Dakar hosts the 2011 World Social Forum fsm - 11.01.2011 12:56
The event is going to take place on February 6-11, in Dakar, Senegal, at the Cheikh Anta Diop University Campus. The general program will be organized in the following way:  1st day (02/06/2011): Opening March 2nd day (02/07/2011): Day of Africa and Diasporas 3rd day (02/08/2011): Self-organized activities 4th day (02/09/2011): Self-organized activities 5th day (02/10/2011): Assemblies of Convergence 6th day (02/11/2011): Assemblies of Convergence / Assembly of Assemblies Expanded Activities The “Expanded Dakar” activities will be held on February 4-13 2011. You and your organization can prepare from a distance an action taking place on your city, neighborhood, school or workplace, aiming to take part at the 2011 WSF, even not physically present in Dakar. In case you are interested, please write to facilit.espaco.fsm.extendido@gmail.com with the following information: Location, Date, Time, Proposing Organization, Contact Person, Theme, Activity's format. For more information: http://openfsm.net/projects/dakar-etendu/invit/#EN Interpreters A strong team of local African language volunteers is presently being recruited and will be trained in Dakar. We will also need a number of experienced and professional interpreters from outside Senegal for other languages. The list of required languages will be compiled from the list of speakers and the requests of the participant delegations, but will mainly be French, English, Portuguese, Spanish and Arabic. Due to budgetary constraints, we can only select volunteers from Africa and Europe. Tickets from the Americas or Asia are unfortunately too expensive. In accordance with Babels rules, we will ensure there is a balance of experienced and first-time interpreters in the booths. The selection process will also be transparent and inclusive. We will document every step of the selection process and report on it publicly, via the Babels forum and mailing list. Availability: we will be organizing training sessions for community interpreters prior to the Forum. If you can come earlier to help with this training, with the additional forums or general logistic tasks please tell us. The WSF-OC will pay for your ticket and accommodation. There will be a per diem of 15000 cfa/day (22€) to cover your food and transport (which will cost less than that). Accommodation will probably be in shared flats. More information on logistics will be provided later on. If you are interested in participating, please go to the following URL: http://goo.gl/KV1me and fill out the form. We will contact you shortly to confirm your registration. If you are selected, we will inform you as early as possible. Please send your answers to logistique@wsf2011.org Volunteers The Organizing Committee of the 2011 World Social Forum, to be held on February 6-11, in Dakar (Senegal) is making a call for people who wish to volunteer at the event. Apart from Senegal, people from neighboring countries (Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania), but groups from Europe, Americas, Asia etc are also expected. It will be given priority to those who are interested in volunteering and speak French and English fluently. For those who do not live in Dakar, the Committee cannot cover any travel or accommodation expenses. Click here to download the volunteer registration form. More information: volontaire@wsf2011.org Accommodation The Logistics Commission of the Organizing Committee has listed the hotels and inns, furnished apartments, villas, the home stay, etc. Hotels: group rates are available in some hotels from which you can make your reservation directly: http://africansocialforum.org/doc/fsm/dkr2011/liste_hotel.pdf. For those who want to book hotels, apartments and dormitories, a local team can facilitate your booking. Facilitation dakarguestservices: http://www.dakarguestmultiservices.com/Reservation.html Homestay: Contact the Secretariat via e-mail: secretariat@wsf2011.org / logistique@wsf2011.org and phone + 221 / 33 825 13 81. The Commission is currently negotiating group rates and identifies families willing to host participants. To this end, a form of homestay is designed to entertain families, who would be willing to host participants in their homes. Family Form for Homestay: http://fsm2011.org/en/accommodation-1 For anyone wishing to stay "homestay" and who would benefit from the facilities that will be obtained, please contact the Secretariat at email listed below. Assemblies of Convergence Guidelines for registering Assemblies of Convergence will be soon available. Visa To be granted a visa in order to participate at the 2011 WSF in Dakar, we strongly recommend you to look for the Senegalese embassies and consulates in your countries/regions. These services were already informed by the Senegalese authorities and they intend to make the process easier. Other than that, for countries where there is no Senegalese Embassy, participants should get in touch as soon as possible with the Secretariat of the Organizing Commission. The invitation letter requests, when necessary, must be sent to the Organizing Committee and preferably in English or French.
secretariatcomiteforumdakar@yahoo.fr or midiouf@yahoo.fr T: 00221/ 33 825 13 81 or 00221/ 77 632 67 80 For more information: Secretariat: secretariat@wsf2011.org / secretariatcomiteforumdakar@yahoo.fr Dakar Expanded: dakaretendu2011@wsf2011.org Registration: enregistrement@wsf2011.org and secretariat@wsf2011.org Logistics: logisitque@wsf2011.org Volunteers: volontaire@wsf2011.org Webmaster: webmaster@wsf2011.org |