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Video Mobilization for National Squatters Days7-9th January Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 01.01.2011 23:59
link to video and info  Spirit Of Squatters Collective  Poster to print and spread around  Poster to spread around Here You can watch it:
http://ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com/2011/01/video-callout-for-squatting.html callout for squatting actionweekend 8th and 9th of jan. New year, new opportunities. The christmas lights are being taken down but the fireworks just keep on going. Our New Year's resolution shall be the same as it is every year: we will keep squatting! 2011 is a year like every other, with many people still suffering from the housing shortage. Squatting ban or not, squatting remains a necessity since housing shortage remains an issue. And we will keep on resisting against the fact that having a roof above your head depends on money or a years-long waiting list. We refuse to lay our destiny in the hands of speculators and city developers and building corporations. In order to keep up the illusion of habitation, the city places anti-squatters deprived of any rights into empty buildings. And so the owners can keep on speculating happily and the rights of renters are getting eroded more and more. This is no solution! We will keep on actively fighting against emptiness and the housing shortage. During the weekend of 7th-8th of January we want to start the new year with actions across the whole country. We will expropriate empty houses and give them back their original purpose: houses are to be lived in! Come rain or shine we will build and renovate, and where necessary we will barricade and defend, because we will not be driven out without a fight. We call for everyone to show during this weekend that we are still here, that our struggle goes on. And that we will not be stopped by a law that is not only unjust, but also not ours, not at all. Especially during times of oppression we will continue. The fires of 1st of October might seem extinguished but they still smolder and might flare up any moment! 2011: houses are still empty, our ideals still fiery. This will be a great year! Squatting goes on! Best wishes for New Year 2011 In the new year 2011 We wish you all: Happiness, Peace, Love and Freedom We wish you, that together we would change climate for better. We wish you that all people and animals would be free from cruelty, deportation, prejudices, exploitation and all other bad things. We wish you, that You would fulfill your Good dreams . We wish you successful actions We wish you life satisfaction And most we wish You, that you will do everything to realize those dreams. That You will never give up in the fight for them. That You would always seek that, they became true. If You will do, we believe that You would achieve a beautiful victory. You would win yourselves. The biggest changes are beginning from the single being. Changing ourselves The longest way starts with the first step. That's what we wish You. Changing Your universes for better. After would be easier.
http://spiritofsquatters.com Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action (like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!! Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us ! ... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!
http://www.youtube.com/user/spiritofsquatters Spirit Of Squatters Collective is always trying to report and support good things what are happening around us. We trying at least one time a week show You some news. Our goal is to do it daily but 1st we can not be everywhere and 2nd We don't have enough time mainly to edit ( there are many projects waiting for their time...) That's why we waiting for You to help us support good things with our video channel and with creating independent media. and that's few words from our pages: With our activities we want to make this world a better place.Reclaim the media with us.Feel free to use our videos.Now all up to you !!!Real life is beginning when you turn off the tv, computer. See you on the streets in actions !!! WATCH! READ! THINK! REALIZE! TALK! COMMUNICATE! LISTEN! DEFEND! DESTROY! CREATE! CHANGE! GET INSPIRED! RECLAIM MEDIA WITH US! JOIN US! FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS! LOVE !!! SQUAT! E-Mail: mgriks(at)gmail.com Website: http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com |
Lees meer over: Agenda kunst, cultuur en muziek media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | Because | nnn - 03.01.2011 00:11
Because we don't have to be the same. Or do we ??? | tip voor amsterdam | xy - 04.01.2011 15:22
Sprak met de koleboer die vertelde mij dat de leegstaande koopflats in zijn straat al meer dan een jaar leegstaan en natuurlijk waren het voorheen gewoon normale huurflats De koleboer "ze zouden ze moeten kraken " | |
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