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Carter Harassed with $5 Million Suit by Israeli's JOHN V. WALSH - 20.02.2011 06:00
February 15, 2011 He Shouldn't Have Used the A Word Carter Harassed with $5 Million Suit by Israeli Lawyers
http://www.counterpunch.org/walsh02152011.html Eclipsed by the events in Egypt, news from its little neighbor has not gleaned much notice save for media angst that Egyptian democracy might not be as genial as was the Mubarak dictatorship to the relentless, long term ethnic cleansing of an indigenous people, the Palestinians. But news there was as Israeli “human rights” lawyers went public with a libel suit against Jimmy Carter for his precise little book, “Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid.” The stunner to the Israelis lies in one word in Carter’s title, “Apartheid” * Names, names, names. What constitutes an accurate description of Israel? There are many appellations, none of them appealing. The partisans of Israel like to call it “the Jewish state.” But that name carries a disconcerting note. We do not like “Islamic states,” and “Christian state” calls forth images of fascism, bigotry and Crusades. Does “Jewish state” sound any more tolerant? Then there is the very old fashioned label, “a people without a land and a land without a people.” Not even the European colonialists of the Americas had the chutzpah to deny the very existence of the indigenous peoples as they were exterminated or put into reservations, the Gazas of the New World. Though that racist little phrase continued to Golda Meir who denied the very existence of the Palestinians, at least by the time of the terrorist Yitzhak Shamir, the Palestinians had transmogrified into “insects” or “cockroaches.” At least Shamir allowed for their pesky, subhuman existence. Then there is “colonial, settler state,” an accurate name well understood by the developing world as it continues its struggle to throw off the hidden shackles of European domination – but not well understood as yet in the more or less post-colonial West. Of course there is the “Zionist entity,” again well understood by the oppressed of the Middle East, but a mystery to many in the West who have been trained to perceive it as anti-Semitic. Carter has popularized the term “Apartheid,” both accurate and easily understood, a term that has a “stench in the nostrils of the world.” And it is precisely what is going on in Israel and the territories it occupies. Do you want to call Israel a democracy? Fine if we understand that it is a democracy in the same sense that South African was under Apartheid. The apartheid in the West Bank is so blatant that it can be seen from a satellite where the Jewish colonists have their own roads in the West Bank. And if the West Bank is a haven for terrorists, why oh why would Israelis keep colonizing on the far side of the great “security” wall, in fact an apartheid wall. And the allegory of South African apartheid plays itself out in amazing detail here. Gaza, and outdoor prison, is like a Bantustan, a virtual prison where only Arabs reside. Israel proper has Arab “citizens” with diminished rights based on their Arab status, much like the “coloreds” of the old South Africa. And then there are the Arabs of the West Bank, living in poverty adjacent to and separated from great wealth of Jews, much like the townships of the old South Africa. Anti-Arab racism cuts across the society in many different ways. It is a core feature of Israeli society and not just a superficial one. But the great advantage of the term “apartheid” is not simply its accuracy but the fact that everyone in the West and on the planet knows it was wrong in South Africa – and wrong in the US where it bore the synonym of segregation. And so it is also wrong in Israel. By putting this single word into the mainstream of political discourse, Carter has given us a weapon in the struggle against the slow genocide of the Palestinian people. It should always be used – the Apartheid Israeli State or the Apartheid State of Israel or even simpler Apartheid Israel. It is a gift inserted into the mainstream; use it routinely before it fades away. And now there are “human rights lawyers” from Apartheid Israel attempting to sue Carter and his publisher in New York, claiming that the book’s classification as “non-fiction” violates NY’s consumer protection laws. It is a landmark case of sorts since it is the first time a president and his publisher have been sued for violating consumer protection laws. This sinks even deeper into absurdity than the suit of the Texas cattlemen of Cactus Feeders Inc.against Oprah for libeling beef. One of the lead lawyers from the Apartheid state is Nitsana Darshan-Leitner who rose to prominence just out of law school in the 1990s when she helped litigate a case on behalf of victims of the Achille Lauro hijacking of 1985 in which, tragically, one Jewish American was killed by terrorists who took over the ship. But she is silent these days on the killing of one Turkish American and six Turks aboard the Mavi Marmara, which attempted to break the blockade of Gaza. There is a crucial difference between the two incidents: the first was the act of individual terorists; the second was the act of a state, which must therefore be labeled a terrorist state, the Apartheid state of Israel. Recently the Turkish government released its report on the incident on the Mavi Marmara which points to nothing less than cold-blooded murder by the agents of the Apartheid state**.
http://www.todayszaman.com/news-233340-turkeys-report-on-mavi-marmara-raid-refutes-israels-self-defense-argument.html Carter is certainly being harassed for his contribution to the discussion of Israel in the US but it amounts really to a desperate and flimsy attack on him. Nevertheless it shows just how much the champions of the Apartheid state of Israel fear this stark statement of the truth. There is much in a name. Carter has given us the gift of “Apartheid.” Let us use the term ceaselessly so that the truth about the Apartheid nature of Israel becomes crystal clear. John V. Walsh can be reached at John.Endwar@gmail.com * Apartheid: Use traced to 1947 (policy begun 1948), from Afrikaans apartheid (1929 in a S.African socio-political context), lit. "separateness," from Du. apart "separate" (from Fr. àpart; see apart) + suffix -heid, cognate of English -hood. The official English synonym was separate development (1955). |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Political bookworm | Stephen Lowman - 21.02.2011 04:04
Stephen Lowman - 2:30 PM ET, 02/ 2/2011
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/political-bookworm/assets_c/2011/02/cartercover-thumb-190x282-33911.jpg Political bookworm President Carter named in $5 million lawsuit over his "Palestine" book More than four years after its publication, five disgruntled readers have filed a class-action lawsuit against President Jimmy Carter and his publisher, Simon & Schuster, alleging that his 2006 book “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid” contained “numerous false and knowingly misleading statements intended to promote the author's agenda of anti-Israel propaganda and to deceive the reading public instead of presenting accurate information as advertised.” The five plaintiffs named in the lawsuit are seeking at least $5 million in compensation. The hard cover edition cost $27. The suit accuses Carter and his publisher of violating New York consumer protection laws because they engaged in “deceptive acts in the course of conducting business” and alleges that they sought enrichment by promoting the book “as a work of non-fiction.” In a press release, one of the attorneys, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner stated: "The lawsuit will expose all the falsehoods and misrepresentations in Carter's book and prove that his hatred of Israel has led him to commit this fraud on the public. He is entitled to his opinions but deceptions and lies have no place in works of history." Adam Rothberg, a spokesman for Simon & Schuster, said in a statement sent to The Washington Post: “This lawsuit is frivolous, without merit, and is a transparent attempt by the plaintiffs, despite their contentions, to punish the author, a Nobel Peace prize winner and world-renowned statesmen, and his publisher, for writing and publishing a book with which the plaintiffs simply disagree. It is a chilling attack on free speech that we intend to defend vigorously.” Requests for comment from Carter’s spokeswoman were not immediately returned. From the outset, Carter’s book was criticized in some quarters for being one-sided. For instance, in his review for The Washington Post, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/12/07/AR2006120701835.html “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid is being marketed as a work of history, but an honest book would, when assessing the reasons why the conflict festers, blame not only the settlements but also take substantial note of the fact that the Arabs who surround Israel have launched numerous wars against it, all meant to snuff it out of existence.” The suit, Unterberg et al v. Jimmy Carter et al, was filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Its attorneys say this is first time a president and publisher have been sued for violating consumer protection laws. A copy of the complaint can be found here.
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/political-bookworm/2011/02/president_carter_named_in_5_mi.html?hpid=news-col-blog | |
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