Factory with Belgian capital in Poland try to fire activist Inicjatywa Pracownicza - 05.02.2011 22:17
Goleniów, SEZ: Attempt to fire an WI activist During the night shift on Februar 5, 2011, the management of Baltic Spinning factory in Goleniów Industrial Park (part of the Kostrzyn-Słubice SEZ) attempted to fire Adam Z., a member of the founding committee of the Workers' Initiative in the plant. Adam did not accept the notice. He informed the manager and the member of the board, Anna Rafal, that he was protected by trade union law. The Workers' Initiative in the Baltic Spinning factory was created at the end of November 2010. Earlier, some workers contacted the Workers' Initiative and informed it of violations of the workers rights in the factory. However, the committee in the factory did not have many opportunities become active, as the plant management somehow got to know about its existence and decided to dismiss one of the WI members. On February 5, around midnight, the managers came especially for the night shift. They called Adam to their office and informed him that due to economic reasons he was going to be dismissed and that he did not have to come to work on Monday (although Adam had signed an unlimited contract). Adam informed the managers that he is the union member and that according to Polish Labor Law and Trade Union Law the employer has the right to terminate his contract only after asking the union about its opinion. The factory of Baltic Spinning is in Goleniów Industrial Park, which is a part of Kostrzyn-Słubice Special Economic Zone. Within the "park" there are dozens of companies, in large part with foreign capital (from Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Korea), employing about 1800 people. However, the local media reported that the companies in the park had problems finding enough workers, as they usually only offer the minimal wage (1386 zl per month before tax in 2011, about 350 euro, that means 280 euro per month after tax). Baltic Spinning itself is linked to the Belgian capital and Spin-group BV, and it employs approximately 170 people who work in three shifts and produce yarn for carpets. Most workers in the factory are women. The factory was opened in 2005, when the boss of Spin Group Poland openly declared, that the company decided to invest in Poland because of low labor cost. Workers' Initiative Poland www.ozzip.pl 5.02.2011 Please, send protest notes to: Baltic Spinnig Sp z o.o., ul. Prosta 33/35/37 Lozienica 72-100 Goleniów, Poland tel.: 0048 91 466 73 80 or 0048 91 46 67 383 fax: 0048 91 407 27 29 Paul Gijbels, Plant manager: paul.gijbels@spin-group.eu Anna Rafal, Financial manager: anna.rafal@spin-group.eu Wojciech Opolski, Operations manager: wojciech.opolski@spin-group.eu Spin-group BV: Michiel Smits, CEO/CCO: michiel.smits@spin-group.eu
http://www.spin-group.eu E-Mail: ip@post.pl Website: http://www.ozzip.pl |