+de+Catorce,+M%C3%A9xico&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.144864,86.396484&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Real+de+Catorce,+San+Luis+Potos%C3%AD,+Mexico&ll=23.689397,-100.885546&spn=11.032265,21.599121&z=6 Met deze kaart van Ciudad del Maiz in de staat San Louis Potosi, waar de aanslagen zijn:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ciudad+del+maiz,+san+luis+potosi,+mexico&sll=37.996163,-95.712891&sspn=36.041071,86.396484&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Ciudad+del+Ma%C3%ADz,+San+Luis+Potos%C3%AD,+Mexico&ll=22.399324,-99.602952&spn=11.138119,21.599121&z=6 Er is sprake van een ander incident in "Ciudad Valles", eveneens in deze regio. Onbekend is of er enig verband bestaat? | woestijn tot..? + zilvermijn locaties | MM - 18.12.2010 11:54
Genoemde staten Durango, Jalisco en Nayarit zijn echter ten Westen grenzend aan de staat San Louis Potosi. De woestijn wordt volgens maps.google echter aan San Louis Potosi toegeschreven. Het lijkt om dezelfde woestijn te gaan? Hier de website van de het bedrijf dat zilvermijnen in Mexico heeft:
http://firstmajestic.com "First Majestic Silver Corp. is committed to building a senior Silver producing mining company based on an aggressive development and acquisition plan with a focus on Mexico. The Company presently owns and operates three producing silver mines in Mexico; the La Parrilla Silver Mine, the San Martin Silver Mine and the La Encantada Silver Mine. Production from these three mines is anticipated to be over 6.9 million ounces of silver in 2010." Hier een kaartje met hun zilverprojecten:
http://www.firstmajestic.com/s/Projects.asp | zilvermijn S.L.P. ver weg + 22 concessies | MM - 18.12.2010 12:07
Hun zilvermijn in San Louis Potosi is:
http://www.firstmajestic.com/s/RealDeCatorce.asp ... in de plaats "Matehuala" ten noorden van de stad San Louis Potosi. En dat is ruim 150Km van Ciudad del Maiz waar de moorden zijn; ongerelateerd zo te zien. Overigens is er in de links te vinden dat het om 22 mijn-concessies zou gaan, veel meer dan de op de zilvermijn-site genoemde projecten. | Wiki: Real de Catorce | MM - 18.12.2010 12:27
CITY of Real de Catorce
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_de_Catorce#Mining In dezelfde wiki wordt het staten-vraagstuk een beetje duidelijker: "... Huichol Indians walk across miles of desert from Nayarit, Durango, Jalisco and Zacatecas to visit the valley of Catorce every spring to leave religious offerings at the "Cerro Quemado", a ceremonial center to the east of their mystical religious territory. Quemado is, according to their ancestral beliefs, the birthplace of their "Tatewari" or Grandfather Fire. During this time, they also visit the "Wirikuta" or desert below Real de Catorce to gather a year's supply of sacred nourishment in the form of peyote or "hikuri", the magical cactus that they use to guide their path and consciousness. Though found throughout the region, the cacti in the Wirikuta purportedly produce the most desired crop. ..." => But WHERE is the "valley of Catorce"? Nog een link:
http://www.realdecatorce.net/homeng | 'Toerisme verboden' | MM - 18.12.2010 12:38
Misschien wel handig om hier te vermelden, voordat sommigen op een idee voor een 'alternatieve verlichtende' vakantie worden gebracht: Het is bij (drugs)wet en ook uit natuurbehoud alleen aan deze indianen toegestaan om de Peyote hier te oogsten en nuttigen. Misschien dat men wel gekweekte kan verkijgen (wetten in Mexico zijn echter streng voor drugs). | |
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