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Berlin housing project "Liebig14" to be evicted on Feb. 2nd Liebig14 - 13.01.2011 01:54
On 10.01.2011 the housing project in Liebigstraße 14, Berlin-Friedrichshain received a written eviction notice for all apartments. It will be enforced the 2nd of February at 8:00 AM I. Eviction date set for Liebig14 II. Defend autonomous spaces! III. What everybody can do now _______________________________________ I. Eviction date set for Liebig14 On 10.01.2011 the housing project in Liebigstraße 14, Berlin-Friedrichshain received a written eviction notice for all apartments. It will be enforced the 2nd of February at 8:00 AM. The lost legal processes and the failure of politics! The eviction notice for our house project is the outcome of an almost 4 year-long legal struggle over the termination all apartments contracts, a struggle between the inhabitants of the houseproject and the owner Suitbert Beulker (also owner of the houseproject in Rigaerstr. 94) and Edwin Thöne, manager of the child protection association Unna. The pleaded ground for the terminations was the display of banners and Beulker taking offence with the construction of a door in the stairway. (For those interested in juridical farce: http://de.indymedia.org/2008/10/228470.shtml [German]) The attempted negotiations with regional and senate politicians to find a legal solution for the continuation of our house project or to buy the house with the help of a foundation have failed. Firstly politicians claimed to be unable to have influence over our situation. Secondly, responsible senate politicians have been conspicuous by their absence. For example our beloved interior senator Erhard Körting and the senator for city development, Ingeborg Junge-Reyer who for years have been pushing an agressive neo-liberal housing policy, and who, for example, abolished rent benefits for people on unemployment benefits (Hartz IV). Also Holger Lippmann, manager of Liegenschaftsfonds (the Berlin real estate holding company), refused up to the end to negotiate honestly for an alternative space for the project. Accompanying all this were a series of successfull actions, from colorful to black, loud to clandestine. The houses in which they live! We are not the only ones threatened by forced relocation, evictions and the whole property valorisation-scandal. Besides the struggle of the few remaining self-governing free spaces (for example Rigaer 94, Köpi around the corner, there are also the squatters struggles in Amsterdam, London and everywere else). More and more people in Berlin are hit by increasing rents and lose their apartments and social environments. To them we giver our full solidarity and support! COME TO AVV ON 13.01.2011 AT 19:30 IN BETHANIEN KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN AND FOLLOW OUR BLOG (www.liebig14.blogsport.de)!! BE CREATIVE, ORGANIZE AND SHOW OFF! SOLIDARITY IS A WEAPON!!! II. Defend autonomous spaces! Save Liebig 14! Liebig 14 is one of Berlin longest running autonomous housing projects, serving as a space for collective living as well as community and political organising for over 20 years. After a 4 year legal process the owners of the building have finally been given legal permission to evict the house. Squatted shortly after the fall of the wall in what was a derelict area of east Berlin, Liebig 14’s attempted eviction is just one sympton of a rampaging processes of gentrification which is rapidly forcing poorer residents out of the city centre and tearing apart the city’s radical infrastructure. Liebig 14 is proud to be a part of a long history of autonomous spaces in Berlin and around the world. In working against capitalism, social hierarchy and discrimination, autonomous spaces take small but concrete steps towards wider political emancipation and self-determined living. The eviction of Liebig 14 will be a loss not only to Berlin’s alternative project infrastructure but also a wider attack on projects everywhere attempting to build alternative, more socially just, and more sustainable modes of social organization. Solidarity with free spaces under threat in Berlin, Amsterdam, London and worldwide is key if we are to sustain these vital resources. Stop gentrification tearing apart our cities! Support autonomous spaces! Save Liebig 14! III. What everybody can do now 1. Spread the word. In the web, in discussions with friends 2. Check the Liebig14-Website http://liebig14.blogsport.de/ Liebig14 on twitter http://twitter.com/liebig14 and facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Liebig14-bleibt/142412742451310 to get the latest news. Website: http://liebig14.blogsport.de/ |
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