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DID THE POPE SAY MOTHER TERESA LEFT U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SONIA SOTOMAYOR IN CHARGE OF PROTECTING THE AMERICAN POOR ??? THE POPE KNOWS ALL ABOUT U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SONIA SOTOMAYOR BEING TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL ... THANK U LORD 4 DELIVERING OUR AMERICAN POORER CITIZENS U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SONIA SOTOMAYOR..... THE POPE, VATICAN & WORLD~WIDE CATHOLIC CHURCH SHOULD ALL BE VERY PROUD OF U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SONIA SOTOMAYOR.... LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS VERY ELATED WITH PRESIDENT OBAMA FOR BEING SO WISE IN HIS SELECTION OF U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SONIA SOTOMAYOR. WE LOVE THE ENERGY & INTEGRITY THAT THIS SPECIAL MODERN DAY U.S.SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SONIA SOTOMAYOR BRINGS INTO AMERICA'S ELITE UPPER LEVEL JUDICIAL SYSTEM. . THIS UNIQUE LADY HAS THE ABILITY TO RELATE TO little Americans LIVING AND BEING DOMINATED BY OUR ELITE'S IN THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR $$ TAKE ALL UNDER~FINANCED JUDICIAL SYSTEM... FROM all of us little American's to OUR FAIR , JUST, INSPIRATIONAL & TRULY CARING SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SONIA SOTOMAYOR,... OUR HOPES AND DREAMS THAT THIS GREAT COUNTRY WILL BECOME EVEN GREATER UNDER YOUR LEADERSHIP IN THE UPPER BOWELS OF OUR UNDER~FINANCED AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM THAT ONLY CURRENTLY RESPECTS & RELIES ON A $$$ LEGAL DEFENSE OVER REAL JUSTICE FOR ALL THOSE TENS OF MILLIONS OF OUR POORER AMERICANS. WITHOUT THE ADEQUATE MEANS TO AFFORD ONES OWN CIVIL,FAMILY COURT OR FEDERAL APPEAL LAWYERS, TENS OF MILLIONS OF OUR MIDDLE~CLASS & POORER AMERICANS HAVE ALL BEEN SIMPLY PUSHED TO THE SIDE OF TRUE JUSTICE BEING A MEANINGFUL OBJECTIVE IN OUR CURRENT NATIONAL AMERICAN COURT~JUDICIAL SYSTEM ..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sotomayor protests court's refusal of appeals Updated 12/27/2010 Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has signed four dissents over rejected appeals and was lead author on three such dissents. By Joan Biskupic, USA TODAY Newspaper WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has set herself apart from colleagues with her fervent statements protesting the majority's refusal to take some appeals, particularly involving prisoners. Each month, the justices spurn hundreds of petitions from people who have lost in lower courts, and rarely does an individual justice go public with concern about the denial. In the seven times it has happened since the annual term opened in October, Justice Sotomayor has signed four of the opinions, more than any other justice. She was the lead author on three, again more than any other justice. She forcefully dissented when the justices refused to hear the appeal of a Louisiana prisoner who claimed he was punished for not taking his HIV medication. He said prison officials subjected him to hard labor in 100-degree heat. Writing alone, she said the inmate had a persuasive claim of cruel and unusual punishment. This emerging pattern of dissenting statements helps define a justice in her second term who is still — like newest justice Elena Kagan— fresh in the public eye. SUPREME COURT: Seven cases show differences among justices On the law, Sotomayor has been in the liberal mold of her predecessor, David Souter, and her approach to writing opinions on cases heard has been fact-specific and free of rhetorical flourish. That was her style as a trial judge (1992-98) and appeals court judge (1998-2009). Yet she has stood out as one of the most demanding questioners during oral arguments. She often breaks in as a fellow justice is questioning a lawyer, although she is not alone. Antonin Scalia also has an aggressive approach. Her tendency to protest when the justices pass up a case she believes is crucial may be another way of getting her voice heard. Adam Abensohn, a law clerk to Sotomayor earlier in her career, said of the recent dissents, "If she has a viewpoint, she won't hesitate to assert herself. If she thinks it's a good idea to do something, she's not going to hold back simply because 'it's not the way things are done' or because she's relatively new." Abensohn, who practices law in New York, said that although such dissenting opinions have no immediate legal consequence, they "may plant the seeds for the court to address an issue down the road. ... In a sense, Justice Sotomayor is placing her stamp on issues that may be decided years from now." Dissents can change colleagues' minds — if not then, later. In February 2009, Scalia protested that the court repeatedly rejected appeals involving an open-ended U.S. law making it a crime for officials to deprive citizens of their right to "honest services." Dissenting alone in one of these disputes, Scalia noted lower courts disagreed on what offenses were covered and declared, "It seems ... quite irresponsible to let the current chaos prevail." A few months later, the court took up the issue and ultimately ruled in a way that narrowed the law to bribes and kickbacks. Sotomayor has been most vocal in criminal law cases. In the appeal from the Louisiana prisoner, she wrote that his decision to refuse medication "does not give prison officials license to exacerbate (his) condition further as a means of punishing or coercing him." In another case, she objected when the justices declined to take a petition from an Arkansas murderer who said jurors should have heard mitigating evidence of his brutal childhood before deciding on a death sentence. She was troubled by an appeals court's decision letting officials wait to object to a claim for a new hearing until they had heard the prisoner's evidence and he had prevailed at an early stage. Sotomayor said states should not be allowed "to manipulate federal ... proceedings to their own strategic advantage at an unacceptable cost to justice." She was joined only by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It takes four votes among the nine for the high court to take a case; it then takes five votes to resolve the case. Jonathan Kirshbaum, a senior lawyer at the non-profit Center for Appellate Litigation in New York, which represents indigent defendants, said he has been struck by how Sotomayor, a former prosecutor, has "come out so strongly for criminal defendants." Sotomayor declined to comment for this story. Justice Samuel Alito, also a former prosecutor, has been a close second this term in publicly objecting when the majority declines a case. He protested in three cases and authored the opinion in two. On criminal matters, he tends to favor law enforcement. When Sotomayor was appointed, some defendants' rights advocates, including Kirshbaum, speculated that she might take a hard line on prisoner appeals. He said she's adopting a much different approach. "There seems to be real feeling behind these opinions," he said. "They give the criminal defendant's perspective on these issues." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS WILL ONCE AGAIN BE PICKING UP WHERE WE LEFT OFF 2 YEARS AGO REPORTING ON THE LEGAL DRAMA THAT TOOK PLACE IN THE INDIO CALIFORNIA COURTS CONCERNING MARK BURK & FORMER MODEL BEVERLY JOHNSON. MUCH HAS TAKEN PLACE IN & OUT OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY COURTS CONCERNING THIS MADE FOR TV LEGAL DRAMA BETWEEN THESE 2 FORMER GOLFING LIVE IN LOVERS OF THE FAMOUS PGA WEST GOLF COMMUNITY. CURRENTLY MR. BURK HAS JUST RECENTLY FINISHED FILMING THE GOLF CHANNELS FIRST SEASON OF TEN VARIOUS EPISODES OF THEIR NEW GOLF REALITY TV SHOW CALLED PIPE DREAM. LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS FIRST REPORTED ON THE MARK BURK ~ BEVERLY JOHNSON LEGAL CASE TAKING PLACE IN INDIO CALIFORNIA 2 YEARS AGO PRIOR ANYONE EVER DREAMING MARK BURK WOULD BE FEATURED TWO YEARS LATER IN HIS INTERNATIONAL GOLF REALITY TV SHOW. TWO YEARS AGO WE RE~PUBLISHED (ON THE WEB ) MANY DIFFERENT ARTICLES WRITTEN BY THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER NEWSPAPER & PUBLISHED OUR OWN WRITTEN COMMENTARY BY LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS CONCERNING THE COPY CAT LEGAL ACCUSATIONS MADE BY MODEL BEVERLY JOHNSON OF SHE'S GOT THE LOOK TV SHOW AGAINST LAW & ORDER ACTOR CHRIS NOTH & GOLF INSTRUCTOR MARK BURK. IN OUR VERY SHORT INVESTIGATION OF THESE PAST POLICE CHARGES BEVERLY JOHNSON THREW INTO THE PUBLIC ARENA AGAINST MR. NOTH & MR. BURK WE COULD NOT HELP BUT NOTICE SOME VERRY SIMILAR COPY-CAT CLAIMS (MANY YEARS APART) BY BEVERLY JOHNSON AGAINST BOTH OF THESE MEN. *** IT IS A INDIO COURT OF PUBLIC RECORDS FACT THAT BEVERLY JOHNSON & MARK BURK WERE LIVING TOGETHER FOR OVER 13 MONTHS IN THE SAME HOME AT PGA WEST WHILE MR BURK WAS UNDER A RIVERSIDE CONTY RESTRAINING ORDER THAT WAS SUPPOSE TO PREVENT ANY CONTACT OF 100 FEEET OR CLOSER WITH A SUPPOSED FRIGHTENED BEVERLY JOHNSON. THAT BOGUS RESTRAINING ORDER FILED IN THE INDIO COURTS AGAINST MARK BURK BY BEVERLY JOHNSONS BULLY LAWYER WAS SUPPOSE TO BE USED TO PREVENT MR. BURK FROM BEING EVEN REMOTELY NEAR THIS SO CALLED FRIGHTENED WOMEN... BEVERLY JOHNSON. NO, BEVERLY JOHNSON AND HER restraining order HIT MAN ATTORNEY PLAYED WITH MARK BURK AS IF HE WAS A BOUGHT AND PAID FOR little houseman THAT THEY KEPT ON A VERY SHORT LEASH. THIS BEVERLY JOHNSON LAWYER WHO ACTED AS BEVERLY JOHNSON'S LEGAL GRUNT, WAS THE VERY SAME LAWYER WHO WAS UNDER PROBATION AND STILL UNDER PROBATION TODAY WITH THE CA BAR FOR PAST MISDEEDS HIMSELF.**THIS PHONEY RESTRAINING ORDER LEGAL HIT MAN ATTORNEY OF BEVERLY JOHNSON'S GOT INVOLVED IN A CAR ACCIDENT WITH A 82 YEAR ELDERLY MAN AND PUNCHED HIM OUT** THESE TWO VERY TWISTED MINDS OF BEVERLY JOHNSON & HER ABUSIVE FORMER $$ GRUB LAWYER, WENT THROUGH 4 RESTRAINING ORDERS OVER A THREE YEAR PERIOD OF TIME WITH MARK BURK, PLAYING WITH HIM AS IF HE AND HIS LIFE WERE NOTHING MORE THAN A YO_YO. WHATS THAT OLD ADAGE WHERE DIRTY WATER SEEKS IT'S OWN FILTHY LEVEL.... LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS HAS READ FIRST HAND PAGES OUT OF BEVERLY JOHNSON'S HAND WRITTEN DIARY THAT SAY IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THAT HER FORMER LOVER MARK BURK WAS NEVER PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE TOWARDS BEVERLY JOHNSON. THESE HAND WRITTEN DIARY PAGES OF BEVERLY JOHNSON ARE PART OF THE COURT RECORD IN INDIO CA AND ARE DATED AFTER 2 PREVIOUS RESTRAINING ORDERS WERE ISSUED ON MR MARK BURK BY BEVERLY JOHNSON AND HER ATTORNEY. BEVERLY JOHNSON WRITES IN HER OWN DIARY THAT MARK BURK HAS NEVER BEEN VIOLENT TOWARDS HER BUT CONTINUES TO ATTEMPT TO CONTROL HIM WITH PHONY RESTRAINING ORDERS ISSUED THROUGH THE RIVERSIDE COURTS.... STAY TUNED BECAUSE THERE ARE MANY MORE INSIDE FACTS TO COME THAT WHEN READ & UNDERSTOOD COMPLETELY WILL GIVE ANY CIVILIZED AMERICAN THE CORRECT CONCEPT ABOUT HOW A WEALTHY ELITE BEVERLY JOHNSON WHO HAS BEEN DEALING WITH HER BI~POLAR LIFE ON AND APPARENTLY MANY DAYS OFF PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS. **MR. BURK HAS LONG AGO (2 years ago ) INFORMED LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS ABOUT HOW HE HAD MANY NIGHTS OF LOCKING HIMSELF IN A GUEST BEDROOM TO SLEEP ALONE WHILE BEVERLY JOHNS WAS EITHER DRINKING OR USING DRUGS FOR SELF MEDICATION. **** SOME OF THIS JOHNSON~BURK PAST WRITTEN MATERIAL BY LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS FOUND WITH ANY WEB SEARCH OF THESE TITLES. 1) MODEL BEVERLY JOHNSON COMMITS HARI~CARI PERJURY 2) BEVERLY JOHNSON RUNS FOR COVER BACK TO THE BLACK AMERICAN COMMUNITY THAT SHE & OJ ABANDONED ... 3) BEVERLY JOHNSON'S PUBLIC RELATIONS $$ MACHINE. 4) FORMER MODEL BEVERLY JOHNSON HAS A SECRET HISTORY OF ASSAULT !!! 5) ACTOR CHRIS NOTH & MARK BURK SLANDERED BY MODEL BEVERLY JOHNSON. 6) ATTORNEY GENERAL BROWN, WHO PROTECTS MARK BURK FROM BEVERLY JOHNSON ??? 7) CAN BEVERLY JOHNSON PULL AN OJ AND BUY JU$TICE IN PALM DE$ERT CA ? 8) PGA WEST SCANDAL IN PALM DESERT CA INVOLVING MODEL BEVERLY JOHNSON.... 9) POORER INNOCENT AMERICANS HAVE NO CHANCE IN U.S. COURTS WITHOUT LAWYERS ! 10) UNFORGETTABLE PRESIDENT OBAMA GOLF APPEARANCE. 11) WE HEARD THAT PRESIDENT OBAMA'S GOLF GAME WILL ALSO BE FEATURED ON THE GOLF CHANNEL'S "PIPE DREAMS" GOLF TV REALITY SHOW. 12) PGA WEST SCANDAL IN PALM DESERT INVOLVING BEVERLY JOHNSON HEATS UP ! 13) AMERICA HAS 2 JUDICIAL SYSTEMS,ONE FOR BEVERLY JOHNSON & ANOTHER FOR MARK BURK. 14) PGA WEST IS SHOCKED BY BEVELY JOHNSON GUN SCANDAL. 15) BEVERLY JOHNSON HAS A SECRET HISTORY OF ASSAULT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golf Channel chronicles downtrodden pro Mark Burk in new series By GolfChannel.com Team Posted: December 7, 2010 ORLANDO, Fla. – Two years ago the life of 53-year old professional golfer Mark Burk changed. The man who won tournaments all around the world and coached celebrities found himself homeless and living in abandoned construction pipes in Palm Springs, Calif., after a romantic relationship went awry. In the new 10-part series, "Pipe Dream," Golf Channel chronicles Burk’s journey to get his life back on track, regain his golf career and restore his good name. Beginning with the series worldwide premiere on Jan. 11 at 9:30 p.m. ET, viewers will find out if Burk is able to get back in the game or if it all proves to be just a pipe dream. (Courtesy Mark Ashman, Golf Channel) From age 13, Burk knew he only wanted to play golf. Studying under instructors including Ben Doyle, Jim Flick, Peter Kostis, and Kip Puterbaugh, Burk played in various professional golf tournaments across the country and internationally, spending a year on the Sunshine Tour in South Africa. After playing competitively, he became a golf instructor and Hollywood consultant, teaching actors Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman how to swing a golf club for the film Swordfish. But after years of living a charmed life, Burk became homeless in 2008. Due to a bad turn of events, including an alleged domestic violence dispute with then girlfriend, supermodel Beverly Johnson, he was left penniless and without a place to live. "Pipe Dream" documents Burk’s struggle to survive on the streets, as well as his efforts to achieve his goal of getting back on the green. Throughout the series, viewers will watch as Burk begins to pick up the pieces of his life, get a job, deal with a pending legal battle against his ex-girlfriend and attempt to make it through Champions Tour Qualifying School. “Pipe Dream follows the story of a man whose life has been turned upside down and now struggles daily to reclaim his name and his dream. Even through all of Mark’s personal and professional struggles, it’s been his passion and respect for the game of golf that has kept him alive,” said Keith Allo, Golf Channel vice president of programming and original productions. “We are very excited to continue to bring unique and diverse programming to Golf Channel and feel that Pipe Dream will not only resonate with golf fans but with anyone, who at one time in their life, dared to dream against all odds.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A INDEPENDENT VOLUNTEER WWW LOBBY THAT SINGS OUT FOR OUR AMERICAN MIDDLE~CLASS & POORER AMERICANS LIVING IN OUR WEALTHY ELITE'S COUNTRY. *WE CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY WEB SEARCH ENGINE BY OUR NAME,TELEPHONE NUMBER OR E MAIL ADDRESS. ** GOOGLE, YAHOO, AOL, MSN,,BING..ETC..ALL CARRY OUR PREVIOUS WRITTEN COMMENTARY STUFF IN VARIOUS DIFFERENT LISTINGS. *** WE ENJOY BRINGING all our fellow little Americans THE GOOD LIFE ON THE WORLD OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITIES WEB . **** MANNY GONZALES THE KID THAT EVERYONE FORGOT IN THE CALIFORNIA PRISON SYSTEM CAN BE ENTERED INTO ANY WEB SEARCH ENGINE FOR A JUDICIAL RIDE OF ONES LIFE. MOST AMERICANS HAVE NO IDEA THAT GED EDUCATED PRISON INMATES ARE BEING FORCED TO ATTEMPT TO WRITE THEIR OWN FEDERAL APPEALS FROM THEIR PRISONS ALL ACROSS OUR COUNTRY. THIS CALIFORNIA FEDERAL APPEAL LEGAL CASE OF MANNY GONZALES WAS LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS FIRST LEGAL BLOG. THIS GRAVE INJUSTICE BEING INFLICTED ON THE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF OUR POORER INNOCENT AMERICAN PRISON INMATES BEING HELD CAPTIVE WITH ALL OUR GUILTY PRISON INMATES WILL SADLY NEVER GET A REALISTIC OPPORTUNITY TO GET THEIR FEDERAL APPEAL LOOKED AT PROPERLY BY OUR UNDERFUNDED FEDERAL APPEAL JUDICIAL SYSTEM.
lawyersforpooramericans@yahoo.com 424-247-2013 africa: ambazonia canarias estrecho / madiaq nigeria south africa canada: alberta hamilton maritimes montreal ontario ottawa quebec thunder bay vancouver victoria windsor winnipeg east asia: japan manila qc europe: alacant andorra antwerpen athens austria barcelona belgium belgrade bristol bulgaria croatia cyprus estrecho / madiaq euskal herria galiza germany grenoble hungary ireland istanbul italy la plana liege lille madrid marseille nantes netherlands nice norway oost-vlaanderen paris poland portugal romania russia scotland sverige switzerland thessaloniki united kingdom west vlaanderen latin america: argentina bolivia brasil chiapas chile colombia ecuador mexico peru puerto rico qollasuyu rosario santiago sonora tijuana uruguay valparaiso oceania: adelaide aotearoa brisbane darwin jakarta manila melbourne perth qc sydney south asia: india mumbai united states: arizona arkansas atlanta austin baltimore binghamton boston buffalo charlottesville chicago cleveland colorado danbury, ct dc hawaii houston hudson mohawk idaho ithaca kansas city la madison maine miami michigan milwaukee minneapolis/st. paul new hampshire new jersey new mexico new orleans north carolina north texas nyc oklahoma philadelphia pittsburgh portland richmond rochester rogue valley san diego san francisco san francisco bay area santa barbara santa cruz, ca seattle st louis tallahassee-red hills tennessee urbana-champaign utah vermont western mass worcester west asia: beirut israel palestine process: discussion fbi/legal updates indymedia faq mailing lists process & imc docs tech volunteer projects: print radio satellite tv video regions: oceania united states topics: biotech |
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