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Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists Egypt nn - 06.02.2011 12:35
Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists of Egypt www.e-socialists.net What is happening today is the largest popular revolution in the history of our country and of the entire Arab world. The sacrifice of our martyrs has built our revolution and we have broken through all the barriers of fear. We will not back down until the criminal 'leaders' and their criminal system is destroyed. Call to Egyptian workers. The demonstrations and protests have played a key role in igniting and continuing our revolution. Now we need the workers. They can seal the fate of the regime. Not only by participating in the demonstrations, but by organising a general strike in all the vital.industries and large corporations... The regime can afford to wait out the sit-ins and demonstrations for days and weeks, but it cannot last beyond a few hours if workers use strikes as a weapon. Strike on the railways, on public transport, the airports and large industrial companies…! Egyptian Workers! On behalf of the rebellious youth, and on behalf of the blood of our martyrs, join the ranks of the revolution, use your power and victory will be ours! Form revolutionary councils urgently. This revolution has surpassed our greatest expectations. Nobody expected to see these numbers. Nobody expected that Egyptians would be this brave in the face of the police. Nobody can say that we did not force the dictator to retreat. Nobody can say that a transformation did not happen in Middan el Tahrir. What we need right now is to push for the socio-economic demands as part of our demands, so that the person sitting in his home knows that we fighting for their rights... We need to organize ourselves into popular committees which elects its higher councils democratically, and from below. These councils must form a higher council which includes delegates of all the tendencies. We must elect a higher council of people who represent us, and in whom we trust. We call for the formation of popular councils in Middan Tahrir, and in all the cities of Egypt. On the role of the army: Everyone asks: Is the Army with the people or against them? The army is not a single block. The interests of soldiers and junior officers are the same as the interests of the masses. But the senior officers are Mubarak's men, chosen carefully to protect his regime of... corruption, wealth and tyranny. It is an integral part of the system... This army is no longer the people's army. This army is not the one which defeated the Zionist enemy in October 73. This army is closely associated with America and Israel. It's role is to protect Israel, not the people... Yes we want to win the soldiers of the revolution. But we must not be fooled by slogans that 'the army on our side'. The army will either suppress the demonstrations directly, or by restructuring the police to play this role. Website: http://www.socialisme.nu |
aanvullingen | Complete text in English | nn - 06.02.2011 13:37
Glory to the martyrs! Victory to the revolution! What is happening today is the largest popular revolution in the history of our country and of the entire Arab world. The sacrifice of our martyrs has built our revolution and we have broken through all the barriers of fear. We will not back down until the criminal 'leaders' and their criminal system is destroyed. Mubarak's departure is the first step, not the last step of the revolution The handover of power to a dictatorship under Omar Suleiman, Ahmed Shafiq and other cronies of Mubarak is the continuation of the same system. Omar Suleiman is a friend of Israel and America, spends most of his time between Washington and Tel Aviv and is a servant who is faithful to their interests. Ahmed Shafik is a close friend of Mubarak and his colleague in the tyranny, oppression and plunder imposed on the Egyptian people. The country's wealth belongs to the people and must return to it Over the past three decades this tyrannical regime corrupted the country's largest estates to a small handful of business leaders and foreign companies. 100 families own more than 90% of the country's wealth. They monopolize the wealth of the Egyptian people through policies of privatization, looting of power and the alliance with Capital. They have turned the majority of the Egyptian people to the poor, landless and unemployed. Factories wrecked and sold dirt cheap must go back to the people We want the nationalization of companies, land and property looted by this bunch. As long as our resources remain in their hands we will not be able to completely get rid of this system. Economic slavery is the other face of political tyranny. We will not be able to cope with unemployment and achieve a fair minimum wage for a decent living without restoring the wealth of the people from this gang. We will not accept to be guard dogs of America and Israel This system does not stand alone. Mubarak, as a dictator was a servant and client directly acting for the sake of the interests of America and Israel. Egypt acted as a colony of America, participated directly in the siege of the Palestinian people, made the Suez Canal and Egyptian airspace freezones for warships and fighter jets that destroyed and killed the Iraqi people and sold gas to Israel, dirt cheap, while stifling the Egyptian people by soring prices. Revolution must restore Egypt's independence, dignity and leadership in the region. The revolution is a popular revolution This is not a revolution of the elite, political parties or religious groups. Egypt's youth, students, workers and the poor are the owners of this revolution. In recent days a lot of elites, parties and so-called symbols have begun trying to ride the wave of revolution and hijack it from their rightful owners. The only symbols are the martyrs of our revolution and our young people who have been steadfast in the field. We will not allow them to take control of our revolution and claim that they represent us. We will choose to represent ourselves and represent the martyrs who were killed and their blood paid the price for the salvation of the system. A people's army is the army that protects the revolution Everyone asks: "Is the army with the people or against them?". The army is not a single block. The interests of soldiers and junior officers are the same as the interests of the masses. But the senior officers are Mubarak’s men, chosen carefully to protect his regime of corruption, wealth and tyranny. It is an integral part of the system. This army is no longer the people’s army. This army is not the one which defeated the Zionist enemy in October 73. This army is closely associated with America and Israel. Its role is to protect Israel, not the people. Yes we want to win the soldiers for the revolution. But we must not be fooled by slogans that ‘the army is on our side’. The army will either suppress the demonstrations directly, or restructure the police to play this role. Form revolutionary councils urgently This revolution has surpassed our greatest expectations. Nobody expected to see these numbers. Nobody expected that Egyptians would be this brave in the face of the police. Nobody can say that we did not force the dictator to retreat. Nobody can say that a transformation did not happen in Middan el Tahrir. What we need right now is to push for the socio-economic demands as part of our demands, so that the person sitting in his home knows that we are fighting for their rights. We need to organize ourselves into popular committees which elects its higher councils democratically, and from below. These councils must form a higher council which includes delegates of all the tendencies. We must elect a higher council of people who represent us, and in whom we trust. We call for the formation of popular councils in Middan Tahrir, and in all the cities of Egypt. Call to Egyptian workers to join the ranks of the revolution The demonstrations and protests have played a key role in igniting and continuing our revolution. Now we need the workers. They can seal the fate of the regime. Not only by participating in the demonstrations, but by organising a general strike in all the vital industries and large corporations. The regime can afford to wait out the sit-ins and demonstrations for days and weeks, but it cannot last beyond a few hours if workers use strikes as a weapon. Strike on the railways, on public transport, the airports and large industrial companies! Egyptian Workers! On behalf of the rebellious youth, and on behalf of the blood of our martyrs, join the ranks of the revolution, use your power and victory will be ours! Glory to the martyrs! Down with the system! All power to the people! Victory to the revolution! Website: http://www.socialisme.nu | IS propaganda machine at work/ Go Belarus... | Pathetic - 06.02.2011 14:23
Party Propaganda out now, it ruins authenticity and integrity! ----------------------------------- For the party followers: "NC: The first things that Lenin and Trotsky destroyed, immediately after the October revolution, were the soviets, the workers’ councils and all the democratic bodies. In this respect Lenin and Trotsky were the worst enemies of socialism in the 20th century. But as orthodox Marxists they thought that a backward country such as Russia was incapable of achieving socialism immediately, and must first be forcibly industrialized. In 1989, when the communist system collapsed, I thought this event was, paradoxically, a victory for socialism. My conception of socialism requires, at least, democratic control of production, trade, and other aspects of human existence. However the two main propaganda systems agreed to maintain that the tyrannical system set up by Lenin and Trotsky, subsequently turned into a political monstrosity by Stalin, was socialism. Western leaders could not fail to be enchanted by this outrageous use of the term, which enabled them to cast aspersions on the real thing for decades. With comparable enthusiasm, but working in the opposite direction, the Soviet propaganda system tried to exploit the sympathy and commitment that the true socialist ideal inspired among the working masses." ------------------ In an interview published in the August 2007 number of Le Monde diplomatique, Noam Chomsky discussed a set of ideas for which he is well known, his “propaganda model” of the mass media. -- “The line [that established commentators must follow] is never presented as such, merely implied,” he said. -- What results, Chomsky believes, is comparable to brainwashing: “Even the passionate debates in the main media stay within the bounds of commonly accepted, implicit rules, which sideline a large number of contrary views. The system of control in democratic societies is extremely effective. We do not notice the line any more than we notice the air we breathe.” -- Chomsky’s view is that mass media propaganda developed as a means of “manufacturing consent” in an era when “progress in democratic rights (women’s suffrage, freedom of speech)” means that “state violence was no longer sufficient to contain the desire for liberty.” -- The “PR industry” achieved social control by producing “in the true sense of the term, concept, acceptance, and submission. It controls people’s minds and ideas. It is a major advance on totalitarian rule, as it is much more agreeable to be subjected to advertising than to torture.” -- Discussing the terms “globalization” and “anti-globalization,” Chomsky said: “[Ideological propaganda in democratic societies] is so effective that even WSF [World Social Forum] participants sometimes accept the ill-intentioned ‘anti’ label. . . . Once democracy has been enlarged far enough for citizens to control the means of production and trade, and they take part in the overall running and management of the environment in which they live, then the state will gradually be able to disappear. It will be replaced by voluntary associations at our place of work and where we live.” -- Chomsky was asked, “You mean soviets?” He replied: “The first things that Lenin and Trotsky destroyed, immediately after the October revolution, were the soviets, the workers’ councils and all the democratic bodies. In this respect Lenin and Trotsky were the worst enemies of socialism in the 20th century. But as orthodox Marxists they thought that a backward country such as Russia was incapable of achieving socialism immediately, and must first be forcibly industrialized. In 1989, when the communist system collapsed, I thought this event was, paradoxically, a victory for socialism. My conception of socialism requires, at least, democratic control of production, trade, and other aspects of human existence. However the two main propaganda systems agreed to maintain that the tyrannical system set up by Lenin and Trotsky, subsequently turned into a political monstrosity by Stalin, was socialism. Western leaders could not fail to be enchanted by this outrageous use of the term, which enabled them to cast aspersions on the real thing for decades. With comparable enthusiasm, but working in the opposite direction, the Soviet propaganda system tried to exploit the sympathy and commitment that the true socialist ideal inspired among the working masses.” -- Chomsky’s own ideology is, ultimately, anarchism. -- On this doctrine, he said: “There are no set anarchist principles, no libertarian creed to which we must all swear allegiance. Anarchism — at least as I understand it — is a movement that tries to identify organizations exerting authority and domination, to ask them to justify their actions and, if they are unable to do so, as often happens, to try to supersede them. Far from collapsing, anarchism and libertarian thought are flourishing. They have given rise to real progress in many fields. Forms of oppression and injustice that were once barely recognized, less still disputed, are no longer allowed. That in itself is a success, a step forward for all humankind, certainly not a failure.” ... --------- See further for the interview: There’s an alternative world... if only we can find it DEMOCRACY’S INVISIBLE LINE By Noam Chomsky and Daniel Mermet Le Monde diplomatique (Paris) August 2007
http://mondediplo.com/2007/08/02democracy -------------------------------------
http://www.ufppc.org/quotations-mainmenu-39/6557-interview-chomsky-on-the-enlargement-of-democracy.html | propaganda machine | Sjerp - 06.02.2011 19:05
Hoezo IS propaganda machine? De verklaring boven is een levendig revolutionair bericht uit Egypte, en daar tegenover plaats jij tijdloze dogmatische haat richting de IS. Als er één machine is die consequent partijpropaganda met een hoog tunnelvisie gehalte spuit, dan is het wel de autonome, die niets anders duldt dan haar eigen orthodoxie. En er is niets pathetischer dan vanachter je computer mensen die nú in een revolutionaire situatie zitten, en die proberen uit te bouwen, pathetisch te noemen. | INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST TENDENCY | Central Committee - 06.02.2011 23:00
REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST TENDENCY Over the past twenty years the International Socialist Tendency has developed into revolutionary socialist current with affiliated organizations spread right across the world. The most recent group to join the Tendency comes from Papua New Guinea. The emergence of an international movement against global capitalism announced by the Battle of Seattle in November 1999 represents the IST’s greatest challenge to date. Out of the anti-capitalist protests a new left is being born. Established revolutionary socialist organizations have to prove the relevance of their politics to this new left by building the anti-capitalist movement but also by developing a stronger Marxist current within it. Just in the past few weeks IST organizations have been prominently involved in the protests at Gothenburg, Barcelona, Port Moresby, and Salzburg, as well as in an anti-capitalist conference in Indonesia whose dissolution by the police provoked international protest. After the Seattle demonstrations a serious disagreement developed between the International Socialist Organization in the United States and the rest of the IST. The ISO (US) has tended to deny the significance of the anti-capitalist movement and has only involved itself erratically in the various protests. Most recently, in April 2001, the ISO (US) gave greater priority to a 15,000-strong pro-abortion demonstration organized in Washington DC by the liberal Democratic National Organization of Women than it did to the 80,000 trade unionists and anti-capitalists who protested against the Free Trade of the Americas summit in Quebec City. Differences of analysis and perspective are inevitable within a healthy revolutionary movement. Unfortunately, the leadership of the ISO (US) took their disagreement with the rest of the IST much further. First they expelled a minority whose sole crime was to agree with the analysis of the anti-capitalist movement developed by the rest of the Tendency. Then they colluded in and publicly supported a breakaway faction in the Greek Socialist Workers Party (SEK) that, rather than democratically debate their differences within the organization, resigned from the organization before the party conference had had an opportunity to resolve the disputed issues. This behaviour, reflecting the profound sectarian degeneration of the ISO (US), amounted to a break with the IST. Accordingly a meeting of the Tendency on Thursday 5 July 2001 discussed a resolution moved by SEK and the British Socialist Workers Party proposing the expulsion of the ISO (US) from the IST. This motion was extensively debated: the three representatives of the ISO (US) were given the fullest possible opportunity to express their views (one spoke three times, the other two spoke twice). Of the 19 organizations represented at the meeting, 18 supported the resolution. Only the ISO (US) voted against. The IST meeting went on to discuss the revival of the left internationally and the mobilization for the protests at the G-8 summit in Genoa on 20-22 July. It is our involvement in the new movement that will help to determine the actuality of the revolutionary Marxist tradition in the 21st century. Report on International Socialist Tendency, SWP Central Committee, July 5, 2001.
http://www.angelfire.com/journal/iso/istmeeting.htm | Imagoschade dreigt door komst van IS | Spijtoptant - 06.02.2011 23:49
IS bij SP NN - 19.11.2005 13:54 De Internationale Socialisten hebben op hun conferentie van 5 en 6 november in grote meerderheid besloten zich aan te sluiten bij de SP. De IS zal als onafhankelijke organisatie blijven bestaan, maar zal naast de huidige activiteiten ook een bijdrage gaan leveren aan de verdere groei van de SP, zowel in de verkiezingen als op straat. (...)
http://indymedia.nl/nl/2005/11/32393.shtml ------------------------------------ SP weert ongenode gasten Door Carel Brendel, 15 maart 2006 Mao en Lenin zijn door er de voordeur uitgegooid, maar sluipt Trotski nu door de achterdeur naar binnen? Dat gevaar dreigt voor de Socialistische Partij, die wordt gestalkt door kleine, rumoerige groepjes trotskisten. Deze revolutionairen kunnen de SP imagoschade bezorgen, juist nu zij het zo goed doet in peilingen en bij verkiezingen en verantwoordelijkheid wil dragen als college- en regeringspartij. Het SP-bestuur heeft een dam opgeworpen tegen de Internationale Socialisten (IS), een luidruchtige groep, die staat voor ‘een activistische benadering die de straat stelt boven het pluche’. (..).
http://www.carelbrendel.nl/2006/03/15/sp-weert-ongenode-gasten/ | Wilders-fan carel brendel | nn - 07.02.2011 00:28
fijn, Wilders-fan Carel Brendel bemoeit zich er ook even mee Indymedia is een plek waarop oproepen, acties enzovoorts geplaats mogen worden, en als er lui zijn met dictatoriale trekjes die alleen berichten die hun eigen goedkeuring hebben willen toelaten is dat jammer voor ze
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