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NATO to set up bases in Libya ..!! garizo.blogspot - 01.03.2011 08:33
Britain, France and the United States have dispatched hundreds of military advisors to Libya to set up military bases in the country's oil-rich east, reports say.  Britain, France and the United States have dispatched hundreds of military advisors to Libya to set up military bases in the country's oil-rich east, reports say. Several Libyan diplomats have been quoted by news outlets as saying these forces are setting up bases in the eastern cities of Benghazi and Tobruk -- the two oil-rich cities that have been liberated by the opposition forces. British and US special forces entered Libyan port cities of Benghazi and Toburk on February 23 and 24. Three Indian navy warships are also expected to be deployed in the region. Earlier on Monday, the US military confirmed it has deployed naval and air forces around Libya. A Pentagon spokesman said various contingency plans are considered to provide options and flexibility once decisions are made. Earlier on Monday, the US military confirmed it has deployed naval and air forces around Libya. On Monday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington would “continue to explore all possible options for action." Website: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/167578.html |
aanvullingen | presstv | t - 01.03.2011 11:31
Presstv is van Iran!!!!!!!!!! Weet niet hoe serieus je dit kan nemen. | presstv | t - 01.03.2011 11:46
And the foto is not recent!!! Iran has his own agenda!!!!! Don't believe all you seee on the net. Lot's of bullshit. Check it first!!!! | intervention | nn - 01.03.2011 11:46
 http://twitpic.com/44szx3 Benghazi | Voor de redactie!!!!!!! | t - 01.03.2011 12:18
Verander please de titel waar ik nu post in bv. Libyan revolution of zo iets en verwijder aub. het bovenste bericht van presstv uit iran!!!!! Dan zal ik vandaag veel goede info posten. En dan mag dit berichtje ook weg blijven. Dank!!!! | |
aanvullingen | |