Call for support of 300 migrant hunger strikers in Greece Greek Solidarity - 26.01.2011 00:34
In this period economic crisis and neoliberal attack to labour and social rights in greece, we face also a generalized attack to migrants’ rights, a broad campaign of PASOK government and the mass media to use migrants as scapegoats of social insecurity, unemployment and “criminality”. Frontex Regional Office in Piraeus, Rabits operation in Evros and Poseidon in Aegean Sea, the “screening procedures”, mass deportations to Turkey and the wall against migration in the land borders with Turkey describe the racist policies of repression and criminalization of migration, the establishment of a new european Apartheid. In this context, 300 migrants decided start a big hunger strike in both Athens and Thessaloniki, on January 25th. The claim of the hunger strike is a new regularization procedure, the “Legalization of all migrants”. It is the bigger hunger strike happened in greece and probably in europe and is taking place in a period of rising racism. Under these circumstances we need all the possible solidarity. At first publicity: as the greek media will certainly try to underestimate the issue we need international positive publicity. Probably also a text with signatures from groups or individuals from all over europe would be important. Even more an action week in solidarity to the striking migrants will also be very useful. At second, and probably after the 15th of February -20 days after the beggining of the strike- that things will be getting crucial, probably it will be good some of you or other people with "institutional" positions (from unions, ngos, organisations, parties, or whatever) from all over Europe to travel to greece to state their solidarity. Waiting for your propsals and counting on your solidarity, Solidarity Assembly to the migrants’ hunger strike for regular updates Website: |