[12.02] Benefit concert: solidarity with Barcelona strikers nn - 09.02.2011 14:11
Benefit concert for the arrested people in Barcelona during the General Strike of 29th of September.  poster  bank squatted for the general strike Socially Inept www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_k5L6u7GxM Fuckin' Pissed www.myspace.com/fcknpssd The Hangouts www.thehangouts.nl Saturday 12th of February, 21 H. Entrance on donation, there'll be food and a mini-fanzine with information about the benefit reasons. Barkoenin Tasmanstraat 4 Amsterdam Solidaritat amb les detingudes, per una vaga general, indefinida i salvatge. .. "Last 29th of September we were thousands. Youngsters and adults, students, workers and unemployed, migrants and “locals”, meeting up in the street, empowering the picketers, facing the cops, attacking the symbols of Capital, of misery and luxury... Making our rage to be respected. Now, the same ones who generated this rage, the same ones who organise our daily anxiety, those who produce unemployment and labour exploitation, those who fill up the neighborhoods with raids and police abuse, those who military occupy other countries, torture and deport, are pointing on us and accusing ourselves of being “violent”. But we answer to this saying: “THE MOST VIOLENT ACT WAS GOING BACK TO NORMALITY”. It wasn't the police attacks, nor the burning barricades, nor the shop lootings, nor the squatting of the bank... The hardest, most traumatic thing, was having to be back to the routinary submission after one day of revolt. Because for one day we stop putting our heads down in front of their abuse, we got united and demonstrated that together WE CAN, that if we move with strenght, the world they've built on our backs starts trembling. For one whole day we tasted the flavor of rebellion... AND NOW WE WANT MORE." Poster found on the walls of Barcelona few days after the riots. E-Mail: anim@squat.net |