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ze vieze schele kop | nn - 10.01.2011 19:47
 ze vieze schele kop | eerder al op indymedia uk | ja - 10.01.2011 21:09
De ontmaskering is op zich oud nieuws, er heeft al van alles op indy-uk over gestaan: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2010/10/466477.html De activisten aldaar bleken niet in staat (of wilden niet, zie de comments) om een enigszins informatief dossier over de infiltrant op te stellen en maakten er een enorm zootje van. Nu de 'burgerlijke pers' aan de slag is gegaan, komt er eindelijk wat meer naar buiten. | lekker oordelen over z'n uiterlijk | Tomas - 10.01.2011 21:24
Graag comments van nn over "ze schele vieze kop" verwijderen. Schoonheidsidealen zijn bullshit, Wat hij heeft gedaan was niet juist maar om hem op uiterlijk te gaan oordelen is ook niet echt van niveau!!! I don't want to measure up to beauty standards ps: foto plaatsen van deze infiltrant mag best maar hou je oordelen over lelijkheid lekker voor je. Oordelen op uiterlijk is ook 'racistisch' te noemen
| oordeel zelf | ja - 10.01.2011 22:09
 Dit is geen viezerik | Kennedy knew of second undercover | Crop - 11.01.2011 05:19
Mark Kennedy knew of second undercover eco-activist PC who infiltrated green movement is understood to have confirmed existence of a fellow police spy (..) Kennedy was then asked about other individuals in the protest movement about whom activists had suspicions. One was a campaigner who lived in Leeds and was closely involved in planning a major protest intended to close down the Drax coal-fired power station in North Yorkshire. There were already suspicions over the woman, who was in her 30s, after she disappeared suddenly around 2008 claiming to have fallen in love with a man in Coventry. The woman has not been seen since. The six friends present when Kennedy broke down and admitted he was a spy then asked him directly if the woman was also a police officer. "He [Kennedy] nodded and said: 'Yeah, but you know about that already," said Craig Logan, 37, who was present. Kennedy is then said to have indicated that there were several other police officers living undercover in the protest movement. Logan said that while there was circumstantial evidence suggesting the woman was operating undercover, Kennedy's former friends were highly suspicious of all the information he revealed that night. "This man was an extraordinary liar," he said. "We cannot take anything he told us at face value." (..)
http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/jan/10/mark-kennedy-second-undercover-ecoactivist Paul Lewis, Rob Evans and Martin Wainwright guardian.co.uk, Monday 10 January 2011 21.43 GMT | Undercover police officer in the Press | Coserver - 12.01.2011 06:04
Undercover police officer back in the spotlight Published: January 11, 2011 09:38 by Notts Imc + Tash | Share
http://nottingham.indymedia.org.uk/articles/870 Ecobollox - The Observer's Ecoterrorist smear revealed by Freedom newspaper - Nov/Dec 2008
http://thesparrowsnest.org.uk/scans/ecobollox/ Observer "withdraws" NETCU eco-terrorism scare story watcher | 24.11.2008 17:53 | Ecology | Energy Crisis | Repression A story planted by NETCU police spooks and written by Mark Townsend about "eco-terrorists" has been "withdrawn" by the Observer.
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/11/413446.html Release the Kennedy Files The dramatic collapse of the trial of the remaining six Ratcliffe power station defendants has been seriously misrepresented. 114 people were pre-emptively arrested in the midst of a plan to shut down Ratcliffe on Soar power station in April 2009. Despite not being charged, most were given restrictive bail restrictions. Proceedings were dropped against all but 26. One of those not prosecuted was a protester called Mark Stone, who was in fact an undercover police officer called Mark Kennedy.
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/471846.html | Mark Kennedy & Global Open | Private sleepwalker - 12.01.2011 06:26
Global Open - who Flash went to work for next! Global Open | 11.01.2011 17:59 | Repression
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/471882.html?c=on#c262396 Mark Kennedy / Stone AKA Flash went on to work for a very dodgy 'commercial intel' firm set up by an ex head of the NPIOU! This is their website ! http://www.globalopen-uk.com/ About Us Global Open (Europe) Global Open Limited was founded in the United Kingdom and is run by former New Scotland Yard Special Branch officers. Global Open advises our existing base of more than 90 clients about events in Europe and other continents. Our combined experience totals over 165 years of service and offers our clients an unrivalled pool of talent and experience. Discretion and confidentiality Intelligence is gathered responsibly and legally from diverse sources. We are used to handling sensitive information as a matter of routine. We confidently deal with issues necessitating a measure of discretion and confidentiality between company and client. Global Open (USA) Global Open (USA) LLC is our sister company, registered and run in the United States of America for the benefit of North American corporations and individuals. It shares the core aims and objectives of Global Open in Europe. It uses the services of former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officers and their associates. ____________ In a different article yesterday, the Evening Standard noted that: "[Kennedy] is said to have become "depressed" over his "betrayal" of the cause and is believed to have moved to the United States. Again they appear to be the only source that suggested where he might be. It is worth noting that Global Open also state on their website that: Global Open (USA) LLC is our sister company, registered and run in the United States of America for the benefit of North American corporations and individuals.
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