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(Greece) Is this how it all begins? nn - 25.02.2011 13:17
A strange thing happened after the General Strike of February 23: some people decided they did not want to go home. Hundreds stayed at the square into the night. The next day, some gathered at the square again. With no political parties supporting them, nor any groups.  One of the banners that has been circulating on the web A fresh call has been circulating for a gathering on Friday 25.2, at 5pm. And another one for Sunday. This alone is unprecedented in the Athenian reality. The riot police presence at the square yesterday and today, the rushed off detention of twenty-so demonstrators at Syntagma last night showed they are extremely nervous and anxious not to allow anything like this to happen. Everyone to Syntagma on Friday night then – this might be a beginning. Website: http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | first call Open Assemby of Syntagma Square | nn - 27.02.2011 13:44
We are the backwash of the staged general strikes. Dissidents, anarchists and communists. Unemployed, precarious workers, migrants, high-school students, university students, poor, homeless and proletarians. We have one thousand thousands of homelands and an equal number of gods. We live the violence of the state and the bosses daily. We are the “from below” and we are determined to crush this regime of illiberality and exploitation. We have chosen the Streets in order to meet and march along with all who share the same need for radical change of the way of organisation of a society that eats its own children. We choose Syntagma square because we want to deprive Authority from its most elusive symbol, the Doghouse of the Junta [the authors write Kynovoulio, Doghouse instead of Koinovoulio, Parliament - an untranslatable play of words --trans]. We believe necessary the formation of a movement that does not recognise any national borders and that is aimed toward the direction of a generalised popular revolt and the setting up of social structures of solidarity and mutual aid that are competitive toward the state. We gather publicly and raise our fists in the air, calling all groups, networks, collectives and individuals struggling against fear and abjection to co-ordinate their efforts away from patrons, mediators and instructors. We call all those who resist the “new measures”, the prosecutions, work-contractors, sold-out union bosses, parliamentary party HQ’s and the informants of the Mass Media, to join their voices and propose alternative solutions and potentials against this regime of death. The time is now, the place is here. Some people from the Open Assembly of Syntagma Square Website: http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog | |
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