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Oman monarchy kills democrats, receives Dutch queen Down with Middle East tyrants - 27.02.2011 18:13
The absolute monarchy in Oman seems not to have learnt from the fate of Ben Ali and Mubarak. Today, they killed Omani workers. It looks like killing Omani workers does not count for the Dutch government. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands will visit Oman next week like nothing has happened. Like the fall of the dictators of Tunisia and Egypt has shown: governments killing demonstrators undermine their own survival. The absolute monarchy in Oman seems not to have learnt from the fate of Ben Ali of Tunisia and Mubarak of Egypt. Today, their forces killed Omani workers demonstrating for democracy. It looks like killing Omani workers does not count for the Dutch Rightist Rutte government. According to Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands will visit Oman next week like nothing has happened. See
http://dearkitty.blogsome.com/2011/02/27/oman-demonstrators-killed/ |
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