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[am*dam] Infoavond 'The Autonomous Life' in Joes Garage P. Bourdieu - 17.01.2011 19:29
On Sunday 23rd of january 2011, one of the many social scientists roaming our activist lairs, will do what most of them failed to do so far: present their work to the very community it is about. Joes Garage is proud to be the stage, once again to what the squatters group of the east is best at for years: something that might give you insights and headaches at the same time, totally depending of your intellectual capabilities (and the level of intoxication as a result of our refreshment policies)  postertje The amsterdam squatters movement deserves a view on its internal structures and (informal) history, that goes beyond the endless recital of great exploits or failures, and the attached historicizing references. 'The Autonomous Life?' examines the conscient and unconscient social relations of squatters towards each other on a personal and political level as well as how ideals and practices reflect , refract and eventually transcend their cultural and socioeconomic position in society as a whole. This event is meant as a first hand presentation by the author foremost to the community of squatters whose lives, motivations, and struggles are portrayed in the work and explicitely as an invitation to react, reflect, and debate its psychological and sociopolitical implications. The presentation starts 17.00, door will be open from 16.30 onwards 'The Autonomous Life' presentation of anthropological study of paradoxes of hierarchy, authority, and urban identity in the squatters movement in amsterdam from 2005 to 2008/ followed by dialogue sunday 23 january 17:00 joe's garage pretoriusstraat 43
http://joesgarage.nl E-Mail: joe@squat.net |
Lees meer over: Agenda feminisme kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | Fighting in the New Terrain | crimethinc - 20.01.2011 13:03
"In the second half of the 20th century, radicals based themselves in subcultural enclaves from which to launch assaults on mainstream society. The call for confrontational unemployment presumed a context of existing countercultural spaces in which people could invest themselves in something else. The cultural landscape is different today; subculture itself seems to function differently. Thanks to new communications technology, it develops and spreads much faster, and is replaced just as quickly. Punk rock, for example, is no longer a secret society into which high school students are initiated by classmates’ mix tapes. It is still generated by the participants, but now as a consumer market mediated via impersonal venues such as message boards and downloading. It’s no surprise if people are less personally invested in it: as easily as they discovered it, they can move on to something else. In a world composed of information, subculture no longer appears to be outside society, indicating a possible line of escape, but rather one of many zones within it, a mere matter of taste."
Website: http://www.crimethinc.com/texts/atoz/terrain.php | |
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