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Autonoom Centrum Amsterdam Barkoenin barkoenin - 09.01.2011 23:57
Autonoom Centrum Amsterdam Barkoenin Een gedienstig stuk gereedschap in handen van de Opstand. A useful tool in the hands of the Uprising. Use it!  Barkoenin flyer NL Autonomous Centre Amsterdam Barkoenin A useful tool in the hands of the Uprising In the Spaarndammerbuurt, under the smoke of the Amsterdam harbour, lies the squatted building Barkoenin. Barkoenin is not just a bar. In the space downstairs you can organise meetings, benefits, info-nights or workshops. The top floor is in use as living space for several people. Barkoenin wants to be an anarchist conspiracy, from where theory can be put into practice on the streets. To arouse autonomous self organisation, creativity, pleasure and fun, undermine the power of the state, and provide an alternative to the free market with its sterile cultural poverty. Whilst referring to Bakunin, we don’t swear allegiance to any dead bearded men. We do however place ourselves in a history of social struggle and resistance. Barkoenin is run on anarchist and anti-capitalist principles. Here, it does not matter where you come from, what sex you have, gender you choose, or who you wish to sleep with. Party politics and religious initiatives to the contrary are not welcome. We keep Barkoenin vegan. Everybody who is willing to work with these principles is more than welcome to use the space. Barkoenin's activities can be found in the blacklist, on radar.squat.net and on www.indymedia.nl You can reach us on barkoenin@riseup.net, pass by or drop a letter in our mailbox. Let us know if you have any ideas about the possible uses of the space. Till then! xxx, Barkoenin Barkoenin Tasmanstraat 4 1013 AH Amsterdam E-Mail: barkoenin@riseup.net |
Lees meer over: zonder rubriek | aanvullingen | Hoe en wanneer? | nn. - 10.01.2011 17:53
Ziet er goed uit, maarreh, bestaat dit al lang? Is dit net gekraakt? | barkoenin al al lang? | barkoenin - 10.01.2011 23:51
hoi NN, Tasmanstraat 4 is een dag voor het kraakverbod gekraakt. De beginperiode was wat chaotisch. Sinds een maand of twee is er een nieuwe bewonersgroep en is de ruimte op 1hoog in gebruik genomen door Barkoenin. Het duurde even voor de ruimte ingericht was, het openingsfeest was op 17 December j.l. xxx barkoenin E-Mail: barkoenin@riseup.net | |
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