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Call out to all squatters; Come to the SASH-demo!! NN - 10.02.2011 21:19
This Saturday (12 February) there will be a demonstration "Stop de Sloop - Voor betaalbaar wonen" (Stop the demolishing - For affordable housing) in Amsterdam. This demonstration will be organised by SASH (Stop Afbraak Sociale Huisvesting "Stop the demolishing of affordable housing") together with a lot of other organisations and neighbourhood associations. Because the struggle for affordable housing and against the demolishing of social housing is a struggle for us all; hereby a call-out to all squatters and supporters to come to Amsterdam this Saturday!! So be there and bring your friends this Saturday, 13 o'clock, Dam, Amsterdam. More information can be found on www.sash.nl Stop the demolishing of good and affordable houses! Stop the sell-out of good and affordable houses! Stop the increases of rent! Stop the budget cuts on rent benefits! Stop the anti-squatlaw! Immediate implementation of arrears of maintenance! For extension of social housing! Stop the budget cuts and social demolishing by this government! Together for solidarity!!! Website: http://www.sash.nl |
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