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Gonggrijp ea. gedagvaard door (J)US ivm WL Apache Exes - 08.01.2011 12:23
Twitter's opgepast! De US kwekt. US DOJ subpoenas twitter account info from Rob Gonggrijp e.o Birgitta Jonsdottir, an MP for the Movement in Iceland, said last night on Twitter that the "USA government wants to know about all my tweets and more since november 1st 2009. Do they realize I am a member of parliament in Iceland?" US DOJ subpoenas twitter account info from Rob Gonggrijp e.o. "It’s a warm and fuzzy feeling to know that somewhere, far away, people are thinking about you. Last night I received this rather interesting e-mail from twitter: ______________________________ Kessel, Jan-07 11:20 am (PST): Dear Twitter User: We are writing to inform you that Twitter has received legal process requesting information regarding your Twitter account, @rop_g. A copy of the legal process is attached. The legal process requires Twitter to produce documents related to your account. Please be advised that Twitter will respond to this request in 10 days from the date of this notice unless we receive notice from you that a motion to quash the legal process has been filed or that this matter has been otherwise resolved. To respond to this notice, please e-mail us at . This notice is not legal advice. You may wish to consult legal counsel about this matter. If you need assistance seeking counsel, you may consider contacting the Electronic Frontier Foundation or the ACLU . Sincerely, Twitter Legal ______________________________ While I was still thinking about whether to write about this or talk to my lawyer first, I was told the mail and attachments were already published by Glenn Greenwald at Salon.com, including the original subpoena dated December 14, 2010. It says the DOJ wants twitter’s records on Jacob Appelbaum (a.k.a. ioerror), Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and yours truly. This all because, apparently, “the Court finds that the applicant has offered specific and articulable facts showing that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the records or other information sought are relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation.” Plenty of thoughts to be had over this one. For one: in a case like this you’d think they would check the spelling of my last name. Furthermore I would have guessed that the US government has more discreet and effective ways of getting my IP-number and credit card details, which is essentially all this would get them. Also it appears that twitter, as a matter of policy, does the right thing in wanting to inform their users when one of these comes in. For those who wonder if twitter ignored a court order by telling me: I did get a second PDF with a January 5 order to unseal the subpoena so that twitter could tell me, which is quite possibly the result of some communication between twitter and the DOJ. Heaven knows how many places have received similar subpoenas and just quietly submitted all they had on me." -----------------
http://rop.gonggri.jp/?p=442 ----------------- A member of parliament in Iceland who is also a former WikiLeaks volunteer says the US justice department has ordered Twitter to hand over her private messages. Birgitta Jonsdottir, an MP for the Movement in Iceland, said last night on Twitter that the "USA government wants to know about all my tweets and more since november 1st 2009. Do they realize I am a member of parliament in Iceland?"
http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jan/08/us-twitter-hand-icelandic-wikileaks-messages |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | vreemde zaken op wikileaks | v - 08.01.2011 20:58
Een aantal uur geleden waren er vijftal wikileaks documenten gepubliceerd met als datum 5-01-11 die betrekking hadden op GAZPROM en nu zijn ze niet meer te zien. Heeft iemand deze documenten gedownload? | 637.000 wikileaks twitteraars lopen gevaar | Getwikt - 10.01.2011 15:54
Alle 637.000 wikileaks twitteraars lopen door de dagvaarding in gevaar.
http://wlcentral.org/node/864 _________ The issued subpoena ordered Twitter to provide information regarding any account either registered to or in any way associated with the following individuals or user names: rop_g ioerror birgittaj Julian Assange Bradley Manning Rop Gonggrijp Birgitta Jonsdottir Wikileaks The information to be supplied, however, pertains to both the sources and destinations of these accounts. This is to include records of user activity for any connections made to or from the Account, including the date, time, length, and method of connections, data transfer volume, user name, and source and destination Internet Protocol address(es). [N]on-content information associated with the contents of any communication or file stored by or for the account(s), such as the source and destination email addresses and IP addresses. (Source; original pdf subpoena) Note that the requirement of turning over user names and "destination IP addresses" would range over any electronic device (like a phone or computer) receiving communications from the above named individuals. (To see the information revealed by your IP address, click here. ) As other sources have pointed out, the order implicates more than just the above named users and user accounts. The language seems to implicate every Twitter follower of each of the named accounts, which explains Wikileaks' announcement that "all 637,000 @wikileaks followers are a target". In examining the language of the subpoena, this seems like a real possibility. "Communication" would seem to encompass the receipt of any tweet on Twitter, given that data transmission is involved. Hence the language is inclusive of any individual following the primary targets who receives Wikileaks tweets on their Twitter timeline, for instance. The same is true of any Twitter user receiving tweets from ioerror, rop_g, and so on. (..) | USprosecution & extraterritorial jurisdiction | Ad GJ - 12.01.2011 06:59
US government demands Twitter account information of WikiLeaks and followers and more Andre Damon with General Joe | 11.01.2011 14:00 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | World "Citing the Pentagon Papers case, the CRS report warns that an attempt to stage a prosecution for the WikiLeaks disclosures would raise questions over “government censorship” and US attempts to exercise “extraterritorial jurisdiction.” If the law were properly applied, a prosecution of WikiLeaks and Assange would not even be brought. However, given the sharp shift to the right by the US high court, along with the rest of the political establishment, there is every reason to believe that a government attempt to railroad Assange on espionage charges will proceed in earnest." (..)
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/471870.html | Icelandic Parliamentarian disturbed by US | Dem.Now! - 25.02.2011 06:56
Icelandic Parliamentarian Calls U.S. Subpoena of Her Twitter Account over WikiLeaks Involvement "Disturbing"
http://traffic.libsyn.com/democracynow/dn2011-0113-1.mp3 The U.S. Department of Justice has subpoenaed the internet company Twitter for personal information from several people linked to the online whistleblower website WikiLeaks. The subpoena asks Twitter for all records and correspondence relating to their accounts. Icelandic parliament member Birgitta Jónsdóttir, who has collaborated with WikiLeaks, is one of the five people targeted by the subpoenas. "I think it opens up a whole can of worms when it comes to parliamentary immunity worldwide," Jónsdóttir says. "Icelandic authorities are taking this very seriously." | |
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