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Steun gevangen anarchist in Israel Steungroep Vegansiten Achter Tralies - 15.01.2011 17:41
Afgelopen dinsdag is de Israelische anarchist en dierenrechtenactivist Jonathan Pollak veroordeeld tot 3 maanden gevangenisstraf. Jonathan is actief bij de actiegroep Anarchists Against The Wall en hij wordt gestraft voor het te langzaam fietsen tijdens een demonstratie tegen het bombardement op Gaza door het Israelische leger. Hij ontvangt graag brieven tijdens zijn opsluiting, dus neem even 5 minuten de tijd (of langer natuurlijk) en laat je steun blijken aan onze kameraad! Helaas mag hij niets anders ontvangen dan brieven, dus stuur geen postzegels, magazines etc. mee. Stuur je postkaart of brief naar: JONATHAN POLLAK HERMON PRISON NSWING PO BOX 4011 MAGHAR 14930 ISRAEL E-Mail: svat@riseup.net |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Mailen kan ook | SVAT - 18.01.2011 13:20
Je kunt je brief aan Jonathan ook mailen, dan wordt het in Israel uitgeprint en opgestuurd. Mail je support naar:
xfreejonathanx@gmail.com E-Mail: svat@riseup.net | Support Imprisoned Israeli Anarchist | Doctor John Q. Z. - 18.01.2011 14:23
Support Imprisoned Israeli Anarchist Doctor John Q. Z. | 17.01.2011 11:16 | Animal Liberation | Palestine We are calling on all our allies in radical struggles the world over to send letters of support to political prisoner Jonathan Pollak, currently serving a three-month prison sentence in Israel. SUPPORT JONATHAN POLLAK, IMPRISONED ISRAELI ANARCHIST We are calling on all our allies in radical struggles the world over to send letters of support to political prisoner Jonathan Pollak, currently serving a three-month prison sentence in Israel (see background below). Jonathan, longtime activist in anarchist, anti-occupation and animal rights struggles, has been imprisoned since January 11th, after a blatantly political trial stemming from his participation in a protest against the siege on Gaza . Best known for his prominent role in the "Anarchists Against the Wall" initiative, Jonathan has been serving for the last two years as media coordinator for the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee, a Palestinian umbrella organization designed to garner media attention for the unarmed struggle in the West Bank . UPDATE, JAN 17TH, 2011: Jonathan is incarcerated at Hermon Prison in the Lower Galilee, where he is expected to serve his full sentence, as repentance and "accepting responsibility for one's crime" seem to be a requirement for getting time off for good behavior (though he might still get a 14-days earlier "administrative release"). Through the prison's canteen he is currently able to purchase a wide enough variety of vegan food items to maintain an adequate diet, and so far he has not run into any problems, either from other inmates or from the guards. Generally speaking, he can be said to be in good spirits, and has expressed his wish to hear from fellow activists and radicals. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO WRITE HIM A LETTER OF SUPPORT. Letters can be sent via regular mail to this address: Jonathan Pollak Hermon Prison , NS Wing P.O Box 4011 Maghar 14930 Israel Alternately, you can write him through the following email address (letters will be printed and passed on to him): xfreejonathanx (at) gmail.com Please note that he is only allowed to receive letters, so please don't send books, magazines, stamps, IRCs or any other items. Thank you. =) BACKGROUND: On January 31, 2008, some thirty protesters participated in a Critical Mass bicycle ride through the streets of Tel Aviv in protest of the siege on Gaza . During the protest, Pollak was arrested by plain-clothed officers who recognized him from previous demonstrations and assumed he was the organizer of the action. In fact, Pollak was accused simply of riding his bicycle in the same manner as the rest of the protesters (no one else was arrested and the protest was allowed to continue with no further incidents or detentions). His conviction by a Tel Aviv Magistrates court judge activated an older three-month suspended sentence, imposed on Pollak in a previous trial for protesting the construction of the Separation Barrier. An additional three months prison term was also imposed for the current conviction, which is being served concurrently. The arrest and consequent indictment appears to be the result of police vindictiveness, rather than of Pollak's behavior at the time of the event; as stated, Pollak was but one in a group of protesters who behaved exactly like him, yet he was the only one to be singled out. Moreover, environmental Critical Mass events take place in Tel Aviv on a regular basis, but have never been met with such a response. Other protests, which have caused far more severe obstruction of traffic did not result in arrests, and surely did not lead to criminal charges and imprisonment. On his conviction, Pollak argued for his sentence, saying "I find myself unable to express remorse in this case [...]. If His Honor decides to go ahead and impose my suspended prison sentence, I will go to prison wholeheartedly and with my head held high. It will be the justice system itself, I believe, that ought to lower its eyes in the face of the suffering inflicted on Gaza's inhabitants, just like it lowers its eyes and averts its vision each and every day when faced with the realities of the occupation." Jonathan's full statement: http://popularstruggle.org/content/pscc-media-coordiantor-sentenced-3-months-prison-tells-judge-ill-go-prison-my-head-held-high#statement RELEVANT LINKS: Jonathan Pollak interviewed about the trial by Democracy Now! (Video): http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/7732151-jailed-for-riding-a-bike/video/69485187 Shameful Imprisonment (editorial in Haaretz, daily Israeli newspaper): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ayed-morrar/not-just-a-friend-one-pal_b_802468.html Not Just a Friend: One Palestinian's View of Israeli Activist Jonathan Pollak (Huffington Post): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ayed-morrar/not-just-a-friend-one-pal_b_802468.html Photographs of Jonathan entering Hermon Prison, as well as of the Critical Mass ride protesting his incarceration the very same day (Activestills Flickr): http://www.flickr.com/photos/activestills/page3/ Anarchists Against the Wall: http://awalls.org/ Popular Struggle Coordination Committee: e-mail: xzoidbergx@yahoo.com Homepage: http://popularstruggle.org
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/472247.html | Settler Colonialism In Palestine | SOASPALSOC - 18.01.2011 14:41
Past Is Present: Settler Colonialism In Palestine SOASPALSOC | 17.01.2011 09:57 | Anti-racism | Palestine | Social Struggles | Cambridge For over a century, Zionism has subjected Palestine and Palestinians to a structural and violent form of destruction, dispossession, land appropriation, and erasure in the pursuit of a new colonial Israeli society. Too often, this Palestine ‘Question’ has been framed as unique; a national, religious, and/or liberation struggle with little semblance to colonial conflicts elsewhere. 7th Annual Conference 5- 6 March | Brunei Gallery | School of Oriental and African Studies – London organised by SOAS Palestine Society and hosted by the London Middle East Institute For over a century, Zionism has subjected Palestine and Palestinians to a structural and violent form of destruction, dispossession, land appropriation, and erasure in the pursuit of a new colonial Israeli society. Too often, this Palestine ‘Question’ has been framed as unique; a national, religious, and/or liberation struggle with little semblance to colonial conflicts elsewhere. The two-day conference, Past is Present: Settler Colonialism in Palestine, seeks to reclaim settler colonialism as the central paradigm from which to understand Palestine. It asks: what are the socio-political, economic and spatial processes and mechanisms of settler colonialism in Palestine, and what are the logics underpinning it? By unearthing the histories and geographies of the Palestinian experience of settler colonialism, this conference does not only chart possibilities for understanding Palestine within comparative settler colonial analyses. Rather, it also seeks to break open frameworks binding Palestine, re-align the Palestinian movement within a universal history of decolonisation, and imagine new possibilities for Palestinian resistance, solidarity and common struggle. Day One: Saturday, 5th March 2011 Registration and Refreshments: 9.00-9.30 Opening and Keynote: 9.30-10.15 Hassan Hakimian – London Middle East Institute Not Another Racism: Zionism, a Logic of Elimination Patrick Wolfe – La Trobe University Session One – Empire, Settler Colonialism and Zionism: 10.45-12.15 Chair: Nelida Fuccaro – School of Oriental and African Studies Playing the Zionist Card: The British Empire and the Middle East John Newsinger – Bath Spa University Literature of Settler Societies: Albert Camus, S. Yizhar, and Amos Oz Gabriel Piterberg – University of California, Los Angeles The Settler Colonialism Paradigm and its History in Revolutionary Palestinian Resistance Literature: Poetry and Politics Naseer Aruri – University of Massachusetts, Amherst Refreshments: 12.15-12.30 Session Two – Zionism Destroys to Replace: 12.30-14.00 Chair: Laleh Khalili – School of Oriental and African Studies The Palestinian Labour Market and the Politics of Zionist Settler Colonialism Gershon Shafir – University of California, San Diego The Erasure of the Native Ilan Pappe – University of Exeter The Second Phase of the Settler Colonial Conquest of Palestine: The 1967 Allon Plan and the Search for a Zionist ‘Settlement’ Gilbert Achcar – School of Oriental and African Studies Lunch: 14.00-14.45 Session Three – Zionism Controls the Native: 14.45-16.15 Chair: Ruba Salih – School of Oriental and African Studies Chronicles of a Cultural Destruction: The Appropriation of Palestinian Knowledge during the 1948 War Gish Amit – Ben-Gurion University Indigenous Citizens and the Contradictions of Status amongst Palestinians in Israel As’ad Ghanem – Ibn Khaldun, The Arab Association for Research and Development Frontier Wars and Robotic Colonisation Eyal Weizman – Goldsmiths College Refreshments: 16.15-16.30 Session Four – A Political Economy of Settler Colonialism: 16.30-18.00 Chair: Elisa van Waeyenberge – School of Oriental and African Studies A ‘Bad Lot’? Palestinian Businessmen and the British Colonial State Sherene Seikaly – American University of Cairo The Exploitation of the Palestinian Economy by Israel Shir Hever – Alternative Information Center Palestinian Capitalism, Regional Accumulation Processes and Implications for Liberation Strategy Adam Hanieh – School of Oriental and African Studies Day Two: Sunday 6th March 2011 Registration and Refreshments: 10.30-11.00 Keynote: 11.00-12.00 Letter from Gaza: On Colonialism, Capitalism and Resistance Rabah Mohanna – Palestinian Legislative Council, Gaza Session Five – Indigenous Life and the Reverberations of Settler Colonialism: 12.00-13.30 Chair: Lori Allen - University of Cambridge Counterfeit Citizenship: On the Politics of Property in Nahr El-Bared Monika Halkort – Queen’s University, Belfast Ethnic Cleansing in the Naqab: The Razings of the Bedouin Village of Al-‘Araqib Mansour Nsasra – University of Exeter Policing, Self-Policing and Indigenous Collaboration Mouin Rabbani – Institute of Palestine Studies Lunch: 13.30-14.30 Session Six – Overcoming Zionism, Dismantling Settler Colonialism: 14.30-16.00 Chair: Jan Jananayagam – Tamils Against Genocide Decolonising Settler Colonialisms Lorenzo Veracini – Swinburne University of Technology The Power and Pitfalls of a Support Movement: Campaigning Against the Jewish National Fund Selma James – International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Towards Common Liberation Mezna Qato – University of Oxford Refreshments: 16.00-16.15 Roundtable – Unsettling (Settler) Colonialism: 16.15-18.15 Tickets Please note SEATS ARE LIMITED – book in advance Price: £30 (£20 concessions, and £40 organisations) – all tickets include lunch and refreshments To buy your tickets Online – www.soaspalsoc.org By cheque: Send cheques payable to SOAS Palestine Society with attached note of email address to: SOAS Palestine Society, Thornhaugh Street, London, WC1H 0XG Location SOAS Brunei Gallery Thornhaugh Street Russell Square London, WC1H 0XG Contact palestineconference@gmail.com www.soaspalsoc.org
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/472238.html | Public Meeting on Zionism - January 25 (UK) | BPSC - 18.01.2011 14:48
Bristol - Event Notice Tuesday January 25 2011 Start Time: 07:30 PM bristol | event notice Sunday January 16, 2011 22:33 by Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign Monthly meeting of the Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign 7.30 – 10.00pm upstairs at Hamilton House, Stokes Croft (opp Jamaica Street) Bristol BS2 Public Meeting on Zionism Speaker: Local B-PSC member Naomi Woodspring Meeting will include section of the film on Norman Finkelstein (American Radical) See trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hO_0byNexA ALSO a chance to meet and hear Palestinian UN workers from the West Bank who are visiting Bristol as special guests of the Easton Cowboys/girls Community Sports Club All welcome. FFI www.bristolpsc.info ---------- Recent articles by Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign Boycott Israeli Goods Action - Leafleting Open Air Film Show. 0 comments Bristol Amnesty public meeting on Palestine 1 comments Protest At Soil Association HQ (Bristol) 4 comments Protest At Soil Association HQ (Bristol) 0 comments Boycott Day of Action to protest the Mavi Marmara Murders 2 comments Recent Articles about Bristol Peace Lift to vigil cancelled - driver ill Jan 14 11 by john Lennon 20 years ago: Memorial vigil to remember start of Iraq war Jan 10 11 by John Lennon Bristol Against Arms Trade meeting Jan 10 11 by John Lennon ---------------
http://bristol.indymedia.org/article/702884 | |
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