12/2 Global Day of Action: Egypt, Middle East, North Africa forward - 11.02.2011 08:17
Amnesty International: 12 Feb., Global Day of action - Egypt and the wider Middle East & North Africa  Amnesty International: 12 Feb., Global Day of action - Egypt and the wider Middle East & North Africa
http://www.amnesty.org/en/mena-action Global Day of Action: Egypt, The Middle East & North Africa Demonstrate. Join The Global Day Of Action. Join one of the demonstrations happening worldwide. In Solidarity. In Defiance. We stand in solidarity with the people of Egypt and the wider Middle East & North Africa in their demands for an end to repression, for their freedom, their basic human rights and immediate reforms. We stand in defiance against all those who try to suppress the growing movement of people standing up for their rights, facing down injustice and offering hope for a better world. Please show your solidarity and defiance by wearing black, white or red (the colours of the Egyptian flag). Events to be held in countries so far: Australia, Benin, Canada, France, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Norway, Puerto Rica, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, USA, UK. Supported by International Trade Union Confederation International Center for Transitional Justice Trades Union Congress Waging Peace NUS (National Union of Students) Unison IANSA (the International Action Network on Small Arms) War on Want Human Rights Watch Cairo Institute of Human Rights Studies The Muslim Council of Britain Medico International Gesellschaft fόr bedrohte Vφlker Bonn International Center for Conversion CNCD 11.11.11 Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights Quaker Council for European Affairs Unite Arab Program for Human Rights Activists Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network. Website: http://www.amnesty.org |