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Live Stream Chomsky Lecture 13 March info@chomsky.nl - 05.03.2011 18:39
For everyone who did not manage to get a hold of a ticket and because of the overwhelming response, there will be a Live Video Broadcast of the lecture provided on www.chomsky.n. The Chomsky lecture will be broad-casted live here starting at 14.50 on Sunday March 13th.  ORGANIZE YOUR OWN SCREENING Did you not manage to get a hold of tickets, but don't you want to miss the chance to share this event with your community? Then organize a public screening in your city/village/town/neighborhood! WHAT DO YOU NEED? 1. A computer with an internet connection 2. Beamer 3. Speakers 4. On March 13th go to www.chomsky.nl/live-video-uitzending at 14.50 5. And click Play Contact us at info@chomsky.nl for more information and tips about how to organize a screening. If you email us we will also publish and promote your screening on the website. SCREENINGS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Utrecht * Boekhandel de Rooie Rat Oudegracht 65 Zondag 13 maart, aanvang 14.00 toegang gratis Contact: 030-2317189 / rooierat@rooierat.nl Nijmegen * LUX Nijmegen Mariënburg 38-39 Zondag 13 maart, zaal open 14.00, aanvang 14.30 entree gratis Reserveren via 0900-5894636 (kassa LUX) Website: http://chomsky.nl/live-video-uitzending |
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