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[Re] FILM ‘Underground Women’s State’ Am*dam LV - 03.03.2011 17:48
FILM: Underground Women’s State’ (Podziemne panstwo kobiet), 2009.  MOVIE ‘Underground Women’s State’ (Podziemne panstwo kobiet), 2009. About women struggling with the abortion law in Poland. English subtitles + introduction by Polish activist from Warsaw. Check out the website of the movie: www.podziemnepanstwokobiet.pl Movie starts at 19.00 in Bollox (Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16 op het binnenplein), around the corner from OCCII. After the movie there will be bands in the OCCII! The bands start at 21.00 o'clock. Address: Amstelveenseweg 134, am*dam. Bands: The Fight (PL) Landverraad (am*dam & contereien) UPFALL (french state) Chaos Is (francia) Website: http://www.occii.org |
Lees meer over: feminisme | aanvullingen | |