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uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | filtering | nn - 14.01.2011 19:13
Nou daar zijn we blij mee dat commercieel RTL en de staatsmedia NOS nu voor ons bepalen wat uit de ruim 8000 wikileaks documenten afkomstig van de Amerikaanse ambassade in Den Haag nu belangrijk is en wat niet. | kritiek op wikileaks | - - 14.01.2011 19:37
Op aluhoedjes sites, maar ook in de gedegen kwaliteitskrant Kleintje Muurkrant, is veel kritiek op Wikileaks te lezen. Kern van de kritiek is dat Assange zou samenwerken met de tegenpartij. Onderzoek zelf of de kritiek hout snijdt:
http://www.stelling.nl/kleintje/ (Gebruik zoekmachine op site zoek Wikileaks) | timing | nn - 14.01.2011 23:04
En wat een timing om de wikileaks documenten uit te brengen! De media wordt dan goed afgeleid van wat er in Moerdijk is gebeurd. | commerciel belang | nn - 15.01.2011 00:22
 Gewoon leuk om te weten maar niks belangrijks, het meeste wisten we al,aldus Frits Wester vanavond in Pauw en Witteman maar alle documenten vrij geven…nee hoor… we hebben hun nodig om het nieuws te duiden. We kunnen zelf blijkbaar geen conclusies trekken of kritisch denken. Het wordt allemaal weer lekker gebagatelliseerd. We moeten natuurlijk wel eerst de NRC-krant kopen of naar RTL kijken om te lezen en horen wat er allemaal in de documenten staat, zodat we hun krantoplage en kijkcijfer eens even lekker op kunnen krikken.
| recente Oranje censuur & nu? | MM - 15.01.2011 07:34
http://www.rtl.nl/(/actueel/rtlnieuws/binnenland/)/components/actueel/rtlnieuws/2011/01_januari/14/binnenland/wikileaks_hoe_rtl_en_nrc_de_documenten_kregen.xml "... 3021 berichten hebben de diplomaten van de VS vanuit Nederland verstuurd ..." Tsja, gezien het Oranje eindredacteuren overleg is de kans groot dat men echt schadelijke zaken voor Oranje BV probeert weg te moffelen of op te houden. Net zoals Sebrenica 10 jaar op zwart ging, terwijl daarvoor al geplubiceert was dat ze wisten dat "het er ongelovelijk fout gaat en ze er als ratten in de val zitten en er onmiddelijk wat moest gebeuren" (Jan Pronk die uit het Kabinet klapte). Of de Mabel affaire onmiddelijks stopte na SBS6 late nieuws over een Bosnisch journalistiek onderzoek over de wapenhandel van Mabel & vriend met de Taleban (en waar had Sebrenica dan de wapens vandaan waarmee ze de Serven uitlokten en waarbij Sebrencia uiteindelijk leide tot de aanval op Serven tijdens een dineetje van Mabel en Wesley Clark in Parijs?). | WikiLeaks: the latest developments | Simon Jeffery - 15.01.2011 14:15
WikiLeaks: the latest developments Assange lists the father he never met as the nominal owner of WikiLeaks, as court documents telling of his 'really quite tragic' childhood are unsealed Simon Jeffery Friday 14 January 2011 11.19 GMT guardian.co.uk 5.55pm: The US Treasury says it will not be blacklisting WikiLeaks. The chair of House of Representatives homeland security committee, Peter King, had earlier this week asked it to add WikiLeaks to its list of terrorists, drug traffickers, etc. that US citizens are barred from doing business with in order to "strangle the viability of Assange's organisation". A US Treasury spokesman said neither Assange or WikiLeaks met the necessary criteria. 5.00pm: A Dutch newspaper and the broadcaster RTL have gained access to 3,000 cables through Norway's Aftenposten, which was leaked the cables from an unknown source. The Hague is the source of all the cables in their possession and topics covered include Afghanistan, the joint strike fighter and Geert Wilders (we looked at Wilders here and also the fraught Dutch debate about the joint strike fighter.) Via Greg Mitchell's WikiLeaks blog. 3pm: Several Australian papers are running pieces on Julian Assange's early years. The new information has come to light through court documents requested by the Guardian as part of research for our soon-to-be published book WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's war on secrecy. The documents entered the public domain today when they were unsealed in an open court in Victoria. They tell the story of what the defence lawyer at Assange's 1996 trial on computer hacking charges called a "really quite tragic" childhood. As a young boy, Assange lived like a nomad, constantly moving from home to home, attending at least 12 schools, as his mother Christine tried to flee from a violent boyfriend. "His only friend" was a computer his mother had bought him age 13, his defence lawyer Paul Galbally told the court. He added: He would reach a new community he would be ostracised, he would be . . . picked on, he would be bullied and his only real saviour in life or his own bedrock in life was this computer To this, the Guardian can add the poignant detail that Assange lists his absent father, named in the court documents as John Shipton, who he has never met, as the nominal owner of WikiLeaks. His mother became pregnant by Shipton in her early 20s after she "effectively ran away from home" to Sydney age 17, the court documents say. They state that Shipton "never took up residence or if he did only took up residence for a very short time" and "has had no contact with the prisoner". At the time of the 1996 hearing, Assange was 25. In October 2006 Assange first registered the domain name wikileaks.org with the Californian hosting company Dynadot. He gave the registrant's name as John Shipton. In 2008 he re-registered Shipton's nominal address as Nairobi in Kenya, care of WIkileaks. Assange was living in Nairobi at the time and was locked in a legal fight with a Swiss bank, Julius Baer, who were trying to force Dynadot to cancel the registration and force the Wikileaks name off the internet. The judge at the 1996 hearing, Judge Ross, described Assange as "highly intelligent". He refused to jail him and accepted that Assange had hacked into computers at Australia's National University, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and Nortel, a Canadian telecommunications company, in 1991 out of "intellectual inquisitiveness". There was no evidence he had acted for personal gain, the judge said. 12.10pm: Another You ask, we search cable. Patrick Kingsley on the US and the Nepalese civil war. US diplomatic tactics "could result in Nepal becoming another Burma," Nepal's foreign minister claimed to the US ambassador at the height of the Nepalese civil war in 2005, according to a leaked state department cable. Ramesh Nath Pandey told ambassador James Moriarty the US were not being supportive enough of then King Gyanendra, and that this might indirectly lead to Maoist rebels taking over the country, a secret cable from December 2005 alleges. At the time, Nepal was in the middle of a civil war between Maoist and government forces which dated back to 1996. Earlier in 2005, Gyanendra had complicated the situation by dissolving the democratically-elected government and taking direct control of the country – an act which US diplomats had criticised. The civil war eventually ended in 2006, when an elected parliament was re-established. In the 2008 parliamentary elections, Maoists came to power by a simple majority – and subsequently voted to abolish the monarchy. According to the 2005 cable, Pandey felt the aggressive way the US manifested its support for Nepalese democracy would make Gyanendra less likely to relinquish power – and that this in turn would indirectly help Maoist insurgents. He suggested the US ambassador approach the king in a gentler fashion. According to the cable, Pandey said "the US had taken the wrong line in using pressure to try to force the King to take the right steps on multi-party democracy. Instead of using tactics that 'could result in Nepal becoming another Burma,' the US should encourage the King to move to multi-party democracy. Pandey suggested that if the King knew he could depend on the US, 'things would be completely different'." In response, Moriarty argued the US had been interested in "a relationship based on trust", but said "the King had shattered that trust and needed to restore it by moving in the right direction." As such, Moriarty suggested "the King should declare a cease-fire with international monitoring and reach out to the political parties in a real way." Pandey countered that the leaders of the Nepalese political parties would not be amenable to such a gesture, and instead suggested encouraging middle-ranking political figures to take more of a leadership role. In turn, Moriarty "noted that Pandey's proposal would essentially involve decapitating the Parties and was unacceptable. He warned the FM that attempting to manipulate the internal workings of the political parties would not prove a successful strategy". • Make further You ask, we search requests with a tweet to GdnCables or email newseditor@guardian.co.uk. 11.40am: The Foreign Policy blog asks if the Tunisia protests are the first WikiLeaks revolution. Someone had to. (Though I notice Andrew Sullivan is still on Twitter revolutions.) This is what it says: We might also count Tunisia as the first time that WikiLeaks pushed people over the brink. These protests are also about the country's utter lack of freedom of expression – including when it comes to WikiLeaks. Tunisia's government doesn't exactly get a flattering portrayal in the leaked State Department cables. The country's ruling family is described as "The Family" – a mafia-esque elite who have their hands in every cookie jar in the entire economy. "President Ben Ali is aging, his regime is sclerotic and there is no clear successor," a June 2009 cable reads This is the cable: Troubled Tunisia: What should we do? 11.20am: Good morning. We're back with the WikiLeaks blog. Here's a quick catch-up: • In yesterday's blog WikiLeaks donated $15,100 to the Bradley Manning defence fund, the chair of the US House of Representatives homeland security committee wanted to put WikiLeaks on a trade blacklist and we published cables on a hotel in the Bahamas that had the US alarmed and what an Irish civil servant told US diplomats about alleged rendition flights at Shannon airport. • Plenty more cables were published, including close to 350 from Iceland. Non-Iceland headlines from recent releases include US Says Italian Leaders Must Do More to Combat Mafia and WikiLeaks: Mbeki helped draft Cope policy – that's Thabo Mbeki, the previous South African president; Cope is the Congress of the People, a breakaway ANC party. Cope has denied the leaked cable's claims. • Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek has a piece in the London Review of Books on WikiLeaks. With a characteristic mix of popular culture (we don't just get Batman, but Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight) and references to such figures as Leo Strauss and Karl Marx, it asks how the whistleblower site challenges power structures: What WikiLeaks threatens is the formal functioning of power. The true targets here weren't the dirty details and the individuals responsible for them; not those in power, in other words, so much as power itself, its structure. We shouldn't forget that power comprises not only institutions and their rules, but also legitimate ('normal') ways of challenging it [...] However, it is a mistake to assume that revealing the entirety of what has been secret will liberate us. The premise is wrong. Truth liberates, yes, but not this truth .
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/jan/14/wikileaks-latest-developments • Someone has meanwhile written a folksy renegade number about Bradley Manning and put it on YouTube
http://www.youtube.com/user/drovics?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/z_eood7DUwI | |
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