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The batle of Tarhir square gar - 02.02.2011 22:28
As expected Mubarak and his regime have been preparing a scheme to attack our great protesters. There is a civil war currently in Al Tahrir protesters thanks to the NDP thugs and there are currently dead and injured among the peaceful protesters , We understand the plan now , the police forces were resting during all those days. The NDP businessmen tycoons reportedly like Hassan Ratab and Mohamed Kamal paid money to thugs and to their employees and workers in order to launch these huge The Egyptian ministers Siyad Mashal and Sameh Fahmi have ordered the workers and employees of the state owned companies and factories to go in to pro-Mubarak protests. Anas El-Faki has ordered the employees of the ERTU to join the fake pro-Mubarak protests.      As expected Mubarak and his regime have been preparing a scheme to attack our great protesters. There is a civil war currently in Al Tahrir protesters thanks to the NDP thugs and there are currently dead and injured among the peaceful protesters , We understand the plan now , the police forces were resting during all those days. The NDP businessmen tycoons reportedly like Hassan Ratab and Mohamed Kamal paid money to thugs and to their employees and workers in order to launch these huge The Egyptian ministers Siyad Mashal and Sameh Fahmi have ordered the workers and employees of the state owned companies and factories to go in to pro-Mubarak protests. Anas El-Faki has ordered the employees of the ERTU to join the fake pro-Mubarak protests. Eye witnesses say that the thugs were gathered from the populated areas in to truck for LE 50-100. Foreign journalists were attacked and harassed , their equipment was smashed. Anderson Cooper was attacked by the thugs of Mubarak in Cairo. The NDP thugs tried to break in to Al Shorouk newspaper HQ terrorizing its journalists who left their work to protect themselves and their building. There were horses and camels used against the protesters , some say that these horses and camels came from Al Harm area while others including me believe that these are the horses and camels of the MOI especially the Hagna borders security is known for camels and whips ,also I saw horses used in the CSF once at Cairo . According to eyewitnesses among the Pro-Mubarak there are members of the police force from the CSF , police agents and state security officers. The protesters at Tahrir managed to arrest thugs who turned to be members of the police force according to their IDs MOI issued an urgent statement insisting these are not members of the police force and Emaad El-Din Adeeb is insisting that these IDs were stolen. Questions : Why did the army leave the thugs enter with their weapons like that ?? Why did the army leave the thugs attack the protesters like that ?? The army has sold us so far or to be correct the commanders of the army have sold us. Dostor News reports that Shafik is threatening to resign. Somebody saves the people in Al Tahrir there are children , women and elderly there !! The thugs are blocking Kasr Al Nil bridge , people can’t get to Al Tahrir to deliver the medical supplies and aids. Update : According to the ministry of health only 402 are injured and one solider was shot down " soldier from which party : Police or army !!?" Not less than 705 injured currently stuck in Al Tahrir square , many of the injuries are in the head or rather in the skull , the people need blood , medical supplies and cars to transfer the injured to hospitals right now. ANHRI published a very important statement you should share as much as you can. The pro-Mubarak thugs were nearly going to burn down the Egyptian museum and the old historical building of ministry of foreign affair , that wonderful palace in front of the League of Arab states. It seems that two Egypt tweeples are currently injured in Al Tahrir square Website: http://garizo.blogspot.com/2011/02/batle-of-tarhir-square-fotos.html |
aanvullingen | meer informatie | Chaoss - 03.02.2011 00:05
Tot nu toe bekende feiten; - De eerste "pro Mubarak" demonstratie die werd gemeld had een vrachtwagen met luidsprekers voorop rijden met geüniformeerde politieagenten als chauffeur en bemanning. - De meeste opgepakte pro Mubarak relschoppers hadden identiteitsbewijzen van de veiligheidspolitie op zak, vele daarvan zijn getoond op Al jazeera. - De paarden en kamelen die gebruikt zijn in de relschoppers raid op het Tahrir plein blijken gehuurd te zijn door de NDP, de regeringspartij. - Die zogenaamde pro Mubarak supporters zijn bijzonder gewelddadig en georganiseerd en zijn duidelijk uit op gewelddadige rellen.
http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ (Al Jazeera live)
http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/blog/201 ... ve-updates (Guardian live updates) CNN: Who are the pro Mubarak demonstrators?
http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/afric ... o.mubarak/ Citaat: There were immediate suspicions that the pro-Mubarak demonstrators were not simply average citizens standing up for the man who has led Egypt for three decades -- suspicions that proved at least partly founded. As battles raged between the two sides, some pro-Mubarak protesters were captured by his opponents. Some were terrified to be caught and begged for their lives, screaming that the government had paid them to come out and protest. Others turned out to be carrying what seemed to be police identification, though they were dressed in plain clothes.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/blog/201 ... ve-updates Citaat: 6.55pm: We received a very interesting email from a Brit living in Cairo, who does not want to be named: I received a txt message from "Egypt Lovers" telling me to go to Tahrir Square and show my support for the regime! The message was translated for me by a friend and I understand it has been sent to everyone. How did the pro-Mubarak supporters do that? How did they get everyones phone numbers? Perhaps because "Egyt Lovers" are actually the interior ministry...?
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